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2019 年四川省绵阳市中考英语满分作文 假定你是李华 请回复漂流瓶主人Mike 的邮件 给他至少 3 条建议并说 明理由 词数100 左右 开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 20 分 To Someone From Mike Hi I do not know who will read this letter But I do hope I can get help from you I am a little nervous these days because I found my roommate might want to go to the same school as me Although he isn t as good as me in schoolwork I m still worried I know I have no right to and should not stop his choice but I do not know what I should do Would you please give me some advice Look forward to your reply All the best Mike To Mike From Li Hua Hi Mike 分析 高分句型一 I m glad to receive your letter Be glad to do sth 很高兴 做某事 这句话意为 我很高兴收到你的来信 高分句型二 Why not call him to talk about his choice Why not do sth 为 什么不 表示提供建议 这句话意为 为什么不打电话跟他谈论下他的选择 解答 Hi Mike I m glad to receive your letter 高分句型一 It s normal that you have this kind of feeling in your age 开篇点明题意 Your roomate isn t as good as you in schoolwork but I think he aslo has his advantage Is he friendly outoging kind or hard working You may can be good friends since you have known each other in middle school Why not call him to talk about his choice 高分句型二 Don t be worried Take it easy Everyone has right to choose schoool If you will be in the same school You should be happy 针对问题给出建议 I hope you would deal with it soon 结尾给出期待 Yours LiHua 点评 在解答写作这类试题时 要根据短文的中心思想考虑如何开头 展开 和结尾 设想几个承上启下的连词 将主要句型 关键词语草草记下 形成提 纲 写时切忌结构分散 废话连篇 严重跑题
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