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Period Using languageGrammar & Vocabulary Grammar(情态动词二)课前自主预习观察句子,总结规律That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book . The children must have been very excited as they opened it. . they might not receive their presents if they were not good.我的发现以上三个句子都使用了情态动词。(1)句中的could表示过去的能力,意为“_”。(2)句中的must表示十分肯定的推测,意为“_”。(3)句中的might表示推测(把握不大),意为“_”,多用于肯定句和否定句。答案:(1)能够(2)一定;准是(3)可能精讲课时语法一、情态动词can与could的用法1表示能力:can多用于指现在或将来,could多用于指过去。I can play basketball now, but I couldnt when I was young.现在我会打篮球了,但小时候我不会。2表示请求和许可:could语气比can委婉,但回答时只能用can。Can/Could you lend me a hand?你能帮我一下吗?3表示推测,意为“可能”。多用于否定句或疑问句。只是could语气较委婉,含义较不确定。Can he be in the reading room now?No,he cant be in it. Because I saw him in the office just now.他现在可能在阅览室吗?不,他不可能在(阅览室)。因为我刚刚在办公室看见他了。4表示理论上或习惯上的可能性(指一时的可能性),意为“可能会”。Jogging can be harmful to the health.慢跑可能对身体健康有害。易混辨析can, be able to表示“能力”时的区别can用于指现在,常表示自身具有的能力be able to用于各种时态,表示经过努力后所具有的能力Babies can swim when they were born.婴儿们刚生下来时会游泳。(自身具有的能力)Without his hard work, he was not able_to get good grades.如果没有他的努力工作,他是不可能取得好成绩的。(经过努力)二、情态动词may与might的用法1表示征求对方的许可或允许(不用might)对方做某事。May I come in? Yes, you may/can.我可以进来吗? 是的,你可以进来。(No, you cant. 不行,你不能进来。)You may go now.你现在可以走了。2表示推测(把握不大),意为“可能”,多用于肯定句和否定句。might比may可能性更小。He may come, or he may_not. 他可能来,也可能不来。It may/might rain this afternoon. Youd better take a raincoat with you.今天下午可能会下雨。你最好带上雨衣。3may用于祈使句,表示祝愿。May you succeed!祝你成功!4“may/might as well动词原形”表示“不妨,还不如”。I may/might_as_well start at once.我还不如马上就动身。三、情态动词must的用法1表示命令或强烈的建议,意为“必须”。All the students must obey the school rules.所有学生必须遵守校规。2表示十分肯定的推测,意为“一定;准是”。 Betty must be in the next room. I can hear her talking there.贝蒂肯定在隔壁房间。我能听见她在那儿讲话。3表示说话人的一种态度,意为“偏要;硬要;偏偏”。Why must he go out in the bad weather?为什么他偏要在这种坏天气出门?4must not表示禁止,意思是“一定不要”“不许”“不准”“不可以”等。You mustnt stop your car in the busy street.你不能把车停在繁忙的路上。5回答must问句时,肯定回答多用must; 否定回答多用neednt或dont have to。Must I finish my homework before eight oclock?Yes, you must.(No, you neednt. 或 you dont_have_to.)我必须要在8点之前完成作业吗?是的,必须。(不,没必要。)请选出下列情态动词在句中的含义1请选出下列句中can/could的含义He cant be in the reading room. Because I saw him in the office just now. ( )I can speak English fluently while he cant.( )Scotland can be very warm in September.( )Could you please clean this room?( )答案:BADC2请选出下列句中may的含义May you be happy!()I think he may come today.()You may keep the book for 2 weeks.()答案:CBA3请选出下列句中must的含义You mustnt fire without my signal.()Why must he play the piano at noon?()She must be tired after such a long walk.()You must practice your spoken English if you want to improve.()答案:DCBA Vocabulary1request n请求,要求vt. (正式或礼貌地)要求;请求(P17)归纳拓展(1)at ones request/at the request of sb. 应某人的要求(2)request sth. of/from sb. 向某人请求某物request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事request that sb. (should) do sth. 要求某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气)It is requested that . (should) do sth. 据要求The play was written by a famous writer at_the_request_of a famous director.这部剧本是一位著名作家应一位著名导演的要求写的。They requested a loan from/of the bank.他们要求银行给他们一笔贷款。My parents requested_me_to_learn a second foreign language.My parents requested_that I (should)_learn a second foreign language.我父母要求我再学一门外语。It_is_requested_that all members (should) be present at the party.全体成员都被要求出席这次晚会。名师点津request后的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句及It is requested that . 从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。(1)单句语法填空I wrote the report _ the request of my manager.Visitors are requested not _ (touch) the exhibits.It is requested that Miss Yang _ (give) a performance at the party.答案:atto touchgive(2)一句多译他要求我们准时到达。He requested us _ on time.He requested that _ on time.答案:to arrivewe (should) arrive2attract v. 吸引,引起的兴趣(P18)归纳拓展(1)attract sb. to sb./sth. 引起某人对某人/某物的注意attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意(2)attractive adj. 吸引人的,有吸引力的be attractive to . 对有吸引力的(3)attraction n. 吸引;吸引人的事物;吸引力a tourist attraction 旅游胜地What first attracted_me_to her was her incredible experience of life.她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。I tried to attract_his_attention,_but he was still lost in thought.我试图吸引他的注意力,但是他仍然陷入沉思。China is_attractive_to tourists for its beautiful scenery and historic sites.中国的风景名胜和历史古迹对旅游者很有吸引力。Could you recommend some tourist attractions here?你能推荐一些本地的风景区吗?(1)用attract的适当形式填空The tourist _ is so _ that it _ a great many visitors every year.答案:attraction; attractive; attracts(2)单句写作鲜艳的颜色对孩子们很有吸引力。Bright colours _ the children.她吸引我的是她的优雅及魅力。What _ was her grace and charm. 答案:are attractive toattrac
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