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黑龙江2020届高三最新试题分类汇编:单项选择和单词拼写1、哈六中2019-2020学年度上学期高三学年第一次调研考试英语试卷单项选择41.The newspaper _ to apologize for the article.A. providedB. suppliedC. offeredD. occupied【答案】C【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:这家报纸提议为这篇文章道歉。A. provided提供;B. supplied供应;C. offered提议;提供;D. occupied占有。根据句意故选C。42._ you form a bad habit, its very difficult to get rid of it.A. OnceB. AsC. WhileD. Where【答案】A【详解】考查连接词。句意:一旦你养成了一个坏习惯,就很难改掉。A. Once一就;B. As当时候;因为;C. While当时候;D. Where哪里。根据句意可知本句为时间状语从句,表示“一就”。故选A。43.After school, we went to the reading room to do some reading, only _ that it was being decorated.A. toldB. to be toldC. tellingD. to tell【答案】B【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:放学后,我们去阅览室读书,却被告知它正在装修。短语only to do sth.“不料竟会;结果是”,且tell与逻辑主语we构成被动关系,故用被动语态be told。故选B。44.I thought this medicine would make me sleep, but it had the _ effect.A. opposedB. oppositeC. optionalD. optimistic【答案】B【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:我原以为这种药会使我入睡,但结果却适得其反。A. opposed相反的;敌对的;B. opposite对立的;相反的;C. optional可选择的;D. optimistic乐观的。根据句意故选B。45.He ordered that the house _.A. was soldB. is soldC. would be soldD. be sold【答案】D【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:他命令把房子卖掉。order表示“命令”接从句时,从句用(should)do,且本句中sell与house构成被动关系,故应为(should)be sold,should可以省略。故选D。46.I don t know any French people _ you.A. other thanB. besidesC. includingD. except for【答案】A【详解】考查介词辨析。句意:除了你以外,我不认识别的法国人。A. other than除了;B. besides除之外(还有)C. including包括;D. except for除了;要不是由于。根据句意故选A。47.Its easy to _ a small detail like that.A. overheadB. overlookC. overtakeD. overwhelm【答案】B【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:这样的小细节很容易被忽略。A. overhead在头上方的;B. overlook忽略;俯瞰;C. overtake赶上;压倒;突然来袭;D. overwhelm淹没;压倒。根据句意故选B。48.He studied hard before the exam, and it _. He made an A.A. paid backB. paid downC. paid upD. paid off【答案】D【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他在考试前努力学习,得到了回报。他得了个A。A. paid back偿还;报答;B. pay down当场支付;C. paid up付清;D. paid off见成效;得到了回报。根据句意故选D。49.There are no _ displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time.A. temporaryB. permanentC. personnelD. persuasive【答案】B【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:这个博物馆没有永久性的展览,而且展览一直在变化。A. temporary暂时的;临时的;B. permanent永久的;不变的;C. personnel人员的;D. persuasive有说服力的。根据句意故选B。50.She _ Spanish when she was living in Mexico.A. turned upB. showed upC. picked upD. came up【答案】C【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:她住在墨西哥时学会了西班牙语。A. turned up出现;找到;B. showed up出现;C. picked up捡起;不费力学会;D. came up走进;开始。根据句意故选C。51.Her parents were so _ to get the news that she won the prize.A. pleasedB. pleasingC. pleaseD. pleasant【答案】A【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:她的父母听到她获奖的消息非常高兴。A. pleased高兴的;B. pleasing令人愉快的;C. please使高兴,动词;D. pleasant令人愉快的。修饰parents应用-ed结尾形容词,故选A。【点睛】表示情感的现在分词和过去分词surprising令人惊讶的,surprised感到惊讶;frightening令人害怕的, frightened感到害怕; moving令人感动的, moved 感动;exciting 令人兴奋的,excited 感到兴奋;boring令人厌烦的, bored感到厌烦;shocking令人震惊的,shocked感到震惊。现在分词的主语通常指事物;过去分词的主语通常指人。52.The _ of a passport is essential for foreign travel.A. possibilityB. possessionC. positionD. process【答案】B【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:在国外旅行时,有护照是必不可少的。A. possibility可能性;B. possession拥有;C. position位置;D. process过程。短语the possession of“拥有”,故选B。53.Nothing is more _ to me than my good health.A. preciseB. previousC. preciousD. powerful【答案】C【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:对我来说,没有什么比我的健康更宝贵的了。A. precise精确地;明确地;B. previous以前的;早先的;C. precious宝贵的;D. powerful强大的。根据句意故选C。54.We _ three options to the unions for discussion.A. presentedB. providedC. preservedD. prepared【答案】A【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:我们向工会呈递了三种选择供讨论。A. presented提出;呈递;B. provided提供;C. preserved保藏;D. prepared准备。根据句意故选A。55.The police car signalled to us to _.A. pull onB. pull inC. pull throughD. pull down【答案】B【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:警车向我们打手势叫我们靠边停车。A. pull on穿;戴;B. pull in停下;C. pull through渡过难关;D. pull down摧毁。根据句意故选B。56.Weve had to _ our wedding until September.A. take offB. call offC. cut offD. put off【答案】D【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们不得不把婚礼推迟到九月份。A. take off起飞;脱下;B. call off取笑;放弃;C. cut off 切断;中断;D. put off推迟。根据句意故选D。【点睛】有关off相关动词短语归纳:turn off关掉give off发出光、热、气味等keep off让开,不接近get off下车cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔shake off抖掉;甩掉;逃脱;摆脱(麻烦、烦恼等) see sb. off 为某人送行set off 出发,起程;激起,引起put off 推迟,拖延let off 排放;放(炮),开(枪)show off 炫耀better off 情况较好push off推迟,离开lay off解雇;休息;停止工作eat off吃掉;腐蚀掉kick off踢落,开始go off 离开;消失;变差;开火far off远,在远处的57.We need to _ public awareness to the environmental issue.A. raiseB. riseC. ariseD. rose【答案】A【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:我们需要提高公众对环境问题的认识。A. raise引起;提高;B. rise上升;C. arise产生;出现;D. rose上升。短语raise public awareness“提高公众意识”。故选A。【点睛】raise/rise/arise辨析1.arise表示“出现,产生”,一般指不好的事情。比如,危险出现了,不好的后果产生了,可以用这个词。与上面两个次只是形近。 arise 开始发生,出现。指有形的东西,常用抽象名词作主语:都用在借喻中,不能用被动。如Serious complications may arise from this sudden change of plans.突变的计划可能会导致严重的纠纷2.rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态后面不能加宾语。另外,rise可以表示太阳的升起,比如日出:sun rise;不仅如此,在美国英语中,常用rise表示起立或着起床。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作3.raise 是及物动词,后面一定要加宾语。 意思
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