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Revision 2【第一课时】Lets Review【学习目标】1. 复习表示文具的单词和短语以及用来询问商品价格的功能句:How much is it?和答句:Its2. 复习形容电视节目的单词和短语以及询问他人看电视节目情况的功能句:When do you usually watch?3. 复习关于做家务的单词和短语以及询问他人常做什么家务的功能句:What chores do you usually do at home?以及答句:I usually【学习重难点】1. 复习表示文具的单词和短语以及用来询问商品价格的功能句:How much is it?和答句:Its2. 复习形容电视节目的单词和短语以及询问他人看电视节目情况的功能句:When do you usually watch?3. 复习关于做家务的单词和短语以及询问他人常做什么家务的功能句:What chores do you usually do at home?以及答句:I usually【知识探究】一、导学:1. 问候语导入。2. Review.(1)唱一唱。欣赏第四单元的歌曲,并轻声跟唱。(2)话题讨论:Do you like going shopping?Do you like watching TV?Do you like doing chores?二、知识构建:1. Lets circle.(1)观看教学图片,回顾单词。回答问题:What can you see in this picture?What can you see in this picture?(2)听录音,圈出你听到的单词对应的图片。(3)自由朗读这些单词。2. Lets read.(1)观看教学挂图,回答问题:Who are they?What are they doing?(2)听录音,熟悉内容。听B部分的录音,看看讲的是什么。(3)学习对话的内容。(4)听录音,并跟读。听B部分的录音并跟读。(5)Role play.五人一小组,分角色练习这个对话,然后请表演的最好的一组到讲台上来表演。(6)完成课后练习。根据C部分的问题写出自己的答案。4. Lets write.根据前面的提问写出自己或者朋友的介绍,根据前面问题的顺序。5. Pair work.学生两人一小组,练习C部分的对话,可以根据C部分的问题来进行提问。6. 做找朋友的游戏。教师给学生1分钟的时间,让学生下位子去找与自己拥有相同单词的同学。教师说停后,看谁找到了朋友,并让拥有相同单词的朋友一起说:We are找到朋友的学生都说完后,教师再给时间让学生去找朋友,继续游戏。三、巩固训练:1. 读单词或短语,找出不同类的一项。( )(1)A、pencil sharpener B、please C、pencil box( )(2)A、Hello B、How old C、How much( )(3)A、green B、colour C、black( )(4)A、cap B、sweater C、clothes2. 单项选择。(1)I want a notebook. _ 5 yuan.A、Are they B、Is it C、It is(2)Can I help you? Yes, I _ a pair of pants.A、want to B、buy C、want(3)I want _ sunglasses. How much _?A、a pair of; is it B、a; is it C、a pair of; are they3. 选择短语完成短文。A、sweep my room B、doing chores C、chores D、breakfast E、once a week My name is Sam. I live in America. I do many(1)_. I take out the rubbish (2)_. I also(3)_ twice a week. Sometimes I cook(4)_, too! My parents give me five dollars a week for(5)_, so I like doing them!4. 读句子,用1,2,3,4,5将下列句子连成一段完整的对话。(10分)( )My favourite TV shows are sports shows. What about you?( )I usually watch them on Saturday evening.( )Hello, Binbin. What are your favourite TV shows? ( )My favourite TV shows are cartoons. When do you watch sports shows?( )OK. Thank you.5. 读短文,根据短文选择最佳答案。Welcome, boys and girls. Have a look at our school things. We have colourful schoolbags for 65 yuan each. If you buy a schoolbag, youll get a pencil box for free. The pen is 8 yuan and the crayon is only 2 yuan. Do you want some paper? Its 12 yuan for ten pieces. Come on, everyone.(1)They have_ schoolbags.A、pretty B、nice C、colourful(2)The schoolbag is _ yuan each.A、sixty- five B、six C、five(3)The pen is _ yuan.A、eight B、eighteen C、eighty(4)The crayon is _.A、expensive B、cheap C、pencil box四、练习作业:1. 把B部分的对话读给爸爸妈妈听。2. 根据C部分的问题写出自己或者朋友的介绍。【学习感悟】
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