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选修6Unit 5 Period 1.单词拼写1. He w his hand in the air to attract her attention.2. I witnessed a robbery in a shop selling camping e .3. As is known to all, an active volcano may e at any time.4. For one thing, these shoes dont s you. For another, they are too expensive.5. The car made its way to the east and pulled up a a pub.6. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to develop to their greatest p .7. It is difficult to (评估) the harmful effects that modern farming practices have on environment.8. Dont be so sure. We dont know with (绝对的) certainty that the project will succeed.9. The exercises in this chapter can guide you, but it will be up to you to do the (实际的) work.10. She felt ashamed that she didnt turn up at the (指定的) time.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空burn to the ground, in actual fact, be appointed as, out of the way, make ones way1. He looks younger than his wife, but hes a lot older.2. The young man worked very hard and soon head of the department.3. During the summer holiday, they are going to to the mountainous area with spectacular scenery.4. The building was in the fire. Luckily, no one was injured.5. You have to move or the truck cannot get past you.单句语法填空1. We made an (appoint) with the famous star ahead of time.2. The teacher (evaluate) the performance of each student.3. The government has interest in importing scientific (equip)4. Actually, your answer is (absolute) wrong.5. The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic (erupt).6. The policeman (wave) the driver to stop and the car drew up alongside.7. When I looked back, I found a flood of water (fountain) out of the ground.8. (actual), I exchanged my new car for a used one.9. She had on other dress (suit) for the formal occasion.10. They were giving away 2,000 free (sample) when I saw them. 单句完型填空1. You cant imagine how terrible it was when the volcano !A. rose B. formedC. erupted D. attended2. As is known, ones education will him for his future life.A. offer B. equipC. allow D. support3. We must a new teacher at once to teach in the mountain school. A. appreciate B. appoint C. approve D. appeal 4.Do you allow your son to go to the internet cafe on holidays? not!A. Extremely B. ThoroughlyC. Absolutely D. Completely5. Each child is unique and teachers should encourage each one to develop their . A. power B. strength C. necessity D. potential6. We expected 50 people to take part, but the number was a lot larger. A. average B. correct C. usual D. actual答案:.单词拼写1. waved 2. equipment 3. erupt 4.suit 5. alongside 6.potential 7. evaluate 8.absolute 9. actual 10. appointed.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1. in actual fact 2. was appointed as 3. make their way 4. burned to the ground 5. out of the way.单句语法填空1. appointment 2.evaluated 3. equipment 4. absolutely 5.eruption 6. waved 7.fountaining 8. Actually 9. suitable 10. samples. 单句完型填空1-6CBBCDD
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