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Period Developing ideas课前自学导引只是一个兄弟这是2016年墨西哥世界铁人三项大赛的最后一场比赛。(距终点)只剩下700米的时候,阿利斯泰尔布朗利名列第三,他的弟弟乔尼领先。阿利斯泰尔冒着酷热冲向终点线,但当他转过拐角时,他看到他的弟弟快要倒在跑道上了。阿利斯泰尔必须选择:兄弟之爱还是赢得比赛的机会?对阿利斯泰尔来说,选择是明确的。他的兄弟有困难了。他不得不帮忙。阿利斯泰尔朝乔尼跑去,抓住他,并且开始把他拉向终点线。然后阿利斯泰尔把他的弟弟推过了终点线。这一举动使得乔尼排名第二,阿利斯泰尔本人排名第三。比赛的结果出人意料,但阿利斯泰尔不想与媒体讨论此事。他只是想看看被紧急送往医疗区的弟弟。布朗利兄弟两人从小就参加铁人三项运动。“很明显,当你的哥哥在做的时候,你认为这是一件很酷的事情,”乔尼说。阿利斯泰尔说,他们在训练时尽可能地互相鼓励。尽管有时会因为一些“愚蠢的事情”发生争吵,阿利斯泰尔还是认为有个兄弟是一种优势。“在我的一生中,我有个弟弟总是试图在我做的每一件事上打败我。这是一种非常积极的力量。”在数百万人的注视下,对这场比赛的结局众说纷纭:这对兄弟应该(因犯规行为)被取消资格,还是应该受到高度赞扬?但对阿利斯泰尔来说,他的决定很容易解释:“如果我把乔尼落下,妈妈会不高兴的。”在那一刻,他不再是一个为了获得奖牌的运动员他只是一个兄弟。课堂合作探究1settle v. 和解,结束(争论);定居(P32)归纳拓展(1)settle for 勉强接受,将就settle in 在安家,定居,落户settle into 迁入(新居)settle down 定居,过安定的日子;(使)平静下来(2)settler n. 移民;定居者settlement n. (解决纷争的)协议;解决;处理;(关于钱财转让的)协议(书)As a perfectionist, Virginia was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.作为一个完美主义者,弗吉尼娅就是无法勉强接受任何平庸的东西。She settled in Shanghai after her fathers death.父亲死后,她就在上海定居了。We settled into our new house just last week.我们上周刚刚迁入新居。The chairman tried to settle the audience down.主席尽力让听众安静下来。单句语法填空After the excitement I tried to settle myself .He settled the country after his retirement.They want $2,500 for it, but they might settle $2,000.答案:downinfor2obviously adv. 明显地,显而易见地(P33)归纳拓展obvious adj. 明显的,显而易见的be obvious to sb. 对某人来说显而易见 It is obvious (to sb.) that . (对某人来说)很明显Obviously, hes fallen in love with the girl.显而易见,他爱上了这个女孩。The disadvantages are obvious to us. 这些不利条件对我们而言是显而易见的。It was quite obvious to everyone that it had been a mistake.很显然每个人都认为它是个错误。(1)单句语法填空It is obvious us that he is not responsible for this mistake.Diet and exercise are (obvious) important if you want to lose weight.答案:toobviously(2)单句写作老的方法显然不能满足新的要求。 that the old method cannot meet new requirements.答案:It is obvious1in the lead 处于领先地位(P32)归纳拓展(1)take the lead (in doing sth.) 带头(做某事)(2)play the lead/the lead role 主演(3)lead v. 带路,领路;领导,带领;导致,造成lead sb. to sp. 带某人去某处lead an investigation/inquiry/campaign 开展调查/询问/运动lead sb. into sth. 使某人陷入(不良状态)lead sb. to do sth./lead to sb. doing sth. 导致某人做某事The US took the lead in declaring war on terrorism.美国带头向恐怖主义宣战。He will play the lead role in Hamlet.他将主演哈姆雷特。A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair.有位护士搀扶她坐到椅子上。Her trusting nature often led her into trouble.她容易相信别人的性格经常使她遇到麻烦。His actions could lead to him losing his job.他的行为会让他丢掉工作的。单句写作从头到尾都是她领先。She was from start to finish.是什么原因让他这次考试没有及格? fail this exam?他们正在领导一场运动,告诫青少年吸毒的危害。They are to warn teenagers about the dangers of drug abuse.答案:in the leadWhat led him toleading an campaign2end up (尤指经历一系列意外后)最终处于,到头来(P35)归纳拓展end up doing sth. 最终还是做了某事;以做某事结束end up with 以结束end up as 最终成为end up like 到头来和一样I wondered where the pictures would end up after the auction.我想知道那些画拍卖后的最终去处。Most slimmers end up putting weight back on.大多数减肥成功的人最终又胖了回去。Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a stomach upset.在这条河里游泳的人最终可能会出现肠胃不适。He could end up as President.他没准儿哪天会当上总统。(1)单句语法填空He came round for a coffee and we ended up (have) a meal together.He ended up his speech a poem.答案:havingwith(2)单句写作我可不想到最后和我父母一样。I dont want to my parents.答案:end up like1With just 700 metres to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead. 只剩下700米了,阿利斯泰尔布朗利名列第三,他的弟弟乔尼领先。(P32)剖析本句中With just 700 metres to go为“with宾语宾补”构成的with复合结构,其中不定式to go作宾补。归纳拓展with复合结构在句中常作原因、条件、时间、方式或伴随状语,也可作后置定语。常见形式有:(1)with宾语动词不定式(表示未做)(2)with宾语现在分词(表示主动或进行)(3)with宾语过去分词 (表示被动或完成)(4)with宾语形容词/副词/介词短语(表示状态)With a great many articles to write, he wont have time to go shopping this morning.他有那么多文章要写,今天早上将没有时间去买东西了。He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky.他躺在草地上,眼望天空。With my homework finished, I gladly accepted her invitation.我的作业完成了,我欣然接受了她的邀请。In summer, she usually sleeps with the windows open.夏天,她通常开着窗户睡觉。Alice was lying on the bed with her shoes on.艾丽斯穿着鞋子躺在床上。The teacher came in, with a smile on his face.老师进来了,脸上洋溢着笑容。单句语法填空With prices (go) up, more and more people cant afford a new house. a dream in heart, he went to Beijing.All the afternoon the scientist worked with the door (lock)With a lot of work (do), I couldnt go to the supermarket.答案:goingWithlockedto do2But for Alistair, his decision was easy to explain: “Mum wouldnt have been happy if Id left Jonny behind.”但对阿利斯泰尔来说,他的决定很容易解释:“如果我把乔尼落下,妈妈会不高兴的。”(P33)剖析本句中his decision was easy to explain为“主语beadj. 动词不定式”结构。归纳拓展(
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