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Period 1Starting out & Understanding ideas课时作业(一)基础训练单词拼写1(2017全国卷)We were respectful of craft and _ (集中于) on digging into the characters we were going to play.答案:focused2With the midexam _ (接近;走近,靠近), all the students begin to be busy going over their lessons.答案:approaching3He said the government _ (忽视,不理) his views on the subject.答案:ignored4He is always asking our teacher some questions in a _ (专业的) way.答案:professional5There are various _ (选择) open to you.答案:options6Generosity is part of the American c_.答案:character7I r_ his views, although I dont agree with them.答案:respect8The software allows students to c_ via instant messaging.答案:chat9As long as the job suits your own t_, it is the best.答案:talent10You should not a_ that all men and women think alike.答案:assume单句语法填空1My son said that he wanted to have a career _ painting when he graduated from senior high.答案:in此处表示在某方面的职业,应填介词in。2Whats wrong _ your car?It broke down halfway to my company.答案:with“Whats wrong with sth.?”为常用的交际用语,意为“某物出了什么问题?”3When I was your age, I wanted _ (be) a scientist in the robot field.答案:to bewant后接不定式,此处表示“我”想成为机器人领域的科学家。4Why dont you think over my tips before jumping in _ both feet?答案:withjump in with both feet为一英语俚语,意为“全心全意投入”。5_ (dance) in the street will help you make many new friends.答案:Dancing此处应用动名词短语作主语,描述一种习惯或倾向行为。思维训练完形填空Dad was not only my best friend, but my compass (指南针). While he was alive, he _1_ me with his actions and advice. He taught me one important _2_: “Believe in yourself.”If there was one phrase my dad _3_ liked to hear, it was “I cant.” He never got to finish high school and _4_ two jobs to support his large family, _5_ he never complained. Through education and years of hard work, my dad became an excellent journalist.When I was in high school, I had a _6_ time with math. He tried to help me, but I _7_ struggled. So my math teacher suggested I meet with him at 7:00 each morning before school for _8_ help. I told Dad, “Thats _9_! Im tired! I cant do that!” He replied, “Youre doing it. Ill send you to school.” Every morning at 6:45, wed leave the _10_. Despite (尽管) working 12 hours every day, Dad never once _11_driving me to school.After months of _12_, I was facing the final exam. I was so _13_. On the day of the final, my dad hugged me and said, “Luke, _14_ yourself. You can do it.” His words made me realize I needed to trust in my _15_ and in the hours of work Id _16_. When I got my _17_ proudly, the first person I called was my father. He cried, “Yes! You deserved it!”Even now, whenever I _18_ that a task is too much for me, I think back to that exam. No matter how _19_ something is, if youre willing to work, you can succeed. Im forever _20_ to Dad for that lesson.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是父亲给“我”的一个教训:要相信自己。因为只有相信自己才能让自己的能力得到发展。1A.understood Bforgave Cguided Dimpressed答案:C根据上文中的“my compass (指南针)”可知,此处指他用行动和建议来指导“我”。故选C。2A.history Blesson Cskill Dlanguage答案:B根据文章最后一句“for that lesson”可知,爸爸教会“我”一个重要的教训。故选B。3A.always Balmost Cever Dnever答案:D如果有一个“我”爸爸永远不喜欢听见的措辞,那就是“我不能”,never符合语境。故选D。4A.took Blost Cleft Dfinished答案:Atake意为“从事”。他没有读完高中,做了两份工作养活家人。故选A。5A.so Bor Cbut Dand答案:C父亲做两份工作来养这个庞大的家庭,但是(but)他从未抱怨过。故选C。6A.good Bfree Cterrible Dshort答案:C根据下文可知,“我”数学学得不好,经历过一段痛苦的时期。terrible “糟糕的”,符合语境。故选C。7A.still Bnearly Chardly Dprobably答案:A由but表转折可知,他尽力帮“我”,可是“我”的数学仍然(still)很差。故选A。8A.real BpracticalCimmediate Dextra答案:D老师让“我”7点前到校给“我”额外的(extra)帮助。故选D。9A.wonderful Bcrazy Cexpensive Dnecessary答案:B“我”不想这样做,认为这是疯狂的(crazy)事情。故选B。10A.house Bschool Coffice Dfarm答案:A每天早上学生都是从家里出发去学校的。故house正确。故选A。11A.suggested Brisked Cenjoyed Dmissed答案:D虽然父亲每天上班十二个小时,但父亲从未错过(missed)送“我”上学。故选D。12A.meeting Btesting Clearning Dinterviewing答案:C一个月的学习(learning)以后,“我”面临期末考试。故选C。13A.excited BnervousChappy Dshocked答案:B“我”的数学一直很差,所以在考试的时候“我”很紧张(nervous),担心考不好。故选B。14A.stand for Bhold backCbelieve in Dlook after答案:C根据第一段最后的“Believe in yourself.”可知,此处选C项。15A.teacher Bluck Ctime Dability答案:D他的话让“我”意识到“我”要相信自己的能力(ability)。故选D。16A.wasted Bignored Cpicked up Dput in答案:Dput in意为“投入”。根据句意可知,相信“我”的艰辛的劳动和付出的时光,故D正确。17A.answer Bgrade Cpay Dgift答案:B当“我”自豪地得知“我”的分数(grade),爸爸是“我”第一个打电话通知的人。故选B。18A.hope Bforget Cworry Dpromise答案:C甚至是现在,当“我”担心(worry)某项工作超出“我”能力的时候,“我”都会想起那次考试。故选C。19A.different Bimportant Chard Dinteresting答案:C无论事情多么艰难(hard),只要你愿意,你就会取得成功。故选C。20A.grateful
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