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七年级英语 Module 1 People and places 重难点详解 We re on a school trip and we re having a good time 我们正在参加学校的郊游而且我们玩得很开心 trip n 表示短途的旅游 旅行 例如 We ll take a trip to Spain this summer 今年夏天我们将去西班牙旅游 On a school trip 正参加学校的郊游 on 表示 在 情况下 处于 状态 例如 These officers are on leave 这些军官在休假 have a good time enjoy oneself 或 have a great wonderful nice time 表示 过得愉 快 例如 We have a good time on the trip 我们旅行很愉快 We re enjoying the school trip a lot 我们非常喜欢学校旅游 1 enjoy vt To be pleased with to like 欣赏 喜爱例如 He often enjoys music on the radio 他常常欣赏收音机的音乐 2 lot n 许多 a lot very much 许多 很多 大量 例如 Thanks a lot 多谢 Anyway we re going home now Anyway adv 无论如何 常用于加强语气 例如 How old are you anyway 你到底多大岁数 She s shopping for presents 她正买礼物 1 Shop vi 买东西 购物 例如 We shopped all morning for new coats 整个上午我们都在买新衣服 2 Shop n 商店 店铺 美 store 例如 Set up shop 开业 开始营业 Shut up shop 停业 At this moment in different places of the world people are doing different things 此时 人们在世界各地正做着不同的事情 1 At this moment now at the present time 此刻 目前 例如 It seems that he has nothing to do at this moment 好象他此刻没有什么事情可做 2 In different places of the world 在世界各地 in prep 表示地点 场所 部位 在 里 在 内 Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to pubs and having a drink have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 pub a place where you can get drinks such as beer and usually food 小酒吧 酒馆 Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet go to the opera 去听歌剧 watch a ballet 看芭蕾 We re looking at the homes of the film stars 我们正看电影明星家 Look at 表示 看 例如 What are you looking at 你在看什么 I m taking a lot of photos 我照了许多相片 lots of a lot of many a large number or amount of people or things 许多 大量 其后可以修饰可数名词 也可以修饰不可数名词 例如 There is a lot of lots of plenty of ink in the bottle 瓶子里有许多墨水 2 take photos take pictures 照相
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