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练习.单词拼写1We must keep the balance (平衡) of nature.2Lowincome residents cant afford to consult (咨询) a doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick.3Have you digested everything that is important in the book?4With a large amount of work to do, we feel stressed.5If I pay all my debts,_Ill have no money left.6Because of the financial tsunami, a lot of families set a limit (限度) on how much they spend on their living.7If your knowledge can be in some way combined (结合) with my experience, we are sure to succeed.8My aunt is good at bargaining and she always buys things at a discount (折扣)9We dont want to lose themthey are one of our companys best customers (顾客)10To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their strengths (强项)and weaknesses.语法填空1Most important of all,these activities have strengthened (strength) their ties with the working people.2My life is limited,while knowledge is limitless (limit)3He did a lot of work that was beneficial (benefit) to us.4You ought to have a balanced (balance) state of mind.5It is recommended that you should consult your doctor about your illness.6He glanced at the watch, and then stared at me, saying that I am lying to him.7The beautiful lady sat a little straighter and tried to look slimmer (slim) and younger.8If you are curious (curiosity) about another language, then start learning that tool!9This is a newly developed software from which your computer can benefit. 10They should_have_arrived(arrive) at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.单句改错1Its dangerous.You cant go there alone.答案:cantmustnt2You need not to tell me about your life there.答案:去掉to3In order to lose weight, he has decided to go on diet.答案:on后面加a4Its a fine day today for an outing.We cant hope for a nice day at this time of the year.答案:nicenicer5Helen had to shout to make herself hear above the sound of the music.答案:hearheard.完成句子1你本该来得早一点儿,但你却没有。(ought)You ought to have come earlier,but you didnt.2我不会容忍你考试作弊而不受惩罚。(get)I wont have you getting away with cheating in the exam.3如果她乘坐上午十点的火车,她想必就快到了。(arrive)If she took the 1000 am.train, she should be arriving soon.4老师每天早上让他的学生读半个小时的英语。(have)The teacher had his students read English every morning for half an hour.5我非常同意。(agree)I cant agree more.
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