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模五Unit2单词 economic adj i k n mik consult v 咨询 请教 查阅million百万cutback on cutdown on Cutin插嘴cutoff切断水电煤气的供应 与世隔绝produce v n 农产品 product n 产品 greed n 贪心 贪婪begreedyfor渴求takeresponsibilityfor对 负责beresponsibleforhavebelief faithin believeinenvironmentalprotection operatoroperation n operateon10 acreditcardalargequantityof 谓动单复数 largequantitiesof11 bewilling unwillingtodo12 tax freegoodssb runoutofsth vt 有被动 useupsth runout vi 无被动 14 arrive v arrivein at15 clearup 天 放晴 清理16 legal adj 17 impresssb withsth impresssth onsb make leaveanimpressiononsb 给某人留下深刻印象18Whatimpressedsb mostis was 给某人深刻印象的是 最打动某人的是 18 clapclappedclapped19 lineup waitinaqueue line 20 desert dez t 沙漠 d z t 抛弃 遗弃21 increasetakemeasures steps actiontodosth makesth toone smeasure按照某人尺寸做 23 administrate v pickup捡拾 无意中 学会 用车 接 接收Pickoff摘掉 25 hurricane h r k n 飓风26 awiderangeof各种各样的rangefrom to between and 从 到 不等27 be underwayontheway在去 的路上 即将到来 即将做 todoing bytheway顺便提一下 顺便问一句bywayof经过 经由 通过 的方法intheway挡道的 妨碍人的getintheway standinone spath28 conserve v conservation n preserve v preservation n 保护 保存29 appreciateone sdoing感激某人做某事 Iwouldappreciateitif 如果怎样我会不甚感激31 low carboneconomy31 letout发出 喊声 泄露 giveaway betray32 consumer customer33 beparticularabout对 挑剔34 beabsorbedin专注于35 hydrogen ha dr d n 氢
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