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第十六课时九年级 上 Modules 5 6 课时重点话题 观点态度 高 频 单 词 和 词 组 公共规章制度 单词 1 adj 位于楼上的 2 n 展览 展览会 3 n 规则 法 则 4 v 惩罚 5 adj 位于楼下的 词组 6 违反规则 7 遇上麻烦 8 禁止入内 9 不合适 10 难怪 其他 单词 1 n 尾巴 2 n 物理学 3 n 化学 4 n 煤 5 n 能量 6 n 实验 7 v 控制 8 n 卡车 9 adj 整个的 10 n 协议 11 n 考试 12 v 未能及格 13 n 乐器 14 n 志愿者 15 adj 必要的 16 n 社区 社会 17 n 知识 18 n 观点 看法 19 n 考虑 20 n 理由 21 v 修理 22 adj 诚实的 23 v 道歉 认错 词组 24 比 较 与 25 所有年龄段的 26 养 成 的习惯 27 而不是 28 最终决定 29 拜访 30 试用 31 不再 32 生某人的气 33 至少 34 零花钱 词 汇 拓 展 1 miss 形容词 找不到的 失踪的 2 upstairs 反义词 3 punish 名词 惩罚 4 communicate 名词 复数 通讯 5 dig 过去式 过去分词 6 whole 同音词 洞 7 exam 同义词 8 fail 名词 失败 9 music 形容词 音乐的 10 knowledge 形容词 有知识的 11 anger 形容词 生气的 12 repair 同义词 13 true 名词 事实 真相 14 actual 副词 15 little 最高级 16 worry 形容词 担心的 17 shout 动名词 18 close 形容词 关门的 关着的 19 five 序数词 20 suggest 名词 建议 重 点 句 型 1 please It s against the rules 请勿喧哗 喧哗是违反规定的 2 the place is empty 这 地方没人就不足为奇了 3 If you the medicine of the past the medicine of today you will feel very lucky next time you visit a doctor 如 果你把过去的药物和今天的药物做一个对比 下次 去看医生的时候你就会感到非常幸运 4 The Science Museum is interesting for 5 I want you to doing your homework as soon as you come home from school 我想要你养成一 从学校回到家里就做作业的习惯 6 If you do all these other things your homework you won t have time to study 如果你做这些其他的事情而不做作业 你将没时间学习 7 I m sorry but that s my 对不起 但那是我最后一句话了 听对话及问题 选择正确的答案 1 A He often helps others B He often laughs at others C He likes making jokes in class 2 A Makes noise B Does lessons C Tells stories 3 A They can go to the party B They will eat them at the party C They can t go to the party 4 A Coffee B Tea C Cigarettes 5 A Mother and daughter B Policeman and woman driver C Father and daughter 听短文 选择正确的答案 6 How old is Tom A He is 12 years old B He is 13 years old C He is 15 years old 7 Does the helpless mother often have a talk with her son A Yes she does B No she doesn t C I am not sure 8 What does Tom spend all his spare time on A His English lesson B Computer games C Talking on the phone 9 Why can t the helpless mother afford all the things his son wants A Because she isn t rich B Because she is selfish C Because she is helpless 10 How many problems does the helpless mother have in this letter A Two B Three C Four What s the matter Lingling 怎么了 玲玲 单项选择 1 2015 济南 Nick is not at school He has a cold A Who s that B What s the matterC How old is he D How much is it 2 2015 上海 You look sad Betty What s the matter with you A I ve got the first prize B I m sorry to hear that C I can t attend the summer camp D I don t quite agree with you 3 2014 白银 What s matter with you I have toothache people 科学博物馆 对于各个年龄段的人来说都是有趣的 8 He could find the documents anywhere 他在任何地方再也不能找 到文件了 核 心 语 法 状语从句 4 5 以及表示 禁止做某事 的结构 A a the B the C a D the a 按要求完成下列句子 每空一词 4 昨天他发生了什么事 汉译英 him yesterday 5 What s the matter with you 改为同义句 with you What s the matter with you 常用于口语中 用于询问 发生了什么事情 类似的表 达有 What s up What s wrong with you What s happening to you If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum 如果你去伦敦的话 一定要去参 观科学博物馆 单项选择 1 2015 贵港 You ll do much better in your exam you re more careful with your spelling A if B althoughC unless D whether 2 2015 北海 I think I ll wear jeans to the party That s not a good idea If you do the teacher you in A don t let B won t letC didn t let D doesn t let 3 2015 来宾 I don t know if Alan to our English party tomorrow evening I think if he free he will come A comes will be B will come isC comes is D will come will be 改为同义句 每空一词 4 2015 南通 If you are not careful enough you ll probably make a mistake be careless you ll probably make a mistake 5 If you stand over there you ll be able to see it better over there you ll be able to see it better if引导的条件状语从句 通常遵循主将从现的原则 主句用将来时 从句用一般现在时 1 结构和时态 if从句 一般现在时 主句 将来时 If he runs he ll get there in time 如果他用跑的 他就会及时赶到那儿 if从句 一般现在时 祈使句 If the green light isn t on wait for a minute 如果绿灯没亮 就等一会 if从句 一般现在时 主句 谓语动词为may might can等情态动词 动词原形 If it stops snowing we can go out 如果雪停了 我们就可以出去 2 if从句在句中的位置 可直接放在主句之后 也可放于句首 放在句首时从句后面要用逗号和主句隔开 拓展 祈使句 and or 一般将来时的句子 或含有介词with without的介词短语的句子可以转换成if条 件句 If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today you will feel very lucky next time you visit a doctor 如果你把过去的药物和今天的药物做一个对比 下次去看医生的时候你就会觉得非常幸 运 单项选 择 1 2015 扬州 When you yourself with others you miss the wonder of who you are A compare B communicateC contact D connect 2 If you compare his work hers you ll find hers is much better A to B withC for D of 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词 3 我的英文水平不如他 My English cannot his 4 他把他的照相机跟我的比较 He his camera mine 5 教师的工作常被比作蜡烛 A teacher s work is often a candle 1 compare with compare to compare with 把 和 比较 常表示同类相比 比较 侧重于两者间的区别 compare to 把 比作 常表示异类相比 比喻 侧重于两者间的相似点 2 compare with compare to与 相比 compare with 作谓语动词时 意为 与 相比 compare with compare to都可用作状语 意义基本相同 可互换 If you do all these other things instead of your homework you won t have time to study 如果你做所有这些其他的事情 而不做作业 你将没时间学习 单项选择 1 2015 来宾模拟 What a nice day We should go sightseeing watching TV in the hotel A because of B together withC instead of D out of 2 He speaks neither Engl
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