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Unit 4 Then and nowPart A 第一课时一、读一读,翻译下列单词。 1. easy ( ) 2. before ( )3. look up ( ) 4. Internet ( ) 5. ago ( ) 6. change ( ) 7. took ( ) 8. at all ( ) 9. star ( ) 10. time ( ) 二、读一读,选择正确的选项。( ) 1. Tell me about your new school, please. _.A. The teachers office is on the second floor.B. There was no gym in my time.C. There is a new library in it.( ) 2. Could you see stars at night? _.A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, I could saw them on the hill.C. No, I could. I liked stars.三、阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。This was my school five years ago. There was no library or gym in my old school. There were no computers either. I was in Grade 1 and we had to have PE class in the classroom because there was no playground outside. Now our school has changed a lot. I love the new school. ( ) 1. My school has changed a little. ( ) 2. There were some computers in my school five years ago. ( ) 3. Im now in Grade Six. ( ) 4. There was one small playground in my old school.答案:一、1. 简单的 2. 之前 3. 查找 4. 网络 5. 之前 6. 改变 7. 花费 8. 一点也不 9. 星星 10. 时代二、1. C 2. B 三、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F
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