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Unit 5 On the road人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。现在让我们来分享几条中国最美的火车旅行线路,只要买上一张票,背上背包,就能开始一段与众不同的旅行。Road into the cloudsRoute: Xining, Qinghai to Lhasa, TibetTime: 2324 hoursKnown as the highest railway in the world, the QinghaiTibet railwayor “heavenly road”climbs to 5,000meters above sea level. On the way, you can view different landscapes: the beautiful Qinghai Lake, the grandKunlun Mountains, the mysterious source of the Yangtze River, the vast Qiangtang grasslands. When the train passes through Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve, you may even see Tibetan antelopes and other wild animals running on the plateau.Voyage through historyRoute: Xian, Shaanxi to Dunhuang, GansuTime: 2223 hoursFrom Xian, the beginning of the ancient Silk Road to Dunhuang, famous for the Mogao Grottoes, this is a trip through Chinas history. The relics of the great wall in the Ming Dynasty, the Jiayuguan pass, and the snowcapped Qilian mountains are worth seeing. In Lanzhou, you can see the yellow river flowing through the city. As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor, endless views of desert await.Top choice for nature loversRoute: Guangzhou, Guangdong to Anshun, YunnanTime: 2224 hoursThis is a journey to embrace Chinas picturesque nature. You can see dense forests and red soil in the western part of Guangdong Province. As the train climbs to the YunnanGuizhou Plateau, the gnarled rocky hills, karst landforms and layered terraces will amaze you. With blue skies, verdant mountains and fresh air along the whole way, its a good chance to relax and refresh yourself.【注】landscape n. 风景;风景画plateau n. 高原relic n. 遗迹embrace v& n. 拥抱 vt. 包含【立德树人】旅游可以放松身心,开阔眼界(broaden ones horizon),洗涤心境,可以见识世界大好河山(beautiful rivers and mountains of the world)。作为中学生,节假日期间也可以多出去走走,感悟人生,了解各地的风俗习惯(learn about local customs),见识各地的奇人异事,从旅行中学到更多知识。Period Starting out & Understanding ideas课前自学导引写澳大利亚的博客我叫劳伦伊丽莎白皮里巴斯。直到几年前,我还是一个厨师,而且做得很开心,但我想从生活中得到更多。我想去旅行。那时我发现了博客,并发现我拍的照片很不错。所以我决定在我的博客上发布照片。在不到18个月的时间里,有20多万人在读我的博客!起初,我只是把它当作一种爱好,但(后来有)公司开始付钱让我拍照并出版它们。在2013年,我下定决心要实现我的梦想:我要成为澳大利亚第一个专业的照片博主。这是一项具有挑战性的工作,但我做到了。现在我每个月都要花三个星期的时间旅行,有超过46.4万粉丝在网上关注我。我必须对这个国家及其人民有更多的了解。2013年我第一次去西澳大利亚工作。我爱上了西澳大利亚北部,已经来回去过六次了。我最喜欢的一些照片是在那里拍的。我已经工作旅行140多次了,但我最好的工作旅行是在金伯利地区的布鲁姆。它非常美丽,你可以在那里体验到比其他任何地方都多的澳大利亚土著(风情)。特别是金伯利地区,它是独一无二、不染尘嚣的。作为一名摄影师,我喜欢明亮的光线和令人惊异的色彩:红色的岩石、绿色的植物、蓝绿色的水和蓝色的天空。要做旅行方面的全职工作,你必须热爱自然。我尽量利用一切机会到外面去欣赏自然界。我喜欢拍日出的照片,所以我每天早起强迫自己进入自然界。我也喜欢拍摄动物,如海豚和袋鼠。我希望能这样。我用我的摄影作品来影响人们,特别是当涉及环境问题时。今天我一直在拍一只鳄鱼,它一整天都在我们的金伯利探索号船附近游着。当我把这张照片发到网上时,我会对喂野生鳄鱼有多糟糕作出评论。这种鳄鱼习惯于乘客从船上扔食物,现在她对人类越来越熟悉了。随着时间的推移,这可能会使她对在该地区生活的人们构成危险。如果我能做点什么让别人意识到这个问题,那么这也是解决办法的一部分。1destination n. 目的地,终点(P49)归纳拓展arrive at/reach ones destination 到达目的地final/ultimate destination 最终目的地/目标train for destination 开往终点的火车port of destination 目的港the destination of ones journey 某人的旅途终点tourist destination 旅游目的地We eventually arrived_at_our_destination.我们终于到达了目的地。Please tell me your best item of payments, port_of_destination and the way of packing.请告诉我你们最好的付款方式、目的港以及包装要求。This place is still undeveloped as a tourist_destination.作为一个旅游目的地,这个地方还未被开发。名师点津destination用于具体意义时指“目的地,终点”,用于抽象意义时指人的“理想,目标”,该词常用作单数形式。单句写作你可以把行李直接托运到终点。You can check your baggage right through to its _.他们经历过数不尽的艰难险阻才到达目的地。 They encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they _.答案:final destinationreached their destination2quit v. 离开(工作岗位、学校等);离任(P52)归纳拓展quit doing sth. 停止做某事quit school/office 退学/离职quit ones job 辞职Its not easy to quit_smoking cigarettes.戒烟并非易事。What would you say if I told you I was going to quit_school?如果我告诉你我要退学的话你怎么看?One friend of mine has decided to quit_his_job and go abroad for further study recently.最近,我的一个朋友决定辞去工作出国深造。名师点津动词quit的过去式和过去分词是quit/quit,也可以是quitted/quitted。(1)单句语法填空He quit _ (pretend) to be ill as soon as he heard his mother came back.She _ (quit) her job and went travelling in South America.答案:pretendingquit/quitted(2)单句写作在压力下,他别无办法,只好离职。He had no other choice but _ under such pressure. 答案:quit office3previous adj. 以前的,先前的(P52)归纳拓展(1)previous作为形容词“以前的,先前的”仅用于名词前;the previous day/chapter 前一天/前一章(2)previous to . (正式)在以前(3)previously adv. 以前,先前No previous_experience is necessary for this job. 这一工作无需相关的经验。I had visited them three days previously.我之前曾探访过他们三天。There were almost no women MPs previous_to 1945.1945年以前几乎没有女议员。单句写作你以前有过此类工作的经验吗?Do you have any _ of this type of work? 这座楼房早先曾用作旅馆。The building had _ been used as a hotel. 这以前,她身体一向很好。_ this, shed always been well. 答案:previous experiencepreviouslyPrevious to Maybe, but only_if it doesnt look dangerous. 也许吧,但只有它看起来不危险(才行)。(P49)剖析本句中only if意
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