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Unit6 Topic 1 基础训练I.Wordsbjutfl gdn bedrm seknd fl pstez ktn brum fst lmp klk n nd te bhand frnt t wnd tebl ki pt we d lk/ft sent jd fla has ld left mdl nli adj美丽的 n. 花园 n卧室 num&adv第二 n.楼层;地板 等等 adv在(或向)楼上 n厨房 餐厅 客厅;起居室 n浴室,洗手间 num&adv第一 n灯 n钟 prep在附近adv.在附近 aaj近的 prep在下面; n椅子 prep(表示位置)在后面 n前面;前部 adj前面的;前部的 在前面 n.吉他 n窗户 n桌子;表格 n钥匙;关键 v.放 adv离开 将收起 n门 照顾 n东西;事情 n中心 在中心 n院子 n花 n房子,住宅 adj大的,巨大的 n左,左边; adv向左; adj左边的 n模型;模特儿 adv.仅仅,只有adj.仅有的,唯一的 II、写出下列短语1.等等 2.在中心 3.起居室 4.在前面(在内部) 5. 在前面(在外部) 6.收起,放好 7.照顾 8.在二楼 9.在一楼 10.在近邻 11.上楼 12.看一看 13.餐厅 14. 在的后部 15.谈论 16.如此多 17.在墙上 18. 玩电脑游戏 19.在树上 20. 弹吉它 21.玩耍 22.打篮球 23在的左边 24.在的右边 III、情景交际1.你想知道桌子上有什么,可以这么问: 2.你想知道吉它在哪里,可以这么问: 3.你想知道书房里有多少台电脑,可以这么问: 4.你想知道瓶子里有多少橙汁,可以这么问: 5.你想告诉对方在房子的左侧有一个厨房,可以这么说: IV、句型转换1.There is sofa, a desk and some books in my study.(对划线提问) 2.There is a pen in the pencil-box.(同上) 3.There are 46 students in the classroom.(同上) 4.There are 7 days a week.(同上) 5.We have 4 lessons in the morning(同上) 6.There is some milk in the bottle.(对划线部分提问) 7.There are some keys under the table.(一般问句) 8.There is some bread on the plate(同上) 9.Is there a boy in the tree?(肯定回答) 10.Are there any fishes in the swimming pool?(否定回答) V、选择填空。( )1.There are some windows the wall and some pictures the wall.A. on; onB. in; onC. on; in( )2. on the desk?A. What isB. Which isC. Where is( )3.Whats the house? A car.A. in the front of B. in the center of C. in front of( )4.There two bowls of rice on the table.A. isB. areC. have( )5.Therea basketball match in our school tomorrow.A. will haveB. will be C. is going to have( )6.There is somebody at the door.Go and see who it is.A. knocksB. knockingC. to knock( )7.Tell him not to eat meat.Its bad for his health.A. too muchB. much tooC. too many ( )8.The oranges are the tree and the bird is the tree.A. on;onB. in;onC.on;in( )9.Where is Guangzhou? Lets the map of China.A. having a lookB. have a look at C. looks at( )10.Our shoes are here and there. Please,Linda.A.put away them B.put them away C.put them outUnit6 Topic 1 参考答案I.Wordsbjutfl beautiful gdn garden bedrm bedroom seknd second fl floor pstez upstairs ktn kitchen brum bathroom fst first lmp lamp klk clock n near nd under te chair bhand behind frnt front t gurtar wnd window tebl table ki key pt put we away d door lk/ft look after thing sent center jd yard fla flower h
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