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姜堰区南苑学校第二学期第一次月度检测参考答案 2018-3-291 听力 1-5 ABBCA 6-10 BCAAC 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 BCBAB二单项选择 21-40 BAAAC ACDCB BCBAB CDCCC3 完形填空41-55 ACDBA CBCAB DBCAD4 阅读理解56-70 ABCDA CCCCA CABCA5 词汇运用71. whole 72.Unluckily 73.twentieth 74.offer 75.stricter76. lying 77.herself 78.second 79.smiling 80.carelessness81. mistaken 82.spelling 83.to exercise 84.not go 85.sent6 任务型阅读86. Reasons 87.worried 88.ways 89.future 90.break91.silence 92.hobby 93.forget 94.regularly 95.happy7 阅读表达96.The Xinhua News Agency.97.Laotie98.coming up with impromptu lyrics and performing them on the spot.99.No.100.Because the person you are talking with doesnt have good communication skills or your conversation comes to a dead end.8 短文填空101. high 102. fun 103. beach 104.help 105. called 106. attacked 107. quickly 108. terrible 109. alive 110. badly
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