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M5U3Science and natureGrammar and usage教案l Thoughts on the design作为分词板块的最后一个单元,采用比较直接的方法,从现在分词的用法回顾导入课题,首先是考虑到知识的延续性,同时动词的现在分词形式在进一步学习动词的过去分词的过程中起到了不可忽视的对比作用。再者,考虑到学生在高中英语学习的过程中,对于分词已经有了一定程度的了解,因此在本单元语法第一板块的教学中,主要采用启发式回顾、对比、总结,然后操练的方式,让学生熟悉并能运用过去分词在句中所充当的定语、表语、宾补等成分。l Teaching aimsAfter learning, students will be able to:1. know different functions of verb-ed forms as an adjective or an adverb;2. the passive meanings and past meanings of verb-ed forms;3. relationship between the verb and its understood subject;4. adopt verb-ed forms in their expressions.l Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in1. Review the usage of verb-ing in general.2. Ask students to compare two attributive clauses and rewrite them. Ask students to do the verb-ing one, and the verb-ed one can be done by the teacher. Then ask students to tell what has caused the difference. ( The relationship between the verb and its understood subject)3. Conclusion 1: The v-ed from can express passive meaning.Explanation此处用彩色的图表跟学生一起回忆动词现在分词的形式,让学生视觉上感觉到不那么乏味。然后跟学生一起看一些相对应的例子,有个直观的感觉。在此基础上,让学生对比两个句子,让学生用现在分词改写其中一个定语从句,另一个由老师做,然后让学生对比改写前和改写后所不同的地方,让学生观察不同的原因,从而引出过去分词的一个重要语法意义:表示被动。Step 2 Function of the verb-ed form with passive meanings 1. Present sentences containing the verb-ed form, and asking students to find out what functions it serves in different sentences.2. Conclusion 2: V-ed can be used like an adjective or an adverb in a sentence, serving as attribute, predicative and object complement. A verb-ed can follow a verb, such as stand, sit and lie when the two actions are happening at the same time.3. Ask students to fill in the form which tells different functions of the verb-ed form. Ask them to give an example for each.Explanation由于学生已经有一定的分词基础,因此没有必要一项一项推导,而是采取归纳的方法,罗列出能反映过去分词表示被动意义时,在句子中充当不同成分的情况,让学生根据具体句子分析过去分词充当的成分,发现该动词跟其逻辑主语的关系,从而强调过去分词与现在分词在语法意义上被动与主动的区别。Step 3 The verb-ed form with past meanings1. Use the phrases “developing countries” and “developed countries” to explain this usuage.2. More phrases.Explanation同样,在这一步骤上,采取现在分词与过去分词在句中不同意义对比的方法,让学生发现过去分词表示过去或完成的意义,并介绍一些常见的表示过去或完成意义的过去分词,如“retired”等。Step 4Drills1. Ask students to find the correct translation for the following phrases.2. Complete the following sentences with the correct form.3. Ask students to describe these pictures using v.-ed/-ing.4. Make up a sentence containing at least five v.-eds or v.-ings.One sample is given:The worried boy took the overused key out of his broken pocket, opened the newly painted door and unluckily found it trapped. Explanation这个步骤设计了四个不同的活动,帮助学生正确判断和使用过去分词。其中第三、四项活动旨在能让学生充分发挥他们的想象力,在轻松活跃的气氛中更好地掌握过去分词的用法。Step 5SummaryReemphasize the above rules.Explanation这一步骤所总结的内容可以根据学生在操练部分的表现,机动灵活的组织。
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