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重庆师范大学硕士学位论文任务型教学法在高一英语写作教学中的应用硕士研究生: 朱健源指导教师:曾雪梅 副 教 授学科专业:学科教学(英语)所在学院:外国语学院重庆师范大学2012年3月Chongqing Normal University M. A. Dissertation The Application of Task-based Language Teaching to the Teaching of English Writing in Senior OneAuthor: Zhu Jianyuan Supervisor: Associate Professor Zeng XuemeiMajor: Subject-centered in Instruction (English)College: School of Foreign Languages and Literature Chongqing Normal UniversityMarch, 2012重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 任务型教学法在高一英语写作教学中的应用 摘要 作为英语四大技能之一的写作技能在英语学习中是很重要的,尤其是随着高考英语书面表达分值的增加,它在高中英语教学中的地位就变得更加突出,为此教师们也纷纷开始重视写作,但效率低下的高中英语写作教学现状仍然难以得到解决。在教学中,教师们大都还是在运用注重结果的传统写作教学法,写作形式依然是教师给出题目,学生自己写和教师批改。结果是学生们抱怨写作没进步,老师们抱怨教学没成效,学生们的写作水平更是无法提高。普通高中英语课程标准(2003)倡导任务型教学法,让学生们在教师的指导下完成任务并在此过程中体验成功的喜悦。伴随着新课改的步伐,教师们已在较为普遍地使用任务型教学法,并将其应用于词汇、阅读、语法等教学中。本文探讨了任务型教学法在英语写作教学中的应用,在理解和分析任务型语言教学和英语写作理论的基础上,笔者于2011年9月致2012年1月期间在陕西省榆林实验中学尝试将任务型教学法应用于高一英语写作教学中,旨在提高高一学生的英语写作水平。在展开任务型写作教学之前,笔者进行了问卷调查,旨在了解高一年级学生的英语写作状况和对写作教学的看法。在教学过程中,作者参照Wills的任务型教学模式把写作任务分解为任务前、任务中和任务后三个阶段,然后引导学生们在完成各个阶段任务的过程中掌握语言和写作技能。为了检测实验效果,笔者采用双组前、后测试设计模式进行实验研究,实验结果表明:任务型写作教学比传统的写作教学更能够激发学生们的写作热情,提高学生们的英语写作水平。关键词:任务型教学法,高一英语,写作教学重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要The Application of Task-based Language Teaching to the Teaching of English Writing in Senior One ABSTRACT As one of the four basic skills in English, writing is very important. With the increase of writing proportion in College Entrance Examination in China, writing begins to play a more important role in English teaching. However, writing lessons are also not efficient enough in senior high school. Most of the teachers tend to use traditional teaching methods which focus only on the results, and there is the obvious lack of teachers instruction to students in how to write. Teachers offer the titles and students finish writing, and then students wait for teachers to score, with students not understanding the process of writing development and how they make mistakes. New English Curriculum for Chinese Senior Middle Schools (2003) promotes Task-based Teaching, which can help the students gain a sense of achievement by reaching the goals of the task under the guidance of the teachers. With the progressing of new English teaching reform, this method has been widely used in vocabulary, reading as well as grammar teaching.This thesis discusses the application of Task-based Language Teaching to the teaching of English writing. On the basis of understanding Task-based Language Teaching and other related writing theories, the author has applied Task-based Language Teaching to writing lessons of senior one in Shaanxi province Yulin experimental middle school from September 2011 to January 2012, aiming at improving students writing level. In order to understand students writing situation and their views on writing teaching, the author made a questionnaire survey before the test. Based on Willis task cycle, the lesson has been divided into pre-task, task cycle and post-task, and further guidance has been given to help students finish small tasks and master writing skills. In order to test the results, the author made test before and after the lesson. The result of the test proved that Task-based Language Teaching in writing teaching can stimulate students enthusiasm to writing and increase their writing ability much more than traditional writing teaching.Keywords: Task-based Language Teaching, senior one, writing teaching 23重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 目录目录中文摘要英文摘要II1.引言11.1研究背景11.2 研究目的11.3 研究意义21.4论文结构22.文献综述42.1 国外研究现状42.2 国内研究现状43.任务型教学的理论研究63.1 理论基础63.2 任务的定义63.3 任务型教学法的定义73.4 任务型教学法的原则83.5 任务型教学法的模式84.高一学生的英语写作现状的调查研究104.1 高一学生英语写作现状的调查与分析104.1.1调查目的104.1.2调查对象104.1.3调查内容104.1.4调查结果与分析104.2 调查中存在的问题及成因114.2.1存在的问题114.2.2问题的成因分析125.任务型写作教学的设计及具体的案例研究145.1任务前写作阶段145.2任务中写作阶段145.3任务后写作阶段155.4案例研究156.任务型写作教学的实验分析196.1实验假设196.2实验对象196.3试验时间及内容196.4实验过程196.5实验结果分析217.结语237.1本研究中有待于解决的问题237.2促进任务型写作教学的建议23参考文献25附录A:高一学生英语写作调查问卷27附录B:陕西高考英语书面表达评分准则28致谢30重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 1.引言1 引言1.1研究背景 伴随着社会化进程的加快,我国与世界各国之间的合作与交往也越来越频繁,地球村已悄然形成,作为这个村落的通用语英语已引起了人们的足够重视。新的形势给教师们带来了严峻的挑战,尤其是高中英语教师。过去传统的教学法过分强调词汇记忆和语法规则的掌握,而忽视了用英语进行交际,这已远不能顺应时代的要求。为此,教师们致力于研究新的教学方法,以为国家和社会培养出具有一定英语知识和交际能力的高中生。普通高中英语课程标准明确指出:“高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力以及用英语
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