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2019年高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空选练(6)李仕才第一部分:完形填空AMany years ago, when I was a man in my twenties, I worked as a salesman for a piano company.We _1_ our pianos all over the state by advertising in small town _2_. Every time we advertise, we would receive a reply on a postcard which said, “Please _3_ me a new piano for my little granddaughter. It _4_ be red mahogany (红木). I can pay $10 a month with my egg money.” Of course, we could not sell a(n) _5_ piano for $10 a month. _6_ her cards kept on coming.A couple of years later, I _7_ my own piano company, and when I _8_ in that area, the postcards started coming to me. For months, I ignored (不理睬) _9_what else could I do?But then, one day I _10_ to be in the area. I had a red mahogany piano on my little truck. Despite knowing that I was about to _11_ a terrible business decision, I managed to find the old woman and took the new piano in her house and placed it _12_ I thought the roof would be least likely to rain on it. I told her and a little barefoot girl to try to _13_ the chickens off it, and I felt sure I had just _14_ a new piano.But the _15_ came in, all 52 of them as agreed, sometimes with coins. It was unbelievable!Then one day I was in Memphis on _16_ business. As I was sitting at the bar having a drink, I heard the most beautiful piano music behind me. I looked _17_, and there was a lovely young woman _18_ a very nice ground piano.She smiled at me, asked for requests, and when she took a _19_ she sat down at my table.“Arent you the man who sold my grandma a piano a long time ago?”I suddenly remembered. My Lord, it was her! It was the little barefoot girl!I did have to go to my room because men dont like to be _20_ crying in public.1A.made BsoldCfixed Ddelivered答案:B从下文看,作者是卖钢琴。2A.books BvillagesCshops Dnewspapers答案:D在报纸上做广告,由上文by advertising得出。3A.bring BlendCtake Dgive答案:A公司送货上门,所以老太太要求把钢琴带来。4A.should BmayCmust Dcan答案:C老太太语气坚定,要求钢琴必须是红木的。由上文得知。5A.old BnewCsecondhand Dgood答案:B作者认为不能这样买一架新钢琴。由下文得知。6A.And BSoCTherefore DBut答案:D与上文公司拒绝卖形成转折。老太太的订货卡片不断寄来。7A.owned BmovedCbought Dearned答案:A从上下文看,作者拥有了自己的卖钢琴的公司。8A.worked BprogressedCadvertised Dsucceeded答案:C从上文看是作者为自己的公司做广告。9A.it BthemCthis Dthat答案:B此处考查指代,them代替postcards。10A.wanted BdecidedCstarted Dhappened答案:D此处指作者碰巧来到老太太居住的地区。11A.make BgetCdo Dsend答案:Amake与下文的decision搭配,“做决定”,作者认为这是笔糟糕的买卖。12A.when BthereCwhere Dthat答案:Cwhere此处引导地点状语从句,作者认为屋顶是最不可能漏雨的地方。13A.remain BkeepCleave Dstay答案:Bkeep与下文off连用,作者嘱咐不要让鸡到钢琴上来。14A.given away Bput awayCdone away Dthrown away答案:Dthrow away“扔掉”,作者看到老太太的贫穷境地,认为肯定收不回钱来,等于扔掉了一架新钢琴。15A.payments BmoneyCpossessions Dcounts答案:Apayments指“付款;支付”,老太太很讲信用,按约定的次数付款。52次付清。16A.busy BfineCother Dlarge答案:C作者到这个地方是为了别的生意。由常识得出。17A.up BaroundCforward Don答案:Blook around“转回头看;到处寻找”,因为音乐从背后传来,所以作者要转身。18A.having BperformingCenjoying Dplaying答案:D在咖啡厅,自然是弹奏钢琴。19A.break BbreadCmenu Dlist答案:Abreak此处意思是“暂停;休息”,休息期间,姑娘与作者攀谈。20A.struck BheardCseen Dlaughed at答案:C此时作者感动地要哭,赶紧回到自己的房间,因为男子汉不愿意当众被人看到哭泣。B(2016东北三省四市第一次联考)My dad,“Mutt” Mantle is more than a father to me,sometimes more like a good judge of talent“Mickey Mantle”He was _1_ about baseball.He made his living working in mines.But he played baseball _2_ several town teams.From the day I was born,Dad said he wanted me to make my living as a baseball player.He named me Mickey _3_ a catcher he liked.He hoped I would play for the New York Yankees.Dad often _4_ a toy baseball to my crib(摇篮)One day,_5_,I caught one.Then he was sure Id be a ball player!I learned about the _6_ on a ball field before I learned my ABCs.When I was three,Dad had Mama make me a little uniform.He liked to _7_ around town in it.When I was five,I started school.That same day,I had my first _8_ in switchhitting(左右手都能击球)Dad and Grandpa were in the yard when I came home from school.They had a small bat and two _9_.“Mickey,”said Dad,“Grandpa and I have thought up a new _10_.Take this bat and try to hit our pitches(投掷)Im lefthanded.When I throw,you swing righthanded _11_ you always have.Grandpas righthanded.When he throws,turn around and swing lefthanded.”Dad was going to make me a _12_!He knew that a player who can bat both right and left has a good _13_ of making hits.That day I tried and tried.But I couldnt swing lefthanded.After about 15 minutes,I yelled to Mama for help.She said,“I know its crazy.But please try,_14_,to make Dad happy.”So,every day after school we had switchhitting _15_.After two weeks,I didnt _16_ it any more.My _17_ were getting trained.I began to hit a few.After a year or two,Dad and Grandpa began throwing as _18_ as they could.A
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