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第15课时九年级上册Unit 3.选择填空1(2018江苏扬州翠岗中学二模改编)I didnt have the to go out alone at night when I was a little child.Neither did I. But now Im brave enough.Acourage Bpower Cability2(2018山西中考)Whoever he is, a common man can be called a hero when he is admired by us for doing something brave or good.Areal Bsmart Cperfect 3(2018山东青岛市北二模改编)I dont know what her interests are, because we only talk about work when we meet.Aexactly Bmostly Chardly4(2018山东菏泽中考)I really want to pass the exam for further study.Believe in yourself, dear! Your dream will come true you put your heart into it.Aeven if Bas long asCas soon as5(2018江西上饶一模改编)My English teacher explains things very well. What she says can be understood .Aquietly Beasily Ccarefully 6(2018江苏徐州模拟改编)Zhang Lei, why not eating dumplings instead of noodles?Good idea. I like dumplings.Apractise Bforget Cconsider7(2019原创)After the , we decided to have a party for Mr. Smith on Sunday.Amirror Bgrade Cdiscussion8(2019原创)Dad, please dont tell mom that I will come back next Sunday. I want to keep it a and give her a surprise.Achance Bchoice Csecret9(2019原创)Dont always yourself with others, or you may have tons of pressure.Acompare BcomplainCconnect10(2019原创)Your dream is great. However, to it needs lots of time and work. Adiscover Bfind Cachieve .完形填空(2018河南林州期末改编)“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown student Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of fifty, and in just a few years, she has made 1 progress!Ellen chose to study at Englishtown 2 no evening classes were offered in the German countryside where she lives. At Englishtown, she has 3 classes online and speaks with native(本国的) Englishspeaking teachers.Ellen began with the first level(水平) of Englishtown and quickly 4 . “I spent hours and hours studying,” she said. “Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my courses after two years, but I still had grammar 5 ”Instead of 6 , she chose to continue. After another two years at Englishtown, shes still studying in the online classroom. “Studying online is 7 boring, but you need practice, practice, practice!”Ellen says studying English isnt all about 8 work. It should also be fun. “I really like the online conversation classrooms,” she says. “I have learned so much 9 other cultures and traditions.”Ellen has been able to 10 her English to use by visiting England five times! “Im very thankful to Englishtown because my life has improved because of it,” Ellen says.1A.common Blittle Cgreat 2A.because Buntil Calthough 3A.writing Blistening Cconversation 4A.increased Bprogressed Cdropped5A.exercises Bnotes Cdifficulties6A.taking breaks Bputting off Cgiving up 7A.never Boften Calways 8A.hard Buseful Ceasy 9A.with Babout Cagainst10A.put Brepeat Creview .阅读理解阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(2016福建泉州中考)I always had a nice cup of tea every morning in my country in Indonesia. 1. When I arrived in the early morning for the first time at Sydney airport, the first thing that I looked for was a coffee shop. Finally, I found a nice coffee shop with many people queuing(排队) to order. 2. Then a very friendly girl asked me if she could help me. I said that I would like to have a cup of tea. Then she asked me, “3. ” I thought she was making a morning joke with me. So I said, “Red tea, please.” With a very unfriendly face she asked me again, “Black or white tea, please?” 4. I didnt know what actually black or white tea was. I only knew that having tea is usually with or without sugar.One day I had a cup of tea at the university tea room. I saw a lady drinking tea with milk in it. Then I asked her, “5. ” She smiled and said, “Yes, you can.” At that moment, I understood that black tea is no milk added and white tea is with milk. How big is the difference of having tea between Indonesian and Australian people!AI didnt say anything. BI jumped into the queue. CWould you like black or white tea?DCan I say that you are having a white tea?EIt gave me a great feeling in the morning. .情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列各题。1(2019原创)你想表达英语在全世界被广泛使用,可以这样说: .2(2019原创)你想请老师给你一些学好英语的建议,可以这样问: ?3(2019原创)朋友很紧张,你劝他深呼吸,可以这样说: .4(2019原创)你受朋友邀请参加聚会,觉得很荣幸,可以这样说:
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