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新目标英语七年级期中测试题 2020 5 满分 100 分 时间 90 分钟 姓名 班级 成绩 第 I 卷 选择题共 70 分 写在答题卡上 I A根据句意和所给音标 选出恰当的单词 5 分 1 There are a lot of people and cars on the stri t A straight B state C street D strict 2 Koalas like to eat li vz A live B lives C leaf D leaves 3 It reinz a lot in the south of China A rain B rains C raining D runs 4 People we warm clothes in winter A were B where C wear D with 5 What l gwid does your pen pal speak A language B languages C library D lesson B 根据句意和所给划线单词 选出恰当的音标 5 分 6 There is a library next to the restaurant A B C z D 7 She is tall and thin and she s a little bit quiet A B C D 8 She likes elephants because they re cute and very friendly A B C D ei 9 I m surprised they can play in this heat A B C t D s 10 Potatoes are my favorite food I like them very much A B C D II 选择填空从每题 A B C D四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案 30 分 11 Where does Jay Chou He lives in Taiwan A live B lives C live in D lives in 12 Mike comes from He speaks A Japanese Chinese B France French C Australia China D America Chinese 1 3 Is there a library in your school A Yes it is B No it isn t C Yes there is D No there aren t 14 In what kind of weather we can make a snowman Which picture is right A B C D 15 How s the weather A It s 6 00 B It s cloudy C It s red D It s on the right 16 Please write me and tell me yourself A to to B about about C to about D about to 17 Where Kathy from She comes from the USA A does B does come C are come D does comes 18 I don t have friends in Japan Do you have ones A some any B any some C some some D any any 19 There a big zoo and two parks in the city A is B are C am D be 20 At the of our English class we listen to a song A begin B beginning C begins D to begin 21 Let s walk the park and enjoy the beautiful flowers A across B through C cross D on 22 Let s go to the zoo on Sunday morning A That sounds good B Thank you very much C Yes we are D Not at all 23 Lions like to eat but koalas like to eat A meat leaf B meats leaf C meat leaves D meats leaves 24 What subjects do you like I like history A some too B other too C some also D other also 25 Isn t the dolphin clever He can play with the ball well and walk on water A Yes it is B No it isn t C Yes it does D No it doesn t 26 My aunt works a TV station a reporter A in as B for at C to as D to for 27 Are there any in the room Yes there are A child B news C money D newspapers 28 Mary who you on the phone It s my best friend Ann A are talking with B are talk to C do talking with D do talk about 29 My brother often TV on Sundays Today is Sunday He TV now A watches is watching B is watching watches C watches watches D is watching is watching 30 Listen Who in the next room I think that s Sally A sings B is singing C sing D are singing 31 it going Not bad A How s B What s C What does D Where s 32 Everyone here now Let s begin our class A is B are C am D has 33 Many students are playing sports on the playground are playing soccer are running and jumping A Others the others B Some other C Some others D One he other 34 I can see a musician the drums in the park A play B is playing C playing D plays 35 Who s Ann Her friends A wait for B waits for C waiting for D waiting 3 6 What does Bill s sister want to be She wants A a shop assistant B be a bank clerk C to be teachers D to be a nurse 37 I like a policeman because it s an exciting A to be job B to do work C to do job D to be work 38 We can all it in English A talk B say C speak D tell 39 Thanks for to my party A come B coming C to come D comes 40 Tom and I music now A are listening B are listening to C listening D listened III 完形填空阅读短文 从每题A B C D四个选项中 选出一个能填入文章 中相应空白处的最佳答案 10 分 Dear students My name is Mary I am 41 African 非洲的 girl I live in a small village 村庄 in Kenya It is 42 Africa The weather here is very 43 There are many trees flowers and animals here I have a dog and a cat I like toys 44 I don t have one We don t have a classroom in my school We have our 45 under a big tree Sometimes we do sports Many boys like 46 or playing soccer What s your favorite 47 We don t have computers Do you have computers After school I 48 my mother look after 照顾 my sisters and brothers What do you usually do after school Do you want to 49 my pen pal Can you write to 50 soon Love Mary 41 A a B an C the D 42 A on B next C in D across 43 A cold B snowing C cool D hot 44 A but B and C if D then 45 A letters B jobs C vacations 假期 D classes 46 A swim B swims C swimming D is swimming 47 A subject B sport C movie D weather 48 A help B love C talk D play 49 A am B is C are D be 50 A I B me C my D us IV 补全对话阅读对话 从每题A B C D四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案完成对 话 5 分 A Excuse me I m Joan What s your name please B My name is Kate I come from Canada How about you A 51 What do you want to be B I want to be a policeman And you A 52 B Why A 53 B What are your parents A My father is a policeman and my mother is a bank clerk B 54 A Yes they are B My parents both work in a hospital A 55 B They are doctors 51 A I am from the United States B I live in the United Sates C He comes from C
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