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精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 1 Unit 2 My favourite season B Let s learn教案 教学目标 1 语言技能 1 能够听 说 读 写四个动词短语 go swimming go on a picnic pick some apples make a snowman 2 能够在语境中正确运用这四个短语来询问并回答关于季节喜好 的问题 3 能够熟练地运用句型 Which season do you like best I like best There are beautiful flowers everywhere I can play in the snow 询问 回答喜欢某个季节的具体原因 4 能够完成课本中P18的 问答 活动 2 语言知识 1 能了解单词简单的拼读规律 根据单词的音 义 形来学习词 汇 3 情感态度 学习策略与文化意识 1 能够在生活中主动询问别人或对别人的询问进行回复 2 能对新学内容进行归纳与总结 3 能够在语境中理解中西语言表达方式上的不同之处 教学重点 1 句型 Which season do you like best I like spring best There are beautiful flowers everywhere I can play in the snow 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 2 2 词汇 go swimming go on a picnic pick some apples make a snowman 教学难点 1 自由问答活动 教学用具 1 教师准备与本课时相关的课件 教学过程 Step 1 warm up 1 Greeting 师生用英语互相问候 2 Let s sing 教师播放课件中的视频 引导学生唱歌谣 What s your favourite season Step 2 Presentation 1 Guess and talk 教师继续播放课件 教师提问 学生回答问题 It s sunny and hot Which season is it It s summer Because I like summer vacation What can you do in summer I can go swimming It s green There are many flowers Which season is it 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 3 It s spring There are beautiful flowers everywhere What can you do in spring I can go on a picnic with my family It s golden Farmers are busy Which season is it It s autumn I can pick apples in autumn It s white We can see the snow Which season is it It s winter I can make a snowman in winter 2 Let s chant 教师继续播放课件 引导学生吟唱歌谣 Go go go swimming Go on go on go on a picnic Pick pick pick some apples Make make make a snowman 3 Watch and follow 教师点击课件中的视频 学生看视频 跟读单 词 Step 3 Practice 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 4 1 Make in groups 教师继续播放课件 引导学生读单词 再将单词根 据 季节情况 进行归类 2 Ask and answer 教师播放课件 学生看视频 学习如何进行问答 活动 然后再进行同学之间的问答活动 3 Make a summary T What have we learned today 教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点 先由学生谈谈自己学了什 么 教师再进行总结 Which season do you like best I like spring best There are beautiful flowers everywhere I often go on a picnic with my family I often play in the snow go on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice cream Step4 Homework 1 听录音 熟读课本P 18 的内容 2 练习拼写课本中的7 个四会单词 3 完成配套的练习题 4 预习 Page 19 20 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 5
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