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口语交际 2019 五 口语交际应用 共5 小题 计5 分 根据对话 从方框内选择恰当地句子填入对话相应的空白处 使对话完整 合乎情景 有两个多余项 A Hi Grace Lovely weather isn t it B Yes so cool Let s go to school together A Sure What are you going to do after class B I have no idea 66 A I ll have a math exam next week I want to look for some important books and study in the library 67 B Sure I d love to I need to return some books to the library 68 A Great We can play badminton after that B That sounds like a good idea 69 A Well that s a good question I haven t played it for several weeks 70 B OK Let s make it Oh it s almost 8 00 Let s hurry A I think I need more practice B And I can also read some magazines there C Would you like to join us D What about you E What can I do for you F What time do you go to school G Are you good at badminton 答案略 2018 口语交际 根据对话内容 从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处 使对话完整 合乎情景 有两个多余选项 A Hello is this Mr Rogers B Yes it is 46 A I m from the package delivery company 快递公司 I have your package Are you at home B Unfortunately I m at work right now 47 A Actually this package needs your signature 签名 Can I bring it to your office instead B 48 I don t have time to leave my desk A I see 49 B Yes that would be better Can you bring it to my home at 6 p m A Sure that is fine 50 B Great thank you so much A Can you leave the package at my door B What time is it C Well can I bring the package tomorrow D I ll see you tomorrow at 6 p m E What can I do for you F How much does it cost G I m quite busy at work now 答案 46 E 47 A 48 G 49 C 50 D 解析 对话大意 快递公司的邮递员要给罗杰斯先生送一个包裹 但罗杰斯先生正在工 作 没有时间取快递 两人约定好第二天下午六点钟邮递员再次将包裹送达罗杰斯先生家 中 46 句意 我能为你做点什么 上句有人打电话询问 你是罗杰斯先生吗 因此罗杰斯先生 会说 需要我帮忙吗 你有什么事吗 故答案为 E 47 句意 你能把包裹放在我的门旁吗 前面说 我现在正在上班 结合后面的句子 Actually this package needs your signature 签名 可知 此处罗杰斯先生想建议快递公司人 员把包裹放在门旁 故答案为 A 48 句意 我现在工作很忙 根据后面的句子 I don t have time to leave my desk 可知 现在 抽不出时间 正忙于工作 答案为G 49 句意 嗯 我明天可以把包裹带来吗 根据答语 Yes that would be better Can you bring it to my home at 6 p m 可知 问句是一般疑问句 询问的内容是明天是否可以把包裹带来 故答案为 C 50 句意 明天下午6 点见 根据 Sure that is fine 可知 约定的时间是明天下午6 点见 故答案为 D 点睛 7 选 5 试题 由于句子与句子之间有一种相关的联系 所以我们可以在选项中寻找与 空前空后的句子有某种必然联系的关键词 比如代词that this it they 或者连词so but 等 等 从而选择正确的答案 同时注意一些特殊疑问词 如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词 那么就要寻找相对应的答语 或者是根据答语去判断上一句的句式等等 如第4 小题 根 据答语 Yes that would be better 可以判断出上一句是一般疑问句 这样就可以大大提高做 题的正确率 做此题型主要步骤 1 跳过空白速读全文 了解主旨大意 2 阅读选项 排 除干扰项 逐项确定 确定一项 划掉一项 3 将选项代入到文章中重读 以便更正不合 乎逻辑的错误选项 2017 五 口语交际 共1 小题 计5 分 根据对话内容 从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相 应的空白处 使对话完整 合乎情景 有两个多余选项 66 5 分 M Mary L Lily M Good morning This is Mary speaking 56 Who sthat please L Hell Mary This is Lily M 67 Doyouhaveacold I didn t recognize your voice just now L Yes I have a cold I m not feeling very well M 68 I msorrytohearthatAnd I wonder if you can join us tomorrow evening L What s up M Peter has just come back from America 69 I llholdawelcomepartyforhimL Sounds great I haven t seen him for many years When and where M At the Red Star Restaurant at 7 00tomorrow evening I hope you will be there L OK I m sure to go Who else will go to the party M Linda Andy and David I don t have the telephone number of John or I ll invite him L I know his telephone number 70 I llcallhimaboutthepartyM It s really nice of you See you tomorrow L See you A Can I help you B I ll hold a welcome party for him C Do you have a cold D Who s that please E I ll call him about the party F I will show you around the restaurant G I m sorry to hear that 考点 LQ 补全对话 分析 M 早上好 我是玛丽 你是谁 L 你好玛丽 我是莉莉 M 你感冒了吗 我刚才没听出你的声音 L 是的 我感冒了 我觉得不太舒服 M 听到这个消息我很难过 我想知道你明天晚上是否能加入我们 L 怎么了 M 彼得刚从美国回来 我要为他举行一个欢迎会 L 听起来不错 我已经很多年没见到他了 何时何地 M 明天晚上7 点在红星餐厅 我希望你能来 L 好的 我一定去 还有谁去参加聚会 M 琳达 安迪和戴维 我没有约翰的电话号码 否则我会请他 L 我知道他的电话号码 我会打电话告诉他有关聚会的事 M 你真是太好了 明天见 L 明天见 解答 56 D 情景问答 根据后文Hello Mary This is Lily 推测问的是你是哪位 结合 选项 故选D 你是谁 57 C 情景问答 根据下文Yes I have a cold 推测上文问的是你感冒了吗 故选C 58 G 情景问答 根据上文I m not feeling very well 一般表示同情 结合选项 故选G 听 到这个消息我很难过 59 B 情景问答 根据上文Peter has just come back from America 下文 Sounds great 推测上 文应该是提的一个建议 结合选项 故选B 我要为他举行一个欢迎会 60 E 情景问答 根据上文I don t have the telephone number of John or I ll invite him L I know his telephone number 推测可能她会告知John 聚会的事情 结合选项 故选E 我会打电话 告诉他有关聚会的事 点评 解答此类试题时 需要充分利用上下文的语境和逻辑关系解题 找到问题的线索
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