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语法专题(四)数词11. He climbed so fast that he reached floor in two minutes.A.nine B.the nine C.the ninth D.ninth 12. July 1st of this year is the birthday of the CPC(中国共产党).A.ninety-sevenB.ninetieth-seventh C.ninetieth-seven D.ninety-seventh13. Meimei is going to be an elder sister.Her parents are planning to have their child.A.one B.twoC.firstD.second14.How many friends will come to your birthday party?About .A.twelfth; twelve B.twelveth; twelve C.twelve; twelfth D.twelve; twelve15. Please turn to page and take a look at the picture on it.A.the eightieth B.eighty C.eighties D.eightieth 16.Mum, the beautiful card I made last night is just for your birthday.Oh, thank you, my dear!A.forty B.fourteen C.fortieth D.fourth17.Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here?Sure.I visited this city three years ago so this is my time here.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth18. There are twelve boys and thirteen girls in Class Four, which means students in total.A.33 B.25 C.13 D.12 19. In our city, the number of the teachers about 2,000, but only about of them are men teachers.A.is; seven hundreds B.are; seven hundred C.is; seven hundred D.are; seven hundreds20. Today is Jacks birthday.He is years old now.A.fourteen B.fourteenth C.the fourteenth D.the fourteen21.We have sixty students in our class. of them are boys.How many girls are there, do you know?There are twenty girls.A.One third B.Two thirds C.One quarter D.A half22.When he arrived at the airport, Lee Minho found that fans were waiting for him there.A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of23.Have you ever come to Xichang before? Yes.This is my visit to Xichang.I have come here twice before.A.two B.second C.three D.third24.Please turn to page and read thestory.A.ten; two B.ten; second C.tenth; second D.tenth; two25.In this test, were asked to write a passage of about.A.80-words B.80-word C.80 words D.80 words参考答案【综合能力提升】11.C12.D13.D14.A15.B16.C17.B18.B19.C20.A21.B22.D23.D24.B25.C
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