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八 Unit8 45分钟100分 第 卷 共50分 单项选择 10分 1 Thereisalineoftreeson sideoftheroad A everyB bothC allD each 解析 选D each指 两个中的每一个 side为单数 所以选D 2 Weshouldthinkmoreof than A other usB theother ourselvesC others ourselvesD another us 解析 选C 句意为 我们应该多为别人着想 此处的 别人 是泛指 所以用others 3 IhopeI lltraveltothemoon inthefuture A sometimesB sometimeC sometimeD sometimes 解析 选B sometimes意为 有时候 常用于一般现在时 sometime意为 某个时候 常用于一般将来时 sometime意为 一段时间 sometimes意为 几次 由句意可知选B 4 Thereisabigtree theclassroom A infrontofB inthefrontofC beforeD besides 解析 选A 此题考查位置的表达法 before一般指在时间的前面 infrontof指在范围之外的前面 inthefrontof指在范围之内的前面 5 10阜康中考 TheOlympicGameswasheld August8 2008inBeijing A onB inC atD to 解析 选A 表示 具体到某一天 时 用介词on 6 Shedoesn tknow thearticleinEnglish A whattowriteB howtowriteC howwriteD whatwriting 解析 选B 此题考查语法 动词不定式和疑问词直接连用 因为write后面有宾语 所以用how 7 Danny you yourlostkey Notyet A do findB did findC has foundD have found 解析 选D 由答语Notyet可知用现在完成时 8 Whathappened thatchangedourlife A in1990sB inthe1990C inthe1990sD in1990year 解析 选C 表示 哪一年 用 in 年 或者 intheyear 年 表示 在哪个世纪哪个年代 用 inthe世纪年代s 所以选C 9 Ifeelverylonely mydog A onB forC withoutD with 解析 选C 句意为 没有了我的狗 我感觉很寂寞 所以用介词without 意为 没有 10 10成都中考 Iwon tbeabletounderstandwhatyousay youspeaktooquickly A ifB thoughC because 解析 选C 句意 我不能理解你说的话 因为你说得太快了 if 如果 though 虽然 because 因为 故答案选C 完形填空 10分 AFrenchstudentwenttoLondonforhisholiday Hethought Iknow1English ButIthinkpeoplecanunderstandme Onedayhewenttoahotelandsatdownata2 Hewantedto3acupofteaandsomeeggs Soonthewaitercameuptohimandasked CanIhelpyou Acupofteaand Hecouldnotrememberthe4wordforeggs Helooked5 butnobodywaseatingeggs Thenhe6an Englishbookonthetablenexttohim Therewasapictureof7onitscover 封面 He8thepicturetothewaiter WhatistheEnglishforthis Acock answeredthewaiter Whatdoyoucallacock swife heaskedagain Ahen Andwhatdoyoucallacock schildren Chicks Andwhatdoyoucallchicks9theyareborn 出生 Eggs Verywell saidtheFrenchstudenthappily Bringmetwo10andacupoftea please Andhesatdownwithasmileonhisface 1 A muchB alittleC moreD afew 解析 选B 由后文可知 他只懂一点英语 2 A deskB doorC chairD table 解析 选D 由后句可知 是去吃饭 所以 要坐在餐桌旁边 3 A drinkB takeC haveD carry 解析 选C 因为句中既有tea也有eggs 所以用have 4 A FrenchB ChineseC EnglishD Japanese 解析 选C 由第一段内容可知是 English 5 A atB forC afterD around 解析 选D 由句意可知是 向四周看 所以用lookaround 6 A seeB sawC lookatD lookedat 解析 选B 此处表示结果 看见 而且要用过去时 7 A acockB agirlC achildD amap 解析 选A 由后句的cock可知 8 A readB putC showedD bought 解析 选C 句意为 他拿图画给服务员看 所以用showsth tosb 9 A whenB beforeC whereD what 解析 选B 由句意 小鸡们出生之前是鸡蛋 可知 10 A hensB chicksC cocksD eggs 解析 选D 由短文内容可知 阅读理解 20分 A ChristmasDayisonDecember25th PeopleintheUSAdomanythingstocelebrateit Usually peoplehaveaChristmastreeintheirhouseanddecorateitwithornaments 装饰物 andlights andputastarorangel 天使 onthetop They haveabigholidaydinnerthatday TherearegiftseverywhereandChristmassongscomefromeveryspeaker 扬声器 InmanyplacesoftheUnitedStates theweatheriscold Itisusuallysnowyandicy Thereareevensnowstorms 暴风雪 atsomeplaces Sopeoplebuildsnowmen andplayfunwintersports 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F IfpeopleintheUSAwanttocelebrateChristmasDay theymight 1 plantaChristmastree 解析 F 由文中的句子decorateitwithornaments可知是 装饰 而不是 种植 2 haveabigdinner 解析 T 由文中的句子Theyhaveabigholidaydinnerthatday 可知 他们那天要吃一次大的节日盛宴 3 painttheirhouses 解析 F 文中没有提到 油漆房子 4 singChristmassongs 解析 T 由文中的句子TherearegiftseverywhereandChristmassongscomefromeveryspeaker 可知 大家都唱圣诞歌 5 makesnowmen 解析 T 由文中的句子Sopeoplebuildsnowmen可知 人们堆雪人 B Weliveallaroundtheworld Weliketohavecelebrations InChina peoplecelebrateNewYear NewYearisinJanuaryorFebruary Theywearredclothesbecauseredisacolorthatwillbringjoy ChinesechildrengetmoneyinaredpacketfortheNewYear Theysavethemoneythatisinside InGambia peoplecelebrateIndependenceDay ItisinFebruary Theywearbrightclothesandplaymusicatthecelebration InEngland peoplecelebrateMayDay MayDayisinMay Theywearprettyclothestocelebratethearrivalof spring Thechildrendanceinandoutaroundthemaypole Theyweavetheirribbonsintoacolorfulbraid InIndia peoplecelebrateRakshaBandhan ItisinAugust Thechildrenwearnewclothesandcelebratetheirloveforeachotherbyexchangingthingstheyhavemade IntheUnitedStates peoplecelebrateThanksgivingDay thefirstharvestinAmericain1621 ItisinNovember Thechildrenmakeupaplayaboutwhatwentonatthefirstcelebration Theyeatturkeys too 6 Howmanycountriesarementionedinthepassage A 4B 5C 6 解析 选B 由文中所提到的InChina InGambia InEngland InIndia IntheUnitedStates可知 7 In peoplecelebratethearrivalofspring A ChinaB IndiaC England 解析 选C 由文中的句子InEngland peoplecelebrateMayDay MayDayisinMay Theywearprettyclothestocelebratethearrivalofspring 可知 是在英国 8 AtChineseNewYearcelebration childrenreceive A redclothesB redpacketsC redribbons 解析 选B 由文中的句子ChinesechildrengetmoneyinaredpacketfortheNewYear 可知 收到红包 9 InGambia IndependenceDayiscelebratedin A FebruaryB AugustC November 解析 选A 由文中的句子InGambia peoplecelebrateIndependenceDay ItisinFebruary 可知 是在二月 10 Accordingtothepassage whichofthefollowingistrueaboutwhatchildrendoattheircelebrations A ChildreninIndiaexchangeredpacketstoshowloveforeachother B ChildrenintheUSAputonaplayabou
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