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必修六Unit 5The power of nature(对应学生用书第164页)单词拼写应用.考纲单词会拼写、要识记1waven波浪;波涛 vi. 波动;起伏;挥手2potential n. 潜在性;可能性;潜能 adj. 可能的;潜在的3precious adj. 贵重的;珍贵的4shoot vt. 射中;射伤5panic vi.&vt. 惊慌 n. 惊慌;恐慌6diverse adj. 多种多样的;不同的7guarantee vt. 保证;担保8volcano n. 火山9hurricane n. 飓风10fountain n. 喷泉;源泉11candidate n. 候选人;候补者12thunderstorm n. 雷暴13document n. 文件14tremble vi. 摇晃;摇动;颤抖15sweat n. 汗 vi. 出汗.派生单词能辨别1erupt vi.(指火山)爆发;突然发生eruption n火山爆发;(战争等)爆发2equip vt.装备;配备equipment n设备;装备3appoint vt.任命;委派appointment n约定;任命4evaluate vt.评估;评价;估计evaluation n评估5absolute adj.绝对的;完全的absolutely adv.绝对地;完全地6suit n一套外衣;套装 vt.适合;使适宜suitable adj.合适的7actual adj.实在的;实际的actually adv.实际上;的确8fog n雾foggy adj.有雾的;模糊的9comfort n安慰;舒适;安慰者 vt.安慰comfortable adj.舒适的,舒服的uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不舒适的10unconscious adj.失去知觉的;未察觉的conscious adj.有知觉的;有意识的consciously adv.有意识地11anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的anxiously adv.不安地anxiety n担心;焦虑;渴望12appreciate vt.欣赏;感激appreciation n欣赏;感激;感谢.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1The labs in our school are equipped with a lot of good equipment,which is helpful for our study.(equip)2He was appointed as manager of the company. But to everyones surprise,he didnt accept the appointment(appoint)3He was anxious to leave and he could not hide his anxiety. (anxious)拓展联想“职场”高频动词集锦hire雇用;租用fire开除employ雇用 dismiss解雇interview面试 resign辞职promote晋升 retire退休短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1be_suitable_for适合2be_appointed_as 被任命为3be_anxious_about 因而焦虑4vary_from.to. 由到不等5make_ones_way 前往6burn_to_the_ground 全部焚毁7be_home_to 的发源地8glance_through 匆匆看一遍9have_a_gift_for 有天赋10give_birth_to 产生;生产.语境应用(选用上述短语的适当形式填空)1After work,I usually glance_through newspapers,and listen to the news on the radio or watch TV.2Attracting senior citizens,Florida is_home_to the largest population of elder Americans.3Even though he is a little boy, he has_a_gift_for playing musical instruments.4As soon as he saw his girlfriend Helen, Jack made_his_way through the crowd to greet her.5Its said that this beautiful village was once burnt_to_the_ground during the war.拓展联想“under名词”结构荟萃under repair在修理中under attack 遭受攻击under control 在控制中under pressure 在压力下under discussion 在讨论中under construction 在建造中under consideration 在考虑中“v.through”相关短语面面观cut through开辟break through 突破pull through 康复;痊愈go through 通(穿)过;完成;接通电话look through 浏览;翻阅;仔细查看句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.be about to do.when.正要这时I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.1.我正要去你家帮助你学英语,这时我叔叔来了。I was_about_to_go to your home to help you with your English when my uncle came.2.this being my first experience独立主格结构The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.2.钟表鸣报12点了,于是我脱衣上床。The_clock_striking_twelve,I took off my clothes and went to bed.3.It is said that.据说It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.3.据报道他由于在新浪微博上传播谣言已被逮捕。It_is_reported_that he had been arrested for spreading rumors on Sina Weibo.(对应学生用书第165页)精讲5个考纲单词 appoint vt.约定;指定(时间、地点等);任命;委派高考佳句I was appointed to take charge of arranging all the activities on that day.(天津高考)我被指定负责安排那一天的所有活动。(1)appoint sb.(as/to be).任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth. 委派某人做某事(2)appointment n. 任命;约会make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会/预约keep/break an appointment 守/违约I have a tight schedule today,so lets appoint another day for the rest of our business.今天我的日程很满,所以我们再约一天来处理其余的事吧。If you want to see the doctor,youd better make an appointment(appoint)with him in advance.如果你想看医生,最好事先跟他预约好。 链接写作她是这些年来唯一一个被选进董事会的女性。She is the only one of the women who_has_been_appointed_to the board these years.(定语从句)She is the only one of the women appointed_to the board these years.(非谓语) suit n一套外衣;套装 vt.适合;使适宜高考佳句If not, let me know what time suits you best.(2016年全国卷)如果不方便,请告诉我什么时间最适合你。(1)suit sb.适合某人suit ones needs 适合某人的需要(2)suitable adj. 适当的;相配的be suitable for sb./sth. 适合于某人/某物be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事To students,youd better choose the activities which interest you and suit you.(四川高考)对学生们来说,你最好选择那些你感兴趣并适合你的活动。Suitable (suit) school uniforms can not only show good discipline but also make us look more active.合适的校服不仅能展示良好的纪律而且使我们看上去更有活力。 链接写作首先,因为我的英语口语很流利,我认为我非常适合这份工作。(普通表达)Firstly,because my spoken English is fluent,I think I am_very_fit_for this job.(高级表达)Firstly, because my spoken English is fluent, I think I am_very_suitable_for this job. anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的高考佳句Anxiou
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