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综合填空菏泽真题剖析(2018山东菏泽中考)四、综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。deepreasonanotherneverkindhoweverthrowwastethanwithoutOnce upon a time there was a man called Yue Yangzi in Henan who had a 61 wife.One day, Yue picked up a piece of gold. Gladly, he rushed back home to show it to his wife. 62 , his wife said, “I hear that a good man doesnt drink the water of Dao Spring(盗泉) and wouldnt pick up the things others lost. He would rather die 63 eat food given by the people who disrespect him.” Yue was very ashamed after hearing his wifes words and 64 the gold off into the fields and went to study in a far place.One year later, Yue came back home. His wife asked him the 65 for his return. Yue said, “I was homesick and miss you very much.”Hearing this, his wife took up a pair of scissors and walked to the loom(织布机), saying, “To make cloth, I weave(织) the cloth with one after 66 silk thread inch by inch. If I cut the cloth with the scissors, all my efforts are 67 . Studying is also like this. You should get knowledge every day 68 stopping.”Yue Yangzi was 69 moved by his wifes word. Then he went back to his studies. This story reminds us 70 to give up halfway.参考答案61kind此处缺少wife的定语,由下文描述可知,乐羊子的妻子很善良,故此处填形容词kind。62However由乐羊子的妻子说话内容可知,她对于乐羊子在外面捡到金子的事情并不感到高兴,故填转折连词however。63than结合语境可知,此处乐羊子的妻子表示一个优秀的男人宁愿死,也不吃不尊重他的人给的食物。would rather.than.“宁愿也不”,固定搭配。64threw由前文可知乐羊子对于自己的行为感到羞耻,故他把捡到的金子扔进了田野里,再结合关键词“was”,“went”可知此处用一般过去时,故填threw。65reason由后文乐羊子的回答可知,他的妻子问的是他回家的原因,故填reason。the reason for “的原因”。66another结合语境可知,此处是乐羊子的妻子讲述自己如何织布的,根据常识可知,织布是要用一根根的蚕丝,一点一点地织。故此处填another。67wasted结合语境可知,如果用剪刀把布剪了,前面所有的努力都白费了。结合方框中单词可知填wasted。68without结合前文乐羊子妻子举的例子可知,学习就像织布一样不能松懈,半途而废意味着前功尽弃,故此处是告诉乐羊子应该每天坚持学习,不能停止。结合方框中单词可知填without。69deeply此处缺少副词修饰谓语动词moved,结合前后文可知,乐羊子被妻子的话深深地感动了,故填deeply。70never通读全文可知,本文主要通过乐羊子妻子的故事告诉我们做事不能半途而废。故此处应填一个表示否定的单词,结合方框中单词可知填never。
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