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六年级英语上册第四单元测试题(考试时间:40分钟 满分:100分)班级 姓名 学号 一、听力部分(30%)1.Linsten and circle.(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合。)(5%)1) A.IQ B.IP 2) A.voa B.vor 3) A.weo B.wto 4) A.PTR B.TPR 5) A.UFO B.UPO2Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词.)(10%)1) A. riding a bike B. ride a bike C. read a book2) A. watches TV B. watching TV C.TV reporter3) A. hobby B. horse C. home4) A. by bus B. by bike C. by ship5) A. diving B. does C. writing3. Listen and match.(根据听到的内容,把图中人物用线连接起来。)(10%)4Listen and tick.(根据听到的句子,判断图片正误,对的打“”错的打“”。)(5%)二、笔试部分(70%)1.Write the big letters.(写出下列字母的大写形式。)(5%)a r i l m x y w u q2.Add “ing”.(看例题,写出下列动词的ing形式。)(5%) 例:go- going 1)ride- 2)play- 3)collect- 4)teach- 5)dive- 6)make- 7)paint- 8)draw- 9)watch- 10)read- 3.Choose the right word in the blanks.(选词填空,将单词正确的填入空格中。)(10%)by bike playing the violin goes to bed making kites diving1)My pen pal likes . 2)Does he go to school ? 3)His father likes .4)Mike likes .5)My father at 10:00.4.Look at the pictures and choose the right sentence.(看图片,选择与图意相符的句子。)(10%)( ) 1)A. My father reads newspaper everyday. B. My father watches TV everyday. ( ) 2) A. Liu Yun likes drawing pictures. B. Liu Yun likes collecting stamps. ( ) 3) A .He teaches math. B. His hobby is singing. ( ) 4) A. Anns hobby is making kites. B. Ann likes playing computer games.( ) 5) A. My pen pal likes diving. B. My pen pal likes painting.5.Choose the right answer.(选择正确的答句。)(10%)( ) 1)Whats Mikes hobby?A. He likes diving. B.He likes dive.( ) 2) Dose the man go to work by bus ?A. Yes,he is. B.Yes,he does.( ) 3) Does your mother live in Shanghai ?A.No,she doesnt. B.No,he doesnt.( ) 4) Can he go with us ?A.Sure. B.No, he dont.( ) 5) Thank you. .A.Yes,please. B.Youre welcome.6.Choose the right translation.(选择正确的翻译。)(10%)( ) 1)周六Ann经常下棋。 A. Ann likes playing chess. B. Ann usually plays chess on Saturday. ( ) 2) 他在医院工作吗? A. Does he work in a hospital? B. He works in a hospital. ( ) 3)我爸爸每天乘地铁上班。A. My father goes to work by subway everyday.B. My father go to work by subway everyday.( )4)Sarah 是我的笔友。 A. Sarah is my pen pal. B.Sarah likes writing. ( ) 5) 他也喜欢踢足球。 A. He likes playing football. B. He likes playing football, too.7. Read and make the sentences.(连词成句。)(10%)1)what hobby is her ?2) teaches English my sister .3) Mike does Beijing in live ?4) goes he home 6:00 at .5) like I collecting stamps .8.Reading.(阅读短文,判断正误。)(10%)I have a pen pal. Her name is Mary. She is 23.She lives in Beijing.She is a teacher and she teaches P.E.,she walks to work. Her hobby is diving,she wants to attend Olympic games one day.( ) 1) Mary is my pen pal.( ) 2) Mary is a math teacher.( ) 3) Mary goes to work by bus.( ) 4) Mary likes diving.( ) 5) Mary is 23 years old.参考答案:一、 听力部分11-5 AABBA21-5 ABACA3.1)A: Whats your hobby,Liu Yun? B: I like playing computer games.2) A:Where are you going,Alice? B: Im going to the hospital.3) A: Sarahs hobby is listening to the music.4) A: Sam,how do you go to school? B: By bike.5) A: Mike,whats your hobby? B: I like making kites.41-5 1) His hobby is diving.2) My uncle watches TV at night.3) The girl likes painting.4) Do you like swimming? Yes,I do.5) My pen pal likes collecting stamps. 二、笔试部分、略、略、略、-5 ABABB、-5 ABAAB、-5 BAAAB、略、-5
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