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l:2007M10,l:2007M12SE1S(No.20275016)Ye-mail:wyzhongcpu.edu.cn量子点荧光探针在定量分析中的应用梁佳然1 钟文英1 于俊生2(1.中国药科大学基础部分析化学教研室南京210009;2.南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093)K1量子点是半径小于或接近于激子玻尔半径的一类半导体纳米晶,作为一种新型的荧光标记物,其独特和可调谐的光学特性(宽的激发光谱、窄的发射光谱、可精确调谐的发射波长以及可忽略的光漂白等)使其在生物和医学方面显示出巨大的应用潜力。近年来量子点在定量分析方面的应用也取得了很大进展,为分析化学的含量测定提供了一种新的方法和技术,显示出极大的优越性。本文就量子点在金属离子和药物等的含量测定方面国内外的研究进展进行了综述。1oM量子点定量分析金属离子药物ms|:O657.39;O611.4DSM:AcI|:1005-281X(2008)09-1385-06Application of Quantum Dots(QDs)as Fluoresent Probes in Quantitative AnalysisLiang Jiaran1 Zhong Wenying1YuJunsheng2(1.Department of Analytical Chemistry , China Pharmaceutical University , Nanjing 210009, China;2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Nanjing University , Nanjing 210093, China)Abstract Quantum dots (QDs)are a kind of semiconductor nanopaticles with the radius equal to or less than theexciton Bohr radius.They have tremendous potential in the field of biology and medicine because of their unique andtunable optical properties(broad excitation spectrum , narrow emission spectrum , precise tunability of their emission peakand negligible bleaching , etc)as new fluoresent probes.Recently , because of their superiority in sensitivity , a newmethod based on them is introduced to analysis, and made great progress in the quantitative analysis.Here theapplications of QDs in the assay of metal ions, some drugs and compounds, as well as the current research progress arereviewed according to the advanced works worldwide .Key words quantum dots(QDs);quantitative analysis;metal ions;drugs10Bj(K,8,lj(1100 nm)7AU+,l0j:HY?30jr1 。H,0Vr、40r#+y;、;、#dL;,y7sS=5M1。M,0!/|vZ,L、8,!/X。CdSeV-B8?;!K,PengF 2,3K,77B0!H。1998MAlivisatos4Nie 5nQ|03Z,703S,i03DZ3Y615 。-X3A#、s03、0、3vs0MTAUv- 1624 。M,0T3.0,2092008M9化学进展PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRYVol.20 No.9Sep ., 20080s5Yh,2sAU+。0sZZSB8。20co?C110,80。7、#、M、iV3(B110 mg L,、0.0010.01 mg L)。yN1p0cZE2。-0cZE08E(ICP-MS),_KyH?,X?(Liu T C),y(Wang JH).s(Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry), 2006,34(10):14911495 21 Liu T C, Huang Z L , Wang H Q, et al.Anal.Chim.Acta.,2006, 559:120123 22 Boldt K , Bruns O T , Gaponik N, et al.J.Phys.Chem.B,2006, 110:19591963 23(Hu Y),?(Liu L P).3(Journal of Hygiene Research), 2006, 35(6):801803 26%(Liang X R),D(Li X H),(Liu Y).sk(Journal of Instrumental Analysis), 2000, 19(1):3336 27 Chen Y , Rosenzweig Z.Anal.Chem., 2002, 74:51325138 28 Chen B, Yu Y, Zhou Z T, et al .Chem.Lett., 2004, 33(12):16081609 29 Susha A S, Javier A M , Parak W J, et al .Colloids and SurfacesA :Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2006, 281:4043 30 Zhu C Q , Li L, Fang F, et al.Chem.Lett., 2005, 34:898899 31 Chen J L, Gao Y C, Xu Z B, et al.Analytica Chimica Acta,2006, 577:7784 32 Cai Z X, Yang H, Zhang Y, et al.Analytica Chimica Acta,2006, 559:234239 33 Li H B, Zhang Y, Wang X Q , et al.Mater.Lett ., 2007, 61(7):14741477 34 Liang J G, Ai X P, He Z K, et al.Analyst, 2004, 129:619622 35 Gatt s-Asfura K M, Leblanc R M .Chem.Commun., 2003,26842685 36 Chen J L, Zhu C Q.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2005, 546:147153 37 Xia Y S, Cao C, Zhu C Q.Journal of Luminescence, 2007, 7:17 38 Isarov A , Chrysochoos J.Langmuir, 1997, 13:31423149 39 Somers R C, Bawendi M G , Nocera D G.Chem.Soc.Rev,2007, 36:579 40(Liu D),(Cheng W Q),(Yan Z Y).s(Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry),2007, 6:825829 41 Fern ndez-Argelles M T , Jin W J, Costa-Fern ndez J M, et al.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2005, 549:2025 42(Lai Y),(Zhong P),(Yu Y).k4(Chemical Reagents), 2006, 28(3):135138 43 Xie H Y , Liang J G , Zhang Z L , et al.Spectrochim.Acta PartA , 2004, 60:25272530 44(Yan Z Y),(Pang D W),o(Shao X F).S0Sv(Journal of China PharmaceuticalUniversity), 2005, 36(3):230233 45 Bo C, Ping Z.Anal.Bioanal.Chem., 2005, 381:98699213899D0;
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