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补全对话 ATom Hi Paul Ihaven tseenyouforyears 1 EPaul Sorry Idon tknowyou Whoareyou Tom I mTom yourcousin 2 CPaul Letmesee Oh youareTom IheardyouwereinCambridgeUniversity Tom Yes butnowIhavefinishedtheuniversity Paul 3 AButnowyouarethinandtall SoIcouldn t Tom Really Iusedtohavesweetfood Iatetoomuch SoIwasveryfat Paul 4 GTom Yes Istillwearglasses Paul Whereareyouworkingnow Tom I minFudanUniversity Ihavebeenateacheroftheuniversity Paul Youaregreat 5 BIcantreatyoutodinner Tom Thankyou butIhaveameeting Paul Allright Seeyounexttime Tom Seeyou A Youusedtobeshortandheavy B Whatdoyoufeellikeeating C Don tyourememberme D Youusedtolikesports didn tyou E Whathappenedtoyou F OK I dliketo G Didyouusetowearglasses BA What syourplanforthesummerholiday B I llvisitmycousin 6 DA Isthefarmbigorsmall B It snotbig butit sreallyaniceone 7 EA I msureyou llenjoystayingthere Whatdoeshegrowonthefarm B 8 FA Whatareyougoingtodothere B I llgothereandhelphimpickfruits A 9 AB Itreallydoes Andthefruitsareverydelicious Ienjoythemverymuch A Aretheysoldhere B Ofcourse 10 GMycousinwillsendthemtoothercountriessomedaytoo A Itsoundsfun B Ilikecountryside C Canyoupickfruits D Hehasafarminthecountryside E I dliketogothereinsummerholidays F Hegrowsoranges peachesandgrapes G AndtheyarealsosoldinmanycitiesinChina AA Timefliessofast B Yes threeyearshaspassedsincewecametothisschool A 1 DB I llgotoanartschool becauseIwanttobeanartistinthefuture A Goodforyou 2 AB Thankyou 3 FA I venoidea Iwanttogotoafootballschool butIdon tknowifIcan B That sgood What stheproblem A Theproblemisthatmyparentsdon tagree 4 CB Haveyoutalkedaboutyourdreamwiththem A Ofcourse 5 EMaybeIcanplayfootballinmyfreetime A Ihopeyourdreamwillcometrue B It snoteasytobeanartist youknow C Theywantmetobeanengineer D What syourplanaftermiddleschool E Butitdoesn twork F Whataboutyou G Whynottellthemaboutyourdream B LiLeiisaChineseexchangestudentinAmerica HeischattingwithJasoninhishostfamily Jason Hi LiLei Hereisyourjuice LiLei Thanks Jason Jason Notatall 6 DLiLei That sright Howtimeflies Jason 7 GLiLei Yes Ido Theteachersareveryhelpful andthestudentsareactiveandconfident Jason It sverykindofyoutosayso AndIhearyouChinesestudentsareveryhard working LiLei Wesureare 8 EJason Bytheway doyouhaveanyplansforthisweekend LiLei 9 AHowaboutyou Jason Iwanttodosomevolunteerwork Shallwegotovisittheoldpeople shome LiLei Soundsgreat 10 CJason Ibelieveyouwilllikeit A Nothingmuch B Doyoumissyourparents C It llbeanewexperiencetome D Youhavebeenhereformonths right E Wearestrictinourschoolwork F Howlonghaveyoubeenhere G Doyougetusedtotheschoollifehere AA 1 BCouldyoutellmewherethesupermarketis B Yes it sonthesecondfloor A Hmm AndIneedtobuyabookabouthistory 2 GB Yes Youcanfindoneonthefourthfloor A Oh Ialsoneedtochangesomemoney B 3 EIt sjustbehindyou A Good Ithinkthat severything Oh no there sonemoreplaceIneedtogo B Yes A 4 CB Yes there sacafeonthefifthfloor Youcanenjoycoffeethere A 5 DB You rewelcome A Howfarisitfromhere B Excuseme C Doyouknowifthere saplacetodrinkcoffeearoundhere D Thankyousomuch E Well there sabankonthefirstfloor F CanIhelpyou G Isthereabookstorenearhere BAnn Thankyouforthebirthdaygift Dad It sthebestgiftIhaveeverhad Dad 6 CAnn I vealwayswantedacomputer 7 EDad Andyouneedittochat 聊天 withyourfriendstoo Ann Iguessyouareright 8 GDad Sendanemail Er justdolikethis 9 AAnn Yes Dad Ithinkit seasy Dad 10 FAnn Iwon t Ipromise A Haveyougotit B Doyouneedhelp C I mgladyoulikeit D HowcanIturniton E Ineedittodomyhomework F Justdon tspendtoomuchtimeonit G Couldyoushowmehowtosendanemail AA Doyouknowwhatisshoppingonline B Yes IboughtalotofthingsfromtheInternet A Really 1 CB Ofcourse Firstly itisveryconvenient Youcanbuyanythingyouwantanditwillbesenttoyourhomeoranyplaceyouwant A 2 AB Yes What smore itismuchcheaperthanthegoodsinbigshops A 3 EWhatareitsdisadvantagesdoyouthink B Well thebiggestoneisthatIcannotseethetruegoods Youcannottryitonifyoubuysomeclothesorshoes A Iagreewithyou Howtodealwiththis B 4 GA Thanksalotforyourintroduction 5 DB Youarewelcome A Thatisgreat B Howdoyoulikeit C Couldyoutellmesomeadvantagesofit D Ithelpsalot E Thatisquiteasmartwayforshopping F Howmuchisit G Youcanreturnthemifyouarenotsatisfied BA Wheredidyougoonvacation B IwenttoBerlinandBavariainGermanyforsightseeing A Wow great 6 DB Well inBavariathereisasmalltowncalledDietfurt A 7 EB PeoplethereareallEuropeans buttheyseethemselvesasChinese andthetownisknownasBavarianChina A Soundsinteresting WhydotheyseethemselvesasChinese B 8 CA Wow unbelievable B 9 AA AChineseCarnival 10 GB TheydressupintraditionalChineseclothingandperformdragondancesonthestreet A Whatanunusualtown PerhapsIwillgotheresomeday A TheyevenholdaChineseCarnivaleveryyear B What sthehistoryofthetown C BecausetheyloveChineseculture theyspeakChinese usechopsticksandeatricewiththeirmeals D Whatimpressed 使留下深刻印象 youmost E Anythingspecialinthetown F PeopleinthetownareallfromChina G What sitlike 的基本撒即可都不恐怖方式 打发第三方士大夫阿萨德按时风高放火发给发的格式的广东省都是方式方式方式度过度过发的发的 OK的十分肯定会说不够开放的时间快发红包国剧盛典冠军飞将 啊所发生的方便的科级干部看
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