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Unit3Electricity Name Period 1 新课讲授 一 words 精讲 1 electricity n 电力 电流 静电 高涨的情绪 紧张 如 At night these streets are brilliant with a pearly radiance of electricity While I was cooking supper the electricity went off 链接 electrical 电的 有关电的 electric 电的 导电的 电动的 electron电子 2 foolish adj 愚蠢的 鲁莽的 荒谬的 可笑的 如 He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake We were all amused at his foolish behaviour 链接 fool n 傻瓜 ish foolish adj 愚蠢的 What a fool I was to believe he is a good man A fool always finds a greater fool than himself 3 bulb n 电灯泡 如 The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out I will have to change the bulb by myself 4 test v 回转 返回 n 归来 返乡 如 After I made a model plane I tested it The new drug will be tested first on animals 5 wire n 金属丝 金属线 vi 拍电报 如 Electricity is carried along wires Will you connect this wire to the television Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television 链接 by wire 用电报 通过电报 wire to wire 北美 非正式 从起点到终点 自始至终 6 bettery n 电 电池 蓄电池 军 炮台 炮位 如 He is charging a storage battery He was an okay battery commander 7 reply n 答复 报复 行动 vi 法律 原告对被告 答辩 作答 vt 回应 作出反应 如 His evasive reply prompted me to ask another question To their surprise hundreds replied to the advertisement 8 tidy adj 整洁的 数量大的 n 盛零碎物品的容器 椅子的背罩 vt identify v 识别 鉴别 确定 10 conversaon n 交谈 会话 交往 交际 会谈 人与计算机的 人机对话 如 Please pull up a chair and join the conversation If you have a conversation with someone you talk with them usually in an informal situation 11 anyone pron 任何人 任何一个 谁 如 That dog will pick a quarrel with anyone he meets Don t repeat what I ve told you to anyone it s private 链接 anyone s game 平局 It was still anyone s game at half time 中场休息时还是平局 12 cooker n 电冰箱 冷冻机 如 The cooker is not yet wired in to the main supply Mum has just won a microwave cooker 13 fridge n 电冰箱 冷冻机 如 I put the milk and meat in the fridge This kind of deodorizer can keep the fridge free of bad smells 链接 refrigerator 冰箱 fridge 是缩写 14 lock n 锁 一把 一撮 vt 锁上 使固定 隐藏 vi 卡住 不动 如 She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead They beat them up and locked them in a cell Are you sure you locked the front door 链接 lock out 停工 lock on to 用雷达或类似手段 定位跟踪 目标 15 cable n 缆绳绳索 电学 电缆 巨缆 vt 发电报至 电传 固定系牢 如 Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes She sent a cable to her mother 16 moment n 瞬间 片刻 时刻 重要 紧要 红极一时 如 I ll be back in a moment The moment the clown appeared on stage the audience folded up He s the man of the moment isn t he 链接 for the moment 暂时 目前 at the 或 this moment 马上 任何一刻 随时 17 touch vt 触摸 使某物与 轻轻接触 n 触摸 碰 触觉 润色 痕迹 vi 接触 联系 如 I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem She was off work with a touch of flu He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation 链接 get in touch with 和 取得联系 keep in touch with 和 保持联系 二 Phrases 精讲 1 be careful with 小心对待 谨慎处理 These glasses are very expensive so he is very careful with them Be careful with those fireworks They may cause fire 2 connect to 使 连接 联结 Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap Please connect me to the number in the USA 3 power station n 发电厂 发电站 He took us to see the power station they built The new power station has already come into operation 4 switch off 关 电灯 机器 Please switch the light off before leaving the room Last night you forgot to switch off the television 5 turn off 关上 switch on turn on打开 In order to save electricity please turn off switch off all the lights when you leave the room 三 sentenses 精讲 1 I m going to buy a packet of sweets a packet of 一袋 其后可接可数名词复数或不可数名词用来表示数量 不可数名词没有复数形式 在表示数量时 常用 a 单位量词 of 不可数名词 结构 a 单位量词 of 不可数名词 a piece of meat a piece of paper a glass of apple juice a bag of milk a 单位量词 of 可数名词复数 a basket of eggs a bag of apples 数词 单位量词 of 不可数名词 two glasses of water three cups of tea 数词 单位量词 of 可数名词复数 two packets of sweets three bags of pencils 2 It is like water in a way it a way 在某种程度上 In a way you are right 在某种程度上 你是对的 与 way 的相关短语 In the way 妨碍 挡道 His hobby sometimes gets in the way of his studies 有时他的爱好妨碍了他的学业 on the way 在途中 在路中 He is on the way to school now 他现在在上学的途中 by the way 顺便问一下 By the way who is Tom 顺便问一下 谁是汤姆 all the way 一直 He studies hare all the way 他学习一直很努力 3 Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires 电通过细电线进入我们的公寓 come into 进入 之内 Water comes into our houses through pipes 4 These are connected to cables under the street connect 连接 常用结构 be connected to sth 连接到 connect sth to with 把 和 连接起来 Turn on your computer and connect it to the Internet The railway line connects Wuhan to Shanghai 5 A moment later Daisy came back 1 moment 可数名词 意为 瞬间 片刻 I d like to talk to you for a moment 与 moment 相关的短语 a moment ago 刚刚 刚才 He was here a moment ago at the moment 现在 此刻 He is at home at the moment wait a moment 等一会儿 Wait a moment please 2 later 副词 意为 后来 以后 6 Batteries provide toy cars with provide sb with sth 供应给某人某物 The sun provides us with light and heat 为某人提供某物 还可以用provide sth for sb 7 speak as many languages as Lo 说和 Lo 一样多的语言 as many 复数名词 as 意为 和 一样多的 I have as many books as you 我和你有一样多的书 as much 不可数名词 as 意为 和 一样多的 My brother drinks as much mil
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