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Unit 6 7B Name 一 选择填空 1 They buy a present for him A ought B should to C has to D ought to 2 The twins the same but their hobbies are different A looks B look like C are like D look 3 This kind of dish looks and sells A nice well B nice good C well well D good well 4 Why not tell them A how to do B what to do C to do what D what to do it 5 pieces of bread there in the fridge Only two A How much is B How many is C How many are D How much are 6 Don t play football in the street It s dangerous A Yes I will B No I won t C Thanks I will D No I don t 7 Help yourselves to some fish boys A Thanks a lot B That s all right C No we won t D Yes please 8 The quiet girl never talks in class A is she B isn t she C does she D doesn t she 9 You don t take it for a walk every morning A can B have to C may D must 10 Please the pets on the table A not to feed B don t feed C not feed D not feeding 11 Must they go to bed at 9 00 p m No they A mustn t B needn t C don t have to D B and C 12 The baby girl 4 5 kg at birth so people call her Jiujin girl A weigh B weight C weighs D weights 13 Miss Green home for supper now A needs go B need goes C need go D need to go 14 It s very important for us A to careful B to careless C careful D to be careful 15 the dog It may bite you A Don t frightening B Don t frighten C To frighten D Don t frightened 16 She didn t come to school the rain yesterday A because B as C since D because of 17 I need to buy food for my goldfish A some more fish B more some fishes C another more fish D more fishes 18 You play with fire Jill A ought not to B ought to not C not ought to D ought not 19 This book Lucy s Look Her name is on the book cover A must be B may be C can t be D mustn t be 20 If you have a cat as pet You should play with your pet for every day A sometime B some time C sometimes D some times 21 the bird is singing A How beautiful B How beautifully C What beautiful D What beautifully 22 He s very He often plays tricks others A fun to B fun on C funny with D funny on 23 Mum won t let me play football I finish my homework A or B and C for D until 24 It s not good for your eyes to read the sun A under B with C below D in 25 I saw some boys football when I walked past the hall A playing B play C to play D played 二 词形变换 1 Jim joined a music club last week 2 Peter is fat of the two boys 3 He is fifty at little 4 The man call himself Tom is waiting for you 5 The clothes make him look colourful 6 You leave for America next week aren t you 7 There are many mouse in that old house 8 Who sings and dances good in your class 9 There re a lot of goldfish in the lake 10 I want to teach my parrot speak 11 Cats are friendly and you needn t walk them 12 The cat in mirror is it 13 Are you interested in keep pets 14 He return the book to me in 3 days 15 Would you like me play this game with you 16 What an usual day 17 The little girl doesn t have to be made learn She always works hard 18 You d better keep the windows open It s hot inside the room 19 You not ought to keep all the windows close 20 What a love cat you have 21 Tell them not make big noise 22 In some parts of the world tea serve with milk and sugar 23 Some woman teachers are having a meeting now 24 How noise they are talking 25 He has some difficulty eat so much food Unit 6 7B 一 选择填空 DDABC BACBB DCCDB DAAAB BDDDA 二 词形变换 1 musical 2 the fatter 3 least 4 calling 5 look 6 are leaving 7 mice 8 best 9 goldfish 10 to speak 11 walk 12 itself 13 keeping 14 will return 15 to play 16 unusual 17 to learn 18 keep open 19 ought not to keep closed 20 lovely 21 not to make 22 is served 23 women 24 noisily 25 eating
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