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Unit 3 第四课时课时内容B Lets try Lets talk课时分析本课时是人教版六年级下册第三单元第四课时,与前几课时时紧密相连。围绕“Amy的三亚之行”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习词汇beach, far from, go there及句型Where did you go? How did you go there? What did you do? 的表达。引导学生了解三亚的海岛风光,激发学生学习英语的热情,持续保持学习英语的兴趣,增强学好英语的信心,发挥主观能动性。第四课时是前几课时的延续,是句型的综合运用,学会了本课时的知识,那么一般过去时态的特殊疑问句学生已经完全掌握,本课时的的重点是能够在情景中恰当运用由where, what和how引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。 本课时包括Lets try 和Lets talk 两个板块。Lets try通过吴一凡和Amy在学校遇见Sarah,三人讨论寒假活动的语境呈现新句型:Where did you go over the winter holiday? How did you go? What did you do? 学生通过听力练习获得Lets talk板块的人物及场景信息。Lets talk板块呈现了五幅图,第一幅图呈现了第一天从北京乘坐飞机到三亚的场景。第二幅图、第三附图呈现了第二天天气暖和、拍照的场景。第四幅图呈现了在沙滩上踢足球的场景。第五幅图呈现了骑车子的场景。通过这五个场景,帮助学生体会对话的意义。此版块呈现的对话情境是吴一凡和Amy在学校遇见Sarah,三人讨论寒假的活动,从而引出句型Where did you go over the winter holiday? How did you go? What did you do? 本课时涉及的句型比较多,但是Where did you go? What did you go? 句型已经在前几节课学过,学生很容易的掌握本课知识。所以在设计教学时,要重点放在句型的综合运用上。给学生创设真实的情境,调动全体学生的积极参与,做到操练与情境相结合,达到语言运用的目的。课时目标1. 能够在教师的帮助下,借助图片,理解对话大意。2. 能够借助语境理解单词和词组:beach,far from,并能正确发音。3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。4. 能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go ? How did you go? What did you do? 5. 能够在情景中恰当运用上述句型谈论假期活动。6. 能够在情景中运用由where, what和how引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。课时重难点1. 重点(1)能够在教师的帮助下,借助图片,理解对话大意。(2)能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go ? How did you go? What did you do? (3)能够在情景中恰当运用上述句型谈论假期活动。 (4) 能够在情景中运用由where, what和how引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。2. 难点1. 句型Where did you go ? How did you go? What did you do? 的灵活运用。2. 能够在情景中正确的运用由where, what和how引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。教学准备:课件、词卡、图片、录音机、磁带、调查表、Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How do you feel today? Ss: Happy. T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes, we are ready. T: Ok. Lets sing a song together.(播放歌曲Tell me about your holiday.) Ss: Ok.教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:歌曲是学生喜欢的一种教学形式。它使学生在宽松和谐的氛围中,复习和巩固了知识。2. Review some phrases.(1)T: Great! Everyone, now I have some cards. Lets say and do. 教师展示词卡go swimming, 学生说出它的过去式went, went, went swimming,去游泳,并做出游泳的动作。(2)教师依次展示eat fresh food, take pictures, buy gifts的词卡,学生说出动词的过去式和汉语,然后做出相应的动作。(3)学生齐说短语儿歌。教学资源:词卡设计意图:不同的操练形式,帮助学生复习和巩固上节课所学的短语。Step 2 Lead inAsk and answer.T: Now I have some questions to ask you. How was your summer holiday?S1: It was good/fine/greatT: Where did you go?S1: I went to .T: What did you do there?S1: I(教师多找几名学生问答。)设计意图:问答操练,锻炼了学生的思维能力和口语能力,使学生及时地复习和巩固了前几节课的知识,并为学习本课的知识打下良好的基础。Step 3 Presentation1Lets try (1) Show the pictures about “Amy, Sarah, Wu yifan”. T: Who are they? Do you know? Ss: Amy, Sarah and Wu yifan T: Wu yifan and Amy meet Sarah at school. What are they talking about? Can you guess? S1: Last Weekend. S2: Summer holiday. S3: (2) Listen to the tape and answer the first question. T: What did Sarah do in Hangzhou? S1: He went to the West Lake. T: Wonderful. What was the West Lake like? S2: Big.S3: Beautiful.T: Good. What else could we do in the West Lake? (引导学生回答。)Ss: We can row a boat.(3) Listen to the tape again and answer the second question.T: Sarah bought some gifts. Who did she buy gifts for?教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:学生先学会听前预测,做到有重点的听,提高自身的听力技巧,并为进入正式的对话学习做好准备。2. Lets talk(1)预测对话内容。 T: Sarah went to Hangzhou last winter holiday. What about Amy? 学生带着下面提出的问题阅读文本。 Questions: Where did she go? Who did she go with? When did she go? How did she go there? What did she do? (2)解决问题。 T: Where did Amy go? S1: She went to Sanya. T:When did she go? S2: The winter holiday. (板书winter holiday, 利用日历帮助学生理解,带读,指名读,齐读。) T: Who did she go with?(板书句型,讲解句型,理解句型。) S3: Her family. T: How did she go there?( 板书句型,理解go there, 注意go后面没有to。指名讲解句型。) S4: She went there by plane. T: Why?(引导学生用书中的句子回答。) Ss: Hainan is far from Beijing. (板书far from,用图片理解词组。) (3) Talking about “Sanya” T: On the first day, Amy went to Sanya by plane. What did she do on the second day? Ss: She took pictures. T: What was the weather like there? Ss: Its hot. T: What did she do on the third day? S1: She played football. T: Where? (引导学生回答beach。词卡呈现单词,借助单词peach或者sea的发音,自己试读,指名读,领读,齐读。) We can say: On the third day, Amy played football on the beach. (引导学生结合插图,讨论三亚,充分发挥想象。)(4) Listen to the tape and follow the tape.(5) Read in role. 两人分角色朗读。 男女生分角色朗读。3. 根据Amys winter holiday的思维导图,描述Amys winter holiday。 两人一组互相描述,指名描述,全班描述。 Amy went to _ with her family over the winter holiday. They went there_.She _ and _ there. 4. 课件呈现教师旅游的信息,根据信息推断疑问句。 (1) T: Do you want to hear about my winter holiday? What do you want to know about my winter holiday?(课件展示教师旅游信息的句子,两人一组,讨论疑问句。) My Holiday TripI went to Beidaihe.I went there over the winter holiday.I went there by car.I went swimming.(2)指名说疑问句,课件补充。教师讲解疑问词where, what, when, how的用法。(3)学生说问句,教师说答句。教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带、设计意图:先呈现整篇课文对话,让学生整体感
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