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Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks(一)课后练习题一: 用give up, give in(to), give out, give away的适当形式填空。1. The radio is _ a strange signal.2. She wouldnt _ any details of the plan. 3. If you always _ others, you will end up feeling like a fool. 4. I am managing, but I could not possibly _work. 题二: 用give up, give in(to), give out, give away的适当形式填空。1. He _ his studies and went on the stage. 2. People at the entrance were _ leaflets(传单).3. You _ information that should be kept secret.4. We want to _ temptation(诱惑) even though we know its wrong. 题三: 填空1. In practice, workers do not work to _ (satisfaction) their needs. 2. I told myself I would be _ (satisfaction) with whatever I could get. 3. It can be very _ (satisfaction) to work in the garden.题四: 填空1. He was far from being _ (satisfaction) with the way the things were done. 2. He shows me some works, none of which is _ (satisfaction). 3. As a salesman, your mission is to do everything you can to _ (satisfaction) a customer. 题五: 用cheer up, set up, call up, put up的适当形式填空。1. I think he misses her terribly. You might _ him _. 2. They _ a working party to look into the issue. 3. When Im in Beijing, I _ him _. 4. Theyre _ new street signs _. 题六: 用cheer up, set up, call up, put up的适当形式填空。1. I wanted to know if she could _ me _ for a few days. 2. He _ at the thought of going home last night.3. Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about _ it _.4. On reaching home, she _ Kate yesterday.题七: 1.完成句子。他立志决不向别人借钱。He makes _ a rule never _ money.2.改错题。They found it is pleasant to work with us Chinese.题八: 1.完成句子。我觉得学习英语并不难。I dont feel _ difficult _ English.2. 改错题。He made it a rule to getting up at five.题九: 完成句子。1. 你在业余时间里做的事情对你影响很大。It _ you what you do in your spare time. 2. 对他们来说,等几个月不会有任何影响。A few more months would not have _ to them. 题十: 完成句子。1. 你可以做任何你想做的事,因为我们不知道什么会影响。You can do whatever you want because were not sure what _.2. 既然我做什么都于事无补,我为什么还要费劲呢?Nothing I do _ anyway, so why bother? Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks(一)课后练习参考答案题一: 1. giving out 2. give away 3. give in to 4.give up 解析:1. 句意为“收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。”give out发出。时态为现在进行时,填giving out。2. 句意为“她不愿泄露该计划的任何细节。”give away泄露。would后接动词原形。3. 句意为“如果你总是屈服于人,你最终会觉得自己像一个傻子。”give in to屈服于,向让步。4. 句意为“我正在努力应付,但我不可能放弃工作。”give up放弃。题二: 1. gave up 2. giving out 3. gave away 4. give in to 解析:1. 句意为“他不再读书而去当演员了。”give up放弃。时态为一般过去时,填gave up。2. 句意为“有人在入口处分发传单。”give out分发。时态为过去进行时,填giving out。3. 句意为“你泄露了应该保密的信息。”gave away泄露。4. 句意为“纵然我们明知道不对,却仍想屈服于诱惑。”give in to屈服于,向让步。题三: 1.satisfy 2. satisfied 3. satisfying 解析:1. 句意为“事实上,工人工作并不是为了满足本身的需要。”satisfy是动词“满足”的意思。2. 句意为“我告诉自己,不管得到什么我都会心满意足的。”satisfied是形容词“感到满足”的意思。常用搭配是sb. be satisfied with某人对感到满足。3. 句意为“在花园里工作可以让人十分满足。”satisfying是形容词“令人满意的”的意思,主语是物。题四: 1. satisfied 2.satisfying 3. satisfy 解析:1. 句意为“这几件事办得太不遂他的心了。”satisfied是形容词“感到满足”的意思。常用搭配是sb. be satisfied with某人对感到满足。2. 句意为“他向我展示了一些作品,其中没有一个是令人满意的。”satisfying是形容词“令人满意的”的意思,主语是物。3. 句意为“作为推销员,你的使命是竭尽全力让顾客满意。”satisfy是动词“满足”的意思。题五: 1. cheer, up 2. set up 3. will call, up 4.putting, up 解析:1. 句意为“我想他是太想念她了。你可以让他高兴起来。”cheer up使高兴;使振奋。2. 句意为“他们设立了一个工作组来调查这个问题。”set up创建,成立。3. 句意为“当我到北京后,我会给他打电话。”call up打电话。4. 句意为“他们正在张贴新的路标。”put up张贴,留宿。时态为现在进行时,填putting; up。题六: 1. put, up 2. cheered up 3. setting, up 4. called up 解析:1. 句意为“我想知道她是否可以让我住几天。”put up提供住宿。2. 句意为“昨晚他一想到回家,心里就高兴起来。”cheer up使高兴;使振奋。时态为一般过去时,填cheered up。3. 句意为“告诉我们你是何时出于何种原因开办了自己的企业,又是如何着手创建的。”set up创建,成立。about是介词,介词后接动词ing形式。4. 句意为“昨天到家后,她给凯特打了个电话。”call up打电话。时态为一般过去时,填called up。题七: 1. it; to borrow 2. They found it is pleasant to work with us Chinese.was/is 解析:1.it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式。2.形式宾语的基本结构为“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式”。把is改为was 或者去掉it后的be动词,在时态上保持一致。题八: 1. it; to learn 2. He made it a rule to getting up at five. get解析:1.it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式。2.形式宾语的基本结构为“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式”。宾语补足语后接的是不定式,故把getting改为get。题九: 1. makes a big difference to 2.made any difference解析:1. make a big difference to sb.对某人有很大的影响。主语是it,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。2. make a difference to sb.对某人有影响。时态为现在完成时,又因句子是否定句,应填made any difference。题十: 1. makes a difference 2. makes any difference 解析:1. make a difference有影响。主语是what,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。2. make a difference有影响。主语是nothing,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。- 6 -
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