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精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 1 Unit 1 My day 说课稿 Part A Let s learn Read and write 尊敬的各位老师 很高兴能够在这个特殊的场合和各位对英语教 学进行交流 不足的地方请各位老师多多指教 我说课的内容是人民教育出版社PEP 五年级下册 Unit 1 My day A 部分的 Let s learn 和 Read and writ 下面 我将从说教材 说教 法 说学法 说教学程序 说板书设计五个板块进行说课 一 说教材 1 教材分析 本课选自义务教育PEP小学英语教科书五年级下册教材第一单 元 重点学习一天中不同时间段内学习和生活起居情况以及周末活动 安排的表达 尤其是学会使用频度副词谈论日常生活 本单元内容与 日常生活息息相关 容易激发学生的学习兴趣和思想共鸣 便于学生 在学习中理解和运用 学生有话可说 可以培养学生的语言交际能力 本课时是 A部分的 Let s learn和 Read and write 我把它设置为本单 元的第一课时 它是整个单元的重点 占有很重要在地位 为后面课 时的学习做铺垫 2 教学目标 英语课程标准 指出 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣 使学 生树立自信心 养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略 发展学 生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务 在认真分 析教材的基础上 我针对学生实际 将本课时的教学目标确定如下 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 2 1 知识目标 能够正确听 说 认读短语 do morning exercises eat breakfast have class play sports eat dinner和能够正确听 说 朗读 When do you I at 等询问他人和表达自己作息时间的交际 用语 2 能力目标 能够听懂 会说句型 When do you I at 并根据实际情况运用所学动词短语表达自己的作息时间 3 情感目标 引导学生养成良好的作息习惯 3 教学重点和难点 1 教学重点 掌握 Let s learn中的五个动词短语 并能用这五个 短语询问和回答作息时间 2 教学难点 掌握五个短语 exercises和 breakfast 的正确发音 二 说教法 为了突破这堂课的重难点 我本着贯彻新课标以学生为主体 教 师为主导的理念 根据小学生好动 模仿能力强 表现欲旺盛等生理 和心理特点 主要采取 TPR全身反应教学法 直观教学法 游戏教学 法和任务型教学法 让学生在教师的指导下主动参与到教学活动中 来 改变传统 授受 的教学模式 培养学生学习英语的兴趣 三 说学法 结合以上的教学方法 引导学生在学习本课时采用模仿 合作的 学习方式 为学生营造一个轻松 愉快的学习氛围 让每个学生都有 机会说英语 敢开口说英语 增强学生学习英语的自信心 同时学生 在合作交流的过程中培养了自主学习的能力和合作精神 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 3 以上就是我对学生学习方法的指导 最后我详细地来说一说教学 程序 四 Teaching procedures I will finish this lesson in 5 steps Step 1 Warming up 3 mins 1 Greetings 1 mins I will greet with students as usual to make students relax T Hello boys and girls How are you Ss Hello Miss XX I m fine thank you What about you You re fine T I m fine too thanks What s the weather like Ss It s sunny Oh It s a sunny day It s a beautiful day Let s start our class 2 Sing a song 2 mins According to the psychological characteristics of children singing a song can make Ss feel relaxed and satisfied The teacher asks Ss stand up and clap their hands with music which can arouse exciting motion and Ss are quickly into a happy English studying atmosphere In this song Ss will review the words and sentences they have learned last term do homework watch TV read books play football What do you often do on the weekend I often Ss are familiar with these words and sentences so they will be confident It s helpful for Ss learning new knowledge 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 4 T Everybody stand up Clap your hands Sing a song with me Are you ready Ss I m ready What do you often do on the weekend I often watch watch TV What do you often do on the weekend I often play play football What do you often do on the weekend I often read read books What do you often do on the weekend I often do do homework Step 2 Lead in 2 mins Ss are curious about teachers so I will talk about my day and tell them how I spend my day In this way Ss will learn more about teachers and it can narrow the gap between teachers and students At the same time I can lead in the topic my day Then I will tell Ss that we will meet a new friend Pedro What does Pedro do in his day Ss must are very interested in it so they will study new knowledge actively T I often get up at 6 o clock go to school at 7 20 go home at 5 p m and go to bed at 9 p m This is my day 板书标题Unit 1 My day Today we will meet a new friend Pedro What does he do in his day Turn to page 5 and let s see it 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 5 Step 3 Presentation and Practice 25 mins Now I will mainly talk about this step In this step I will use body language pictures and games to help Ss understand the meaning of words Then I will lead Ss learn the main sentences in a real situation 1 Let s guess 10 mins The teacher does actions and shows pictures do morning exercises eat breakfast have class play sports and eat dinner and let Ss guess the meaning of words 板书词组 do exercises eat breakfast have class play sports and eat dinner Then Ss read after teacher When teach exercises and breakfast I will divide them into two parts exer cises break fast Ss firstly read them slowly and loudly and then read them quickly T What does Pedro do Look at this picture and look at me What does it mean Ss 做早操 T Great 做早操 晨练 Do morning exercises And then look at these pictures What does Pedro do eat breakfast have class play sports and eat dinner 2 Let s play 2 minus It considers that children can keep their attentions in limited time The game can avoid the lifelessness and boredom from the pure machine practice It can form a relaxing and natural atmosphere for practicing Ss 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 6 can achieve the aim of consolidating and deepening the words Say words in a loud or low voice and do actions If the teacher speaks loudly Ss should speak lowly and if the teacher speaks lowly Ss should speak loudly If some Ss break the rules they should stand up and say the words loudly Hence Ss will pay attention to the class For example T do morning exercises Loudly Ss do morning exercises Lowly T eat breakfast Lowly Ss eat breakfast Loudly 3 Let s say 10 minus Teacher points the pictures and ask When does Pedro do morning exercises Does Pedro do morning exercises at 8 o clock Let Ss w
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