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一般现在时 现在进行时 语法 1 含义 表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动作标志词 now look listen等 2 构成 be V ing 现在进行时的含义与构成 Heisreadingabook 3 V ing变化规则 1 一般加ing 如 play playingwatch watching以不发音的e结尾 去e加ing 如 take takingcome coming元 辅结尾 且是重读闭音节的单词 双写辅音字母 ing 如 run runningswim swimming 三 动词现在分词的构成 把下列动词变成现在分词 dowritehavegorun readwatchgetswimclean doing writing having going running reading watching getting swimming cleaning 四 提示性词语 1 now Eg1 Thechildrenareplayinggamesovertherenow 2 Look Listen Eg1 Look Someboysareswimmingintheriver Eg2 Listen LucyissinginganEnglishsongintheclassroom 3 Itis 具体的钟点 提示后句 Eg1 It s6 30inthemorning LiLeiisgettingup Eg2 It stwelveo clock Thestudentsarehavinglunchatschool 4 Whereis are am 主语 提示后句 Eg1 Whereisyourfather HeiswatchingTVintheroom Eg2 WhereisTom Heisdoinghomeworkintheclassroom 5 上下文提示 Eg1 Whatareyoudoing Iamlisteningtomusic 五 相关的句型转换 1 变否定句 现在进行时态的句子变否定句时 在am is are后加not 常与am is are用缩略式 Eg1 Theyaresinging Theyarenot aren tsinging 2 变一般疑问句 现在进行时态的句子变一般疑问句时把am is are提到句首 大小写发生变化 句号变问号 Eg1 Iamdoingmyhomeworknow Areyoudoingyourhomeworknow Eg2 Thestudentsarehavingclasses Arethestudentshavingclasses 3 划线提问 先确定疑问词 然后把除掉划线部分的句子变成一般疑问句接在疑问词后面 Eg1 Heiswritingaletter 划线提问 Whatishedoing Eg2 Lucyisdancing 划线提问 Whoisdancing Theyplayfootballintheplayground 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答 Theydonot don t playfootballintheplayground No theydon t Yes theydo Dotheyplayfootballintheplayground Whatishedoing Heisplayingbasketball Whatistheboydoing Heissinging Isthewomanwriting No sheisn t Sheisreadingabook What retheydoing They reswimming Aretheyswimming Yes theyare Aretheysinging No theyaren t Theyaren tsinging Theyaredancing Arethey abook No they arethey They re reading aren t What doing writing Isthegirl get up No she What she She getting isn t is doing issleeping 2 否定句 直接在be后加not 如 Iamwriting Iamnotwriting 现在进行时的句式 1 肯定句 主语 be v ing 其它 如 Iamreadingabook 3 一般疑问句及回答 问句 直接把be提前 肯定回答 Yes 主语 be否定回答 No 主语 be not Areyoudrawing Yes Iam No I mnot 一般现在时 表示现在的状态 经常的或习惯性的动作 表示主语具备的性格和能力等 一般现在时的构成 肯定句 主语 is am are 其它成分 主语 除第三人称单数 动词原形 其它成分 Heisanofficeworker Igetupatsixeveryday 主语 第三人称单数 动词s es 其它成分 Myfatherusuallygoestoworkbybus 用法 1 表示习惯性 经常性出现的动作 状态 2 表示目前的状态 3 表示客观事实或普遍真理 Iusuallygotoschoolatseven Sheneverplayscomputergames Theydon tlikeswimming Helookslikehisfather Theearthgoesroundthesun Winteriscolderthansummer 关键词 时间状语 often usually always sometimes nevereveryday onSunday Monday 主语是第三人称单数时 行为动词的变化规则如下 一般动词在词尾加 s 如 helps makes gets swims knows plays等 以s x ch sh 或o结尾的动词在词尾加 es 如dresses washes catches does等 以辅音字母 y结尾的动词 先变y为i 再加 es 如fly flies study studies等 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答 Igetupat6 35inthemorning Idonot don t getupat6 35inthemorning Doyougetupat6 35inthemorning Yes Ido No Idon t Shewaterstheflowers 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答 Shedoesnot doesn t watertheflowers Doesshewatertheflowers Yes shedoes No shedoesnot doesn t 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1 work read clean write 2 teach wash guess watch 3 go do photo 4 study fly cry play 5 have 一 Choosetherightanswers 1 IssheMary she A Yes isn tB No amnotC Yes amD No isn t 2 Are inClassThree Yes Iam A IB heC SheD you 3 OnSunday she computergamesathome A playB playsC playesD Playing 4 Class Let shaveabreak A finishesB startsC finishsD finish D D B A 5 Thepairofshoes Tom s A areB isC beD am 6 Theteacherwithhisstudentsoften theoldman A visitsB visitC doesn tvisitD isvisiting 7 Doesthesnakeeatmeat Yes It A doB doesC don tD doesn t 8 Hashegotacomputer No he A doesn tB can tC isn tD hasn t 9 We gotoschoolatweekend A aren tB haven tC isn tD don t B A B D D 1 Jimusually have lunchathome 2 LiGuanhua be twentyyearsold 3 Howmanystudents be thereinyourclass 4 she study hard Yes she 5 Lucyandlily notspeak Chinese 6 Myfather notdo morningexerciseseveryday 7 Shealways wash herclothesonSundays 8 yourbrother like playingfootball No he 用所给动词一般现在时态填空 has is are Does study does don tspeak doesn tdo washes Does like doesn t 达标训练 一 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Look Thecat run upthetree 2 Thetwins have breakfast 3 he clean theblackboard No heisn t 4 Tom play thepianointheroom Pleaseaskhimtocomehere 5 Listen They sing intheclassroom isrunning arehaving Is cleaning isplaying aresinging 汉译英1 我们正在看电视 2 他们正在打扫教室 3 汤姆正在吃早饭 4 那对双胞胎正在睡觉 WearewatchingTV Theyarecleaningtheclassroom Tomishavingbreakfast Thetwinsaresleeping 二 选择填空 1 Mymotheris TV A lookingatB seeingC readingD watching2 you abook Yes Iam A Do readB Are readC Are readingD Are looking3 Kate theothers A sing listenB issinging islisteningC sing arelisteningD issinging arelistening4 I myeraser butIcan t it A lookfor findingB amfinding lookforC amlookingfor findD find lookfor 三 句型转换1 Iamwateringtheflowers 否定句 2 She sjumpingnow 一般疑问句 3 Theboysareplayingcards 划线提问 4 Heisdoinghishomework 复数句 Iamnotwateringtheflowers Isshejumpingnow Whataretheboysdoing Theyaredoingtheirhomework 练习2用now把下列句子变为现在进行时态 1 Ilookattheblackboard 2 Wehaveourclass 3 Hedoeshishomework 4 Hedoesn trun Iamlookingattheblackboardnow Wearehavingourclassnow Heisdoinghishomeworknow Heisn trunningnow 综合练习三 选择填空 1 Whatareyoudoing I A eatB caneatC eating
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