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第六课时八年级 上 Modules 4 6 课时重点话题 旅行 交通 高 频 单 词 和 词 组 旅行 交通 单词 1 n 公路 2 n 事故 3 adj 拥挤的 4 n 旅行 5 v 预定 6 v 停车 词组 7 远离 8 一直 保护动物 单词 1 n 蛇 2 n 脖子 3 v 允许 4 v 保护 5 adj 野生的 6 v 筹集 7 n 研究 8 n 形势 9 v 生育 繁殖 10 n 政府 11 v 发展 12 n 象征 标志 13 v 喂养 词组 14 处于危险中 15 对 感兴趣 16 拿走 17 和平的 18 照顾 照管 19 为了 20 开办 建立 21 自然公园 其他 单词 1 prep 除了 2 n 同班同学 3 adv 然而 但是 4 v 提议 提出 5 adj 普通的 一般 的 6 v 描写 7 n 社会 8 n 大学 学院 9 n 小说 10 adj 魔术的 11 adj 足够的 词组 12 最后 终于 13 不知道 14 校长 15 想到 想出 词 汇 拓 展 1 far 比较级 最高级 2 bad 比较级 最高级 3 crowd 拥挤的 不拥挤 的 4 choose 名词 5 how 然而 但是 6 cost 过去式 过去分词 7 comfortable 比较级 最高 级 反义词 8 act 女演员 男演 员 积极的 9 main 副词 10 describe 名词 11 begin 开始 起初 12 twenty 十二 序数 词 13 write 作家 14 tradition 传统的 15 thin 比较级 最高 级 反义词 16 danger 形 容词 17 interest 有趣的 感兴趣 的 18 grow 过去式 19 dirty 比较级 最高 级 反义词 20 peace 和平的 安宁的 21 science 科学家 22 feed 过去式 过去分词 听对话及问题 选择正确的答案 1 A He takes a bus B He rides a bike C He walks to school 2 A 450 kilos B 505 kilos C 550 kilos 3 A Zoos B Children C Students 4 A By plane B By ship C By bus 5 A Somewhere exciting B Somewhere warm C Somewhere educational 听短文 选择正确的答案 6 Where is Singapore A In the northwest of China B To the southeast of China C To the southwest of China 7 What can you see in Singapore A Beaches B Mountains C Museums 8 What do you have to take when you visit Singapore A Money B Warm clothes C Car license 9 What s the weather like in Singapore all the year round A Warm B Cool C Hot 10 How is the living in Singapore A Cheap B Expensive C Thrilling Teahouse is one of Lao She s most famous plays 茶馆 是老舍最著名的戏剧之一 重 点 句 型 1 Tony go to school 托 尼怎么去上学 He lives the school so he takes the underground 他住的离学校最远 所以 他搭乘地铁 2 Her home is school so she walks 她家离学校最近 所以她 步行 3 It s the way but it s also the 它是最舒适的方式 但也 是最贵的 4 I wanted the Beijing opera so Lingling take me there 我想观看京剧 所以玲玲主动提出带我去 5 He s his play Teahouse 他尤其因他的戏剧 茶馆 而出名 6 Teahouse is Lao She s most famous 茶馆 是老舍最著名的 戏剧之一 7 Lao She Teahouse to everyone from all over the world 老舍茶馆给了来自全世界的每个人以 热烈的欢迎 8 But I am see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve because it allows people closer to them 但是我对观看卧龙大熊猫保护区的大熊猫 更感兴趣 因为它允许人们更接近大熊猫 9 Often there clean water 经常没有足够干净的水 10 So the panda is all animals in danger everywhere 因此熊猫已 经成为各地濒危动物的象征 核 心 语 法 1 形容词和副词的最高级 2 动词不定式的用法 3 双宾语 单项选择 1 2015 崇左 Kunming is famous its beautiful scenery 风景 A for B of C as D to 2 2015 钦州 Ms Li teaches us English well She is one of teachers in our school A popular B more popular C most popular D the most popular 3 2015 河池模拟 Ma Yun is a famous man in China now A healthy B well knownC busy D difficult 4 2015 贵港模拟 What do you think of A Bite of China on CCTV It s one of best programs that I ve ever seen A a B the C an D 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词 5 每个中国人都熟知彭丽媛是一个漂亮又受欢迎的歌唱家 Peng Liyuan is every Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer 6 狼图腾 是2015 年最受欢迎的电影之一 Wolf Totem is the most popular in 2015 1 主语 be one of the 形容词最高级 复数名词 in of短语 表示 是 中最 之一 该 短语为单数含义 作主语时 谓语动词要用单数形式 如 One of the best ways to learn English is to listen to the radio 学英语的最好方法之一是听收音机 2 famous为形容词 意为 有名的 出名的 近义词为well known 常用词组有 be famous well known for 因 而出名 be famous well known as 作为 而出名 be famous well known to 对 来说很出名 如 Lu Xun is famous to almost every Chinese as a great writer 鲁迅作为一个伟大的作家几乎为每个中国人所熟 知 But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve because it allows people to get closer to them 但是我对观看卧龙大熊猫保护区的大熊猫更感兴趣 因为它允许人们更接近大熊猫 单项选择 1 2015 广元 What s wrong with you My parents don t allow me with my friends at night A go out B going out C to go out 2 2015 百色 What does the sign on the right tell us Oh It tells us that we to stop our cars here A don t allow B aren t allowedC didn t allow D weren t allowed 3 2014 河池 People under age 18 should not be allowed A drives B drivingC drove D to drive 4 2014 白银 Some of the tired students keep their eyes in breaks A opened B close C closed D open 根据句意及所给提示填写单词 5 2 015 钦州 The Wolong Panda Reserve 允许 people to get closer to pandas 6 It s too cold today Would you mind keeping the window close 1 allow v 允许 准许 常用结构为 allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 如 We don t allow eating in the classrooms 我们不允许在教室吃饭 My parents don t allow me to go out at night 我父母不允许我晚上外出 Passengers are not allowed to smoke on the bus 乘客不准在车上吸烟 2 close的用法 作动词 意为 关 关闭 作形容词 意为 近的 亲近的 常用作be get close to 意为 离 很近 拓展 closed adj 关闭的 关的 raise rise 单项选择 1 2015 莱芜 If you need to go to the restroom in class please your hand A raise B riseC shake D wash 2 2014 贵港模拟 The students in Class 3 planned to sell old books to money to help the new student A raise B riseC make D save 3 2013 阜康 米泉 As the curtain the famous singer came out The fans and screamed with excitement A was raised roseB had been raised were raised C rose were raisedD had risen raised 用 rise或 raise的适当形式填空 4 The price of the building quickly last year 5 How many cows has his uncle 要点速记 考点 过去式 过去分 词 常用结构词义备注 rise rose risen 主语 rise 事物 热情 上 升 价钱 工资 上 涨 不及物动词 不 能用于被动语态 raise raised raised 主语 raise 宾语 升起 抬起 饲 养 抚养 筹集 提高 及
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