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牛津高中英语 模块三 高一下学期 AdvancewithEnglish Grammarandusage Unit3 Backtothepast 课件描述 通过设计的活动和练习学习三个语法项目 宾语补足语 either or andneither nor 和主谓一致 WeconsiderourEnglishteacher WefindourEnglishteacher WebelieveourEnglishteacher WhatdoyouthinkofyourEnglishteacher WhatdoyoucallyourEnglishteacher WecallourEnglishteacher consider sb n adj find sb n adj believe sb n adj call sb n Objectcomplement1 Anobjectcomplementgivesinformationabouttheobject 2 Anobjectcomplementalwaysoccursinthispattern verb object objectcomplement3 Anobjectcomplementcanbeanoun anounphrase anadjective ato infinitive abareinfinitive oraprepositionalphrase 可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有 1 名词 Wemadehimourmonitor Theythoughtthisgoodadvice TheynamedtheirdaughterJenny 注 常用名词充当宾语补足语的动词有 call name elect make think appoint choose find consider keep wish feel等 注 充当宾语补足语的名词若表示正式的或独一无二的头衔 职位时 前面一般不用冠词 如 TheyelectedJohnchairmanofthecommittee 2 形容词 Youshouldkeepyourroomcleanandtidy We dbetterleavethedooropen 注 常用形容词充当宾语补足语的动词有 believe think get keep make find set like wish see consider prove have leave 以及paint drive turn cut等 3 现在分词 I msorrytohavekeptyouwaitingforsolong Icouldfeelthecoldwindblowingonmyface Atthismomentshenoticedtheteachercomingin 可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有 5 过去分词 HewatchedtheTVsetcarriedoutoftheroom Lastyeartheyhadtheirhouserebuilt WhenyouspeakEnglish besuretomakeyourselfunderstood 6 此外 副词和介词短语也可以充当宾语补足语 如 Whendoyouwantitback Whydidn tyouinvitethemin Wecouldhearthechildrenatplayoutside 4 动词不定式 Nobodycouldmakehimchangehismind Wouldyoulikemetocomealongwithyou Hebelievedtheearthtobeaglobe 可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有 宾语和其补足语之间的逻辑关系 1 当名词 形容词 副词和介词短语充当宾语补足语时 它们和宾语之间有着逻辑上的主谓关系 或称表语关系 若无宾语补足语 则句意不完整 宾语补足语说明宾语的情况 性质 特征 状态 身份或属类等 试比较 Wemadehimourmonitor Heisourmonitor Youshouldkeepyourroomcleanandtidy Yourroomiscleanandtidy Wecouldhearthechildrenatplayoutside Thechildrenareatplayoutside 宾语和其补足语之间的逻辑关系 2 当过去分词充当宾语补足语时 它与宾语之间有着动宾关系 即 宾语是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者 如 IonceheardthissongsunginJapanese ThissongwasoncesunginJapanese Ididn twantthechildrentakenoutinsuchweather Thechildrenweretakenoutinsuchweather 1 Wemadehim ofourStudents Union 2 Ifindthenovel 3 Pleasekeepthecat 4 Iamoftenkept alldaylongonSunday Moreexampleswithanobjectcomplement chairman interestingandamusing out athome Ihavegotoneticketforthebasketballmatch you yourdesk matecanhaveit IsitonSaturdayoronSunday ItisonnextMonday Oh whatapity Iamafraid I mydesk matecanenjoyit Either neither Either or andneither nor or nor 1 Either or canbeusedtoexpresstheideaofalternatives e g YoucanchooseeitherAorB whichmeansyouhavetwochoices i e youcanchooseanyoneofthetwo Situation WhichlanguagecanIusetogreetyou inEnglish inChinese YoucangreetuseitherinEnglishorinChinese 2 Neither nor canbeusedtojointwonegativeideastogether e g NeitherAnorBisproperinquestionone whichmeansAisnotproper andBisnotpropereither Situation DoyouspeakFrenchorSpanish IspeakneitherFrenchnorSpanish Subject verbagreement GrammarrulesReadthe6pointsonPage50 findouttheusagesofsubject verbagreement MultipleChoice1 Nobodybutthem toknowaboutthematter A wantB wantsC havewantedD werewanted2 20 oftheworkofthewholeyear finishedbytheirgrouplastmonth A hasbeenB hadbeenC wereD was B D 3 Aknifeandfork onthetable A isB areC hasbeenD havebeen4 Neitherhisparentsnorhiswife anythingaboutit A knowB knowsC haveknownD isknown5 Fivedollars toomuchforaticket A seemsB seemC seemtobeD are A B A 6 Notonlytheteacherbutalsothestudents thechange A objecttoB objectstoC objectD objects7 Everymeans triedsincethen A hasbeenB havebeenC areD is8 Thispairoftrousers mysister A isbelongtoB arebelongC belongtoD belongsto9 Ourteam defeatedbytheirslastSunday A wasB hadbeenC hasbeenD havebeen A A D A I whoateachermustbestrictandcarefulineverything A isB am2 WhatthepopulationofBeijing A isB are3 TheChineseagreatpeople A isB are4 Awomanwithababycominghere A isB are5 Thegirlaswellastheboyslearnedtodriveacar A hasB have6 Tofinishtheworkhardwork A needsB need7 Noteacherandstudentintheschool A isB are8 Wheneveranything pleasestayherequietly A happensB happen Manyamanthestory A believesB believe B A B A A A A A A 10 Morethanfivemendiedintheaccident A hasB havethereanypolicearound A IsB Are12 Mytrousersdirty A isB are13 Apairofglasseslyingonthechair A isB are14 Ayearandahalfalreadypassed A hasB have B B B A A 15 Thenumberofthestudentswhopartintheentranceexaminationgreat A takes isB takes areC take isD take are16 Twelvepercentoftheworkersherewomen A isB are17 Hisfamilynotverylarge A isB are18 HisfamilywatchingTV A isBare C B A B
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