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Unit3综合测评(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(5分)听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍(5分)6.A.After school.B.On weekends.C.On vacation.7.A.At home.B.At school.C.In the classroom.8.A.Student and teacher.B.Student and student.C.Teacher and teacher.9.A.Yes.B.No.C.We dont know.10.A.Invite her friends.B.Clean her room.C.Buy some drinks.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍(5分)11.Jimmy likes bedroom because he likes .A.watching TVB.sleepingC.doing many things12.Vicky likes .A.watching TVB.doing thingsC.eating13.There is/are chair(s) and table(s) in my dining room.A.one; fourB.four; oneC.one; some14.Who can cook but doesnt like cooking? A.Me.B.My father.C.My mother.15.There are people mentioned(提到) in the story.A.fourB.sixC.five第卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16. I was in the US, I made a lot of American friends.A.WhileB.AlthoughC.IfD.Until17.Mrs. Brown us with enough food and water.Oh, she is a kind woman.A.refusedB.agreedC.providedD.gave18.The speech is really boring! I agree with you. It is a of time to listen to it.A.resultB.stressC.floorD.waste19.Which do you like, the blue one or the red one? . I like the pink one.A.EitherB.EachC.NeitherD.Both20.Lisa, we need to clean the kitchen. Could you the rubbish? Yes, sure.A.take afterB.take offC.take care ofD.take out21.Why are you so tired these days? Well, I have homework to do.A.too muchB.too manyC.much tooD.many too22.Mr. Li asks us to remember thatcareful we are, mistakes we will make.A.the more; the fewerB.the fewer; the moreC.the more; the moreD.the less; the fewer23.We know that all living things the sun for their growth.A.work onB.pass onC.grow onD.depend on24.Tom, could you please the box? Its for your sister.A.not openB.dont openC.not to openD.to not open25.Can I your bike? Sure. But you mustnt it to others.A.borrow; lendB.keep; lendC.lend; borrowD.keep; borrow.完形填空(10分)Its difficult for the parents of every family to teach their children to be responsible(有责任的) for housework.The Shatian School in Shanghai is making 26 students do the housework for their parents. Third graders must learn 27 to cook and clean, sixth graders wash the clothes, 28 seventh and eighth graders cook meals with 15 yuan.Many parents think its a good way29 children to try housework, but they dont 30 how to do it at home. With the following ideas, you can get your31 to help at home.If you want to make your children32 that they can do everything quite right, please 33 them lots of praise at home. Talk more about what they did 34, not about what they didnt do. If your children 35 doing some difficult work, give them a Sunday trip or a ball game as a prize.26.A.itsB.itsC.itD.itself27.A.whatB.whenC.whereD.how28.A.andB.butC.orD.so29.A.ofB.forC.toD.with30.A.makeB.takeC.knowD.think31.A.parentsB.studentsC.childrenD.teachers32.A.to thinkB.thinkingC.thinkD.thought33.A.keepB.lendC.inviteD.give34.A.rightB.wrongC.trueD.real35.A.getB.finishC.wantD.decide.阅读理解(20分)AMr. Clarke hated to do the housework. He wouldnt stay at home on weekends, as his wife always told him to do some washing or cleaning, or he had to cook for his family. So he always made some excuses on Friday evenings.Recently Mr. Clarke became interested in playing cards, but he was afraid to let his wife know. So every Sunday afternoon he brought some fish home. It made his wife happy and she never asked where he spent his weekends.One Saturday morning, Mr. Clarke left home at 7 oclock. He took a bus and got off at a stop near a small town. His friends were waiting for him in a small hotel. They played cards there. Mr. Clarke didnt go home until 7 oclock on Sunday evening. He went into the shop near the bus stop as usual. As soon as the shopkeeper saw him, the man said,“Im sorry, Mr. Clarke. I have no fish today. What about some chicken legs?”“Dont be silly!” said Mr. Clarke.“I cant tell my wife that I have fished some chicken legs. Can I?”36.Mr. Clarke didnt want to stay at home on weekends because .A.he wouldnt do any houseworkB.he didnt love his wifeC.he was very busyD.he wanted to stay in a hotel37.What was Mr. Clarke interested in? A.Fishing.B.Playing cards.C.Shopping.D.Swimming.38.How long was Mr. Clarke away from his home? A.About 24 hours.B.About 36 hours.C.About 48 hours.D.About 72 hours.39.Mr. Clarke played cards with his friends .A.at homeB.in a shopC.in a hotelD.at hospital40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Mr. Clarke hardly stayed at home on weekends.B.Mr. Clarke played cards only this weekend.C.Mrs. Clarke believed he fished on weekends.D.Mr. Clarke didnt like to do t
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