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限时规范训练限时规范训练 三十七三十七 语言知识运用板块语言知识运用板块 练准度练准度 满分 45 分 限时 35 分钟 完形填空 30 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的 A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项 As a young child I was painfully shy I d watch other children at 1 in the park wishing I could join their ranks for a 2 of tag hide and seek or jump rope but I was too 3 to approach them 4 my mother would come to the rescue She d get up from the bench where she was sitting with the other moms 5 my hand and ask the other kids if I could play too The answer was 6 yes I m sure the other children didn t want to get in trouble with their own moms and then I d be all set for the rest of the afternoon until the pattern 7 itself the next day I became 8 awkward and more outgoing as I grow up thankfully though I never 9 what you d call a social butterfly Today I feel 10 giving public lectures in large halls and having 11 in small groups but I still tend to avoid situations in which I m expected to mingle 使混合 with a roomful of 12 I m working on it The reasons for my aversion 厌恶 could be various For one I might be 13 some residual 残留的 childhood fear of rejection But beyond that possibility one 14 element is that I 15 to underestimate how much people like me after I meet them As some authors 16 conversations are a great 17 of happiness in our lives but they could bring us even greater joy if we only 18 that others like us more than we know which is a good thing to keep in mind as you 19 the awe inspiring room of strangers at your next cocktail party mix and mingle reception or company 20 hour I know I ll try to 语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文 作者通过讲述自己从一个害羞的孩子转变成一个 能够和他人自在沟通甚至进行演讲的人的变化 告诉我们 对他人敞开胸怀 不再害羞会更 开心 1 A work B play C study D lunch 解析 根据下文 tag hide and seek or jump rope 可推知 作者在公园里看其他 小朋友玩各种游戏 与下文 and ask the other kids if I could play too 呼应 故选 B 答案 B 2 A party B course C presentation D game 解析 根据下文中的 tag hide and seek or jump rope 可知 这是孩子们所玩的 游戏 故选 D 答案 D 3 A scared B thrilled C ashamed D shocked 解析 根据下文中的 13 some residual childhood fear of rejection 可知 此处表示作者太害怕 scared 了而不敢靠近他们 thrilled 极为激动 非常兴奋 答案 A 4 A Accidentally B Temporarily C Eventually D Absolutely 解析 根据语境可推知 作者不敢参与小伙伴们的游戏 最终 Eventually 母亲会帮其 脱离窘境 故选 C 答案 C 5 A take B keep C pick D push 解析 此处表示母亲站起来 走过来拉起作者的手 征求其他小朋友的意见 故选 A 答案 A 6 A yet B simply C always D already 解析 根据上文的内容可知 作者的母亲会帮其脱离窘境 询问其他小朋友的意见 此 处表示得到的答案总是 always 肯定的 答案 C 7 A considered B found C concerned D repeated 解析 根据上文 my mother would come to the rescue 及下文 the next day 可 推知 此处表示作者在陈述过去经常发生的事情 即 第二天模式依旧 作者依然要依赖母 亲才能参与小伙伴们的活动或游戏 答案 D 8 A worse B less C quite D rather 解析 由空处与下文 more outgoing 呼应可推知 作者不再那么害羞和尴尬了 答案 B 9 A turned into B put forward C jumped at D pointed out 解析 尽管作者已经不再害羞 但是也没有变成 turned into 社交能手 答案 A 10 A attractive B popular C serious D comfortable 解析 根据本句中的 but 可知 句子前后表示转折 此处表示尽管作者在大厅中做演讲 感觉很放松 但仍然会避免一些场合 故选 D 答案 D 11 A compositions B conversations C essays D comments 解析 由空处与下文 conversations are a great 17 of happiness in our lives 呼应可知 作者乐于进行小组谈话 答案 B 12 A passengers B customers C strangers D authors 解析 由空处与下文 19 the awe inspiring room of strangers at your next cocktail party 呼应可知 此处表示一屋子的陌生人 答案 C 13 A leading B carrying C describing D evaluating 解析 根据语境可推知 作者分析原因 认为可能是自己还带有一些童年残留的恐惧 carry 携带 符合语境 答案 B 14 A likely B real C full D complete 解析 根据上文 beyond that possibility 可推知 此处作者分析了另外一种可能 性 故选 A 答案 A 15 A like B happen C refuse D tend 解析 由空处与上文 but I still tend to avoid situations 呼应可推知 此处表 示作者趋于低估别人对自己的喜欢程度 故选 D 答案 D 16 A arrange B demand C state D discuss 解析 此处表示正如一些作家陈述 state 的那样 答案 C 17 A level B reward C intention D source 解析 根据下文 but they could bring us even greater joy 可推知 谈话是人们 生活中快乐的来源 source 来源 答案 D 18 A observe B realize C consult D control 解析 根据上文作者趋于低估别人对自己的喜欢程度可推知 如果我们意识到 realize 别 人比我们知道的更喜欢我们 我们就会更快乐 故选 B 答案 B 19 A discover B recognize C survey D acquaint 解析 根据语境可知 此处表示审视一屋子的陌生人 故选 C 答案 C 20 A happy B last C proud D individual 解析 根据上文 cocktail party mix and mingle reception 可推知 此处表示公 司的快乐时光 故选 A individual 个人的 答案 A 语法填空 15 分 阅读下面短文 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 Lisa Bailey took her gloves off when 21 take her dog for a long walk on a winter day and didn t notice anything until that evening She was shocked when she realized her beautiful anniversary ring was missing She 22 hurry back to look for it but couldn t find anything Her husband kept going on a website where people sell jewelry 23 never found it All that changed however thanks to a recent post 24 write on the local police department s page A woman police officer posted If anybody knows of anybody losing a diamond ring please contact us One of her friends read it and wrote on it Lisa Bailey The police station happened to find some unidentified 25 jewel in a local pawnshop 当铺 and took them away When Bailey learned from her friend that her ring might 26 find she couldn t believe it The police called Bailey and asked her to describe it She sent a picture of it to 27 and then they asked if she could come to the police station When the police officer in the station 28 had written the post handed her the ring t
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