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Unit12PartyTime lookandread listentomusic playagame drawapicture colorapicture readabook What sthis It sabathroom bedroom livingroom What sthis It sakitchen What sthis It sahall What sthis It sadiningroom party派对 晚会 time时间 apple苹果 banana香蕉 orange橘子 橙色 burger hamburger汉堡包 cake蛋糕 chocolate巧克力 icecream冰激凌 Warmup Food chips eggs chicken sausages Canyousayanotherfood Drink water milk orangejuice Fruit apple orange banana watermelon grapes pear Canyousayotherfruits icecream chocolate apple apple peach burger grapes hamburger Readandmatch grapeorangeicecreampearstrawberryburgerchocolate 葡萄草莓汉堡梨巧克力冰淇淋橘子 ListenandanswerP72 Howmuchfooddoyouhear A burger abanana a apple icecream afish cakeWaht sDad sfavouritefood Chocolateicecreamishisfavouritefood What sSuzy sfavouritefood Cakeisherfavouritefood big big red chocolate some Sentences Areyoueatingicecream No I meatingfish 你正在吃冰淇淋么 不 我正在吃鱼 CanIhavesomecake please Yes please 我能吃一些蛋糕么 好的 请随意 Cakeismyfavouritefood 蛋糕是我最喜欢的食物 WORDS grape chocolate burger pear icecream strawberry orange Apple apple Banana banana Orangeandcake Orangeandcake Icecreamandchocolate Icecreamandchocolate Burger Burger abanana一只香蕉 anapple一个苹果 aburger一个汉堡包 acake一个蛋糕 anorange一个橘子 achocolate一块巧克力 anicecream一支冰激凌 扩展单词 apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨peach桃子watermelon西瓜cake蛋糕orange橘子cake蛋糕bread面包cookie饼干coke可乐tea茶water水icecream冰激淋candy糖果chocolate巧克力 可数名词 apple banana pear peach watermelon orange cookie candy cake icecream chocolate 不可数名词 bread coke tea water cake icecream chocolate 既是可数名词也是不可数名词 cake icecream chocolate like喜欢 Ilikeapples 我喜欢苹果 Ilikewater 我喜欢水 like 可数名词复数 不可数名词 喜欢某一类 Ilikeapples 我喜欢苹果 Idon tlikeapples 我不喜欢苹果 don t donot 助动词 有be用be 有情用情 无情无be 就请借助 be is am are 情态动词 can助动词 do Ilikeapples Doyoulikeapples Yes Ido No Idon t Mr Like Mr Don tLike Ilike Idon tlike basketball football swimming tennis dogshorses catsbirds skirts jackets trouseres T shirts burgers chocolate icecream cake Idon tlikeswimming Idon tlikechocolate Ilikejacket Idon tlikehorses Idon tliketrousers Ilikefootball Idon tlikeburgers Idon tliketennis Ilikecats Ilikecake Mr DoYouLike Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Doyoulikebananas Yes yes yes Doyoulikefish Yes yes yes Doyoulikeicecream Yes yes yes Doyoulikeapples Yes yes yes Doyoulikechocolate Yes yes yes Doyoulikeburgers No no no Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Leoislookingatthelongyellowlorry Whatcanyouseeinthepicture Maskman Apple apple banana banana Trevor Orangeandcake Orangeandcake Monty Marie Comeanddothefoodtrainwithus Marie Marie Ok What saboutthecake It saMasketmancake Monty Icecreamandchocolate 2 Marie Burger Marie Stop everybody Trevor Oooops Maskman Ooooh er Monty Eeeek Help Marie ButIdon tlikeburgers Maskman AndIdon tlikeapplesandbananas Maskman Monty sgotmyicecreamandchocolate Monty ButIdon tlikeicecreamandchocolate Monty Myfavouritefood scake Marie WhatdoesMarielike WhatdoesMontylike Shelikesapplesandbananas Montylikescake Trevor Listen Iknow Canwechantourfavoritefood Maskman MontyandMarie Yes Ok Let schantourfavouritefood Marie Apple apple Banana banana Monty Orangeandcake Orangeandcake Maskman Icecreamandchocolate sad old big ten s a d o l d b d i t e n 关于介绍他人 This she heis my 举例 例一 ThisisMissZeng myteacher 例二 SheisLucy mysister 例三 HeisLenny mybrother Thisis 某人 Thisismymum mydad myteacher myfriend Nicetomeetyou Nicetomeetyoutoo Let sbefriends 拓展 初次见面还可以说 Howdoyoudo Howdoyoudo 四 描述他人的名字 特征的句型A Who sthis that Whoisthatgirl boy B That smysister brother father mother grandmother grandfather A Ishe sheyourbrother sister B No he sheisn tA Aretheyyourfriends B Yes theyare No theyaren t A He she itisyoung tall strong B Yes he she itis A Isitacat dog rabbit fish horse bird B Yes itis No itisn t 六 描述自己 他人拥有的东西A Whatdoyouhave B Ihavea an 如 Ihaveacar bike train Ihaveanegg 拓展 Whatdoesshe hehave She hehas Whatdotheyhave Theyhave WhatdoesBellahave Shehasabook WhatdoesAndyhave Hehasaruler
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