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Period 41. The tourists are not allowed to land on the island.The tourists are on the island.2. Having lived in the countryside for many years , my parents werent used to living in Qingdao .Having lived in the countryside for many years , my parents living in Qingdao .3. To our great joy , my father managed to give up smoking . To our great joy , my father managed to smoking .4. I have decided to go to the United States for my holiday this summer . I have to the United States for my holiday this summer .5.I wouldnt like to argue with you about the matter .I with you about the matter .6. The situation is becoming worse , and it is time that the UN took measures to stop the possible war .The situation is becoming worse , and for the UN measures to stop the possible war .二.单句写作1. (尽管) the fact that he had resigned , his influence was still great in the company .2. Mr Brown (冒险) to buy much gold . Unluckily , the price of gold has been dropping in the last three months . 3. Many children (养成了.的坏习惯) of turning on the television or the computer as soon as they get home from school . 4. Three people were rescued from a ship which had (陷入困境).5. Have you (对.作出决定) where to go for your honeymoon ? 6. (没有好处) taking more than six of the pills a day . Period 4一. 1. banned from landing 2.werent accustomed to 3. quit 4. decided on going 5. dont feel like arguing 6.it is time , to take 二. 1. In spite of 2. took risks 3. have got into the bad habit 4. goy into difficulties/trouble 5. decided on 6. It is no good
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