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爱国演讲稿ppt(精选多篇) 年终总结ppt模板免费 第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部第一篇:ppt演讲稿第二篇:ppt演讲稿的格式第三篇:ppt 演讲稿第四篇:ppt演讲稿第五篇:ppt演讲稿更多相关范文第一篇:ppt演讲稿hello, everybody,todayi will introducethecontentofthesection 2 .ppt2thesection 2reviewsthemaintheoreticalapproachestothechoicebetweengreenfieldentryandacquisition ,or the choice between to make an acquisition and to make a greenfieldinvestment. and thenidentifies the principalvariables.ppt3at first, i have a question :if a company wants to enter the foreign market, what should have done first of al(推荐打开范文网:Www.hAOWord.cOm)l?a firm whichexpands into foreign markets must choose betweenkeepingor sharing control ofits subsidiaries.it must also decide whetherto acquire an existing local firm orto build a new plant.ppt4simply, a firm whichexpands into foreign markets should be think about keeping (that is to say making an acquisition) or sharing(that is to say making a greenfieldinvestment).ppt5in order to explain this question, thesection 2 divided into the following four partsfirst,transaction cost theorysecond,thetheoryof mergers andacquisitionsthird,theoryofthegrowthofthefirmfourth,capital marketimperfections.ppt6at first, ill introducethe first theory.transaction cost theory, whichexplains whyfirmsinvest in foreigncountries, can be extendedto showhowthe type of advantagesexploited by the investor affects the modeofentry;ppt7then the second theory.thetheoryof mergers andacquisitions, althoughit has been mostlyinterested in explaining whyacquisitionstake place, has also explored why acquisitions are preferredto mergers;ppt8the third theory is aboutthegrowthofthefirm, which has discussed the choice betweengrowth by acquisition and growthbyinternalexpansion;ppt9lastly, capital market imperfections, has discussed howcapital market imperfections may affect the relative cost of these two modes of entry.in perfect capital market case, assuming complete markets, perfect rationality of agents and under full information, the equilibrium occurs where the interest rates clears the market.ppt10the examples will make this clear.the greenfield investors include pharmaceuticals company glaxo-welcome, which operates a highly integrated global organization, and general bottlers, which replaced a local distribution network for pepsi co cola that had - despite restructuring efforts - performed unsatisfactory. the fit argumentation receives strong support in empirical studies.finally, i will make the question onceagain. ifa firm whichexpands into foreign markets, what should have done first of all? who can answer this question?第二篇:ppt演讲稿的格式理想,多么美好的字眼,对于我们每个人来说是独一无二的,我的理想是当一名科学家。 科学的发展可以看出整个人类的进步,为科学献身就是为国家效力。难道说科学就不会被社会所淘汰吗?不是的。 当你漫步在大街上,倘若有心留意一下身边的事物,你便会觉得不同寻常的事物总会引起人们的注意。当人们厌倦了富丽堂皇的酒店饭庄时,那些有时尚头脑的商家便会绞尽脑汁,推出独具匠心的休闲设计。这些花样万千的招客妙法,没有一个不体现出生活原来如此别有洞天。这些变化多端的事物时间一久,很容易被现在适者生存的世界规律所淘汰。不过在未来,由于科学的不断发展,技术的不断创新,使科学在世界上的地位永远不可动摇. 我们可以清楚的看出,导致人类社会和经济发生革命性变化的技术创新,越来越多的来自基础科学的重要突破。科学家对于生命的探索则导致了生命遗传物质dna的发现和分子生物学的诞生,使人们从本质上了解了生命的起源与奥秘,进而催生了具有蓬勃生命力的生物技术工程的产生。作为科学家,就要不断创新,革新技术,改良生产,探索人类未解之谜。百慕大三角、埃及金字塔、神秘的外星人与ufo,这些从小就深深吸引着我的问好,迫使着具有强烈好奇心的我张大后去探索它们。 总之,人类的探索是没有止境的,还有许许多多的科学使命等待着未来的我们去完成。所以,我们现在应该努力学习,打好坚实的基础,抓紧一切时间为自己充电,为将来献身科学事业而做好充分的准备! 不经一番彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香。实现理想的道路是艰难的,上面必定布满荆棘。我相信,只要通过自己的不懈努力,理想一定能够实现的。 理想,顾名思义,就是幻想自己长大后能成为心目中认为伟大、高尚等职业的一种想象,简单的说自己认为长大后的目标,长大以后的职业、工作。朋友,你的理想是什么?是否是为人民服务的理想呢?是否是为社会的进步而努力奋斗的理想呢?你的理想可能是一名诲人不倦的人民教师;可能是一名保家卫国,站守在祖国边疆的解放军,还可能是一位维护社会治安而辛勤工作的人民警察,你要问我的理想是什么?我会坚决的告诉你:一名拥有白求恩精神、救死扶伤的医生。 白求恩大夫曾在战场上的手术台工作时,占长曾向他请求向后方转移,白求恩大夫却说:手术台是医生的阵地,战士们没有离开他们的阵地,我怎么能离开自己的阵地呢?请你劝告别的医护人员转移,而我是绝对不能离开自己的阵地的!是呀!白求恩大夫在硝烟弥漫、弹片纷飞的战场连续69个小时给伤病员做手术,连眼睛也没有稍稍休息一下,这是多么高尚的品格啊!有人说,医生是与病魔做斗争的最前线的战士;是在死亡线上为病人挣扎的白衣天使;是救死扶伤、时刻为病人解除痛苦的安琪儿。可见,医生是多么崇高、多么全心全意地为人民服务的职业。 在日常生活中,我国现在流行的非典型肺炎(sars),更是对医护人员的严峻考验,戴着厚厚的口罩,穿着沉甸甸的隔离服,面对家人的不理解,冒着对被感染病毒的危险在隔离区里忙来忙去,医护人员的困难可想而知,值得庆幸的是,在我果,积极拥现出一大批研究医学的而未毕业的大学生,他们坚决要求到最艰难的地方非典一线隔离区。我坚信,只有好的医生才会医治好一个健康的病人。在这场没有硝烟的战斗中,我国的医护人员在精神上已经取得了战斗的根本胜利。 我的理想是当一名拥有白求恩精神、救死扶伤的医生。为了我理想的实现而努力奋斗。扎扎实实地学好本领,用先进的科学技术为人类造福。 第三篇:ppt 演讲稿slide 1: very good morning/afternoon to dr. olga onoshchenko, ms. aneta dent and ms. legha momtazian. today i am going to present business enterprise and accounting. my presentation is going to take 8 minutes of your time. if you have any questions, you can ask me at the end of my presentation.slide 2: here is the outline for my presentation. at the beginning, my presentation is going to cover a brief introduction of the role of enterprise and application of accounting principles in practice, and then i will highlight the main body of my presentation which contains three aspects.they are the role of accountancy in the long term performance and survival of business and how this informs and supports the managerial decision making process. finally, i will give a conclusion for this topic and display the references which helped me to conduct the literature review.slide 3: here is the introduc
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