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Unit 7 Its rainingPart 4 Section B(课前)目标预习,自主学习一、单词和短语预习。1help n. 帮助(不可数名词); help v. 帮助 词组:help sb.(to)do sth.(help sb. with sth.)帮某人做某事 ( A )(1)Can you help me _ English ?Alearn Blearning Clearns Dto learning(2)我们需要你的帮助。We need your help .2be good with sb. 和某人相处得好( C )(1)He is very good _ the children.Afor Bat Cwith Din(2)Alan在学校和同学们相处的好。Alan is good with her classmates at school.3have a great/good time(in)doing sth. 愉快地做某事= have fun(in)doing sth. = enjoy oneself(in)doing sth.( A )(1)They always have a great time_ each other.Atalking to Btalk to Cto talk Dto talk to(2)我们经常放学后愉快地打篮球。We often have a great time(in)playing basketball after school.4make friends(with sb.)(和某人)结交朋友 ( B )(1)I will not _ a dishonest(不诚实的)person.Amake friend with Bmake friends with Cget friends with Dmake friends to(2)Jill 擅长结交朋友。Jill is good at making friends .5visit v. 拜访;探望;参观;游览 visit n. 访问;参观;拜访 visitor n. “参观者;旅游者;游客;”( B )(1)I have a great time _ my aunt in Australia.Avisit Bvisiting Cto visit Dvisitor(2)我想春节期间游览北京。I want to visit Beijing during the Spring Festival.(3)我们正在参观上海。We are (going)on a visit to / visiting Shanghai.6be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事( D )(1)My sister is always happy_ others.Ahelp Bhelps Chelping Dto help(2)很高兴能与你共进晚餐。I am happy to have dinner with you.7on(a)vacation 在度假 = on(a)holiday; go on a vacation 去度假( A )(1)Tom is taking me _ vacation in Florida.Aon Bin Cto Dof(2)我想要出去度个假。I want to go on a vacation . 8write to sb. 给某人写信 = write a letter to sb.; write back to sb. 给某人回信( C )(1)I have no time at all _you.Awrite to Bto write Cto write to Dwrite(2)她每周都会给她妈妈写封信。She writes to her mother every week.9just right for sb./sth./doing sth. 正合适( D )(1)The water is just right _.Ato drinking Bto drink Cfor drink Dfor drinking(2)这些书七年级学生用正合适。These books are just right for students in Grade 7二、Section B(1a1d)句型学习。1你近况可好? 很棒!Hows it going? Its great! 2墨西哥的天气怎么样? 像往常一样,正在下雨。Hows the weather in Moscow?/ Whats the weather like in Moscow? Its raining, as usual.3我不喜欢多雨的天气。I dont like rainy days. 4你们在做什么? 我们在开晚会。What are you doing? We are having a party. 5瞧,孩子们在公园里玩得十分高兴。Look! The children are having a good time at the park. 三、Section B 2b篇章理解预习。(一)预习课文内容,完成下列各句。1Su Lin is having a good time in Canada . 2Its afternoon now. Su Lin is sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice .3The weather there is warm and sunny , and its very relaxing.4Dave is on a vacation and having fun in Europe .5The weather in the mountains is cool and cloudy , just right for walking. (二)预习课文并选择正确的答案。( B )1Where does Su Lins aunt live?AIn Europe. BIn Canada. CIn America. DIn China.( D )2How is the weather in Canada?AIts cool and cloudy. BIts snowing and windy.CIts warm and cloudy. DIts warm and sunny. ( B )3How is Daves vacation in Europe?ABad. BGreat. CSo-so. DTerrible.( C )4Which sentence is NOT true?ASu Lins aunt is working in Canada.BSu Lin is studying English in a summer school.CDaves phone can work well.DThe weather in Europe is cool and cloudy.( C )5What are the two passages from?AScience books. BStories. CPostcards. DNewspapers.四、Section B2b篇章短语归纳。 1过得很开心 have a great time 2我的一些老朋友 some of my old friends3现在 right now 4在泳池边 by the pool5暑假 summer vacation 6努力学习 study hard7度假 on a vacation 8给某人写信 write to sb.9下个月 next month 10拍照 take photos五、完形填空。Jenny is a student in Hangzhou now. She moves(搬家)to this 1 with her family, 2 Hangzhou is a beautiful place and they like it very much. They are very pleased with their 3 in Hangzhou. The city is beautiful and clean. The people are kind and 4 to them. Now Jennys parents work 5 a bank and Jenny 6 at a great middle school. Everything is going 7 . But there is a big problem. They dont like the 8 in Hangzhou. Jenny said, “Its too hot in summer while too cold in winter. On hot days, I have to stay at home. When its very cold, it often 9 , I cant go out to play, either(也)Thats really 10 .( A )1Acity Bcountry Cschool
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