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派遣员工劳务合同派遣员工劳务合同 OUTSOURCING CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT 字第 字第 号号 甲方 甲方 Party A 法定代表人 Legal Representative 地址 Address 乙方 乙方 Party B 法定代表人 Legal Representative 地址 Address 甲乙双方按照中华人民共和国有关法律 根据平等互利原则 经友好协商 就甲方 向乙方派遣员工事宜达成如下协议 According to Chinese relevant laws and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein the parties hereby reach the following contract concerning outsourced employee 第一章第一章派遣与借用派遣与借用 CHAPTER ONE OUTRESORCING AND BORROWING 第一条第一条 派遣系指甲方按照本合同约定 将与甲方建立劳动关系的人员派往乙方工作的行为 Article 1 For the purpose of this Contract Outsourcing means Party A dispatches its employee who has employment relation with itself to work for Party B 2 第二条第二条 借用系指乙方按照本合同约定 从甲方借调人员到乙方工作的行为 Article 2 For the purpose of this Contract Borrowing means Party B borrows subject to the terms and conditions contained herein the employee who has employment relation with Party A to work for Party B 第三条第三条 甲方根据乙方的要求向乙方派遣员工 乙方须按照约定向甲方支付借用费 Article 3 At the request of Party B Party A dispatches its employees to work for Party B and Party B shall pay Party A the relevant borrowing fees accordingly 第四条第四条 员工与甲方为劳动关系 与乙方为劳务关系 员工的工作地点 岗位 方式由乙方 根据业务需要确定 Article 4 The relation between the Employee who is concerned in this Contract and Party A belongs to employment relation and the relation between the aforementioned Employee and Party B belongs to labor service relation The working venue position and working method of the Employee will be determined by Party B based on its business 第五条第五条 借用费系指乙方借用甲方员工的费用 包括 Article 5 The Borrowing Fees means the payment that Party B shall make to Party A which includes 一 支付员工的工资 1 The wages of the Employee 二 支付员工的社会保险 住房公积金费用 2 The social insurance premiums and housing fund of the Employee 三 甲方为派遣员工提供商业保险 福利的费用 3 Other commercial insurance and welfares that Party A offers to the Employee 四 甲方对派遣员工的管理 经营成本 该费用所占比例不少于借用费的5 4 The management cost and operation cost of the outsourced Employee that Party A spends which is not less than 5 of the total Borrowing Fees 五 承担企业税收等费用 5 Taxes and other expenses that Party A bears 3 第六条第六条 甲方派遣人员的姓名 聘用职务及工作内容 借用期限 年 自2012年 月 日至20 年 月 日止 借用工作地点 Article 6 The Name of the outsourced Employee Working Position Borrowing Period Commencing from to Working Venue 第二章第二章甲方的义务与权利甲方的义务与权利 CHAPTER TWO RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A 第七条第七条 甲方承担下列义务 Article 7 Party A shall assume the following obligations 一 根据乙方的要求推荐人选 与乙方决定借用的人员或乙方直接选定的人员签 订 派遣员工劳动合同 1 to recommend the candidates at the request of Party B and signs employment contract with the person who Party B decides to borrow or directly chooses 二 教育派遣员工遵守中华人民共和国法律 法规和规章 2 to educate the outsourced employee to observe the laws decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government 三 教育派遣员工遵守乙方的工作制度 保守乙方的商业秘密 3 to educate the outsourced employee to observe the working system and policies of Party B and keep the business secrets of Party B in confidential 四 从借用费中支付派遣员工的工资和应得收入 4 to pay the Employee wages and other remunerations he deserves from the borrowing fees 4 五 在乙方支付借用费后 依法承担派遣员工的社会保险 住房公积金及 福利费用 其中福利及医疗保险部分内容的具体实施按照本合同及其附件条款 甲 方有关派遣员工福利待遇 医疗费用报销的规定执行 5 Shall pay the social insurance housing fund and other welfares for the Employee according to the relevant laws after it receives the borrowing fees from Party B The standards of the aforementioned contents will be subject to the terms and conditions of this contract and its appendixes as well as the relevant rules and policies of Party A in relation with the welfares and reimbursement of medical treatment fees 六 为派遣员工提供双方确定的服务内容 6 to provide other services which are agreed by two parties 七 听取乙方意见和建议 不断改进工作 7 to accept the advices and suggestions provided by Party B and improve its work accordingly 第八条第八条 甲方享有如下权利 Article 8 Party A shall enjoy the following rights 一 如遇特殊情况 甲乙双方不能达成一致意见时 甲方有权撤回派遣员工 和解除本合同 但应提前30天以书面形式通知乙方和派遣员工 派遣员工在试用 期内除外 同时甲方按下列方式向乙方一次性支付补偿费 派遣员工被派遣时间每满一年 补偿费为一个月的借用费 不足一年的部分按一 年计算 补偿费以派遣员工被撤回当月的借用费为计算标准 1 In case in some special situations when two parties cannot reach an agreement Party A shall have the right to recall its outsourced employee but a 30 days prior written notice shall be made by Party A except the outsourced employee is in the probation period and shall be sent to Party B and the outsourced employee Besides Party A shall pay Party B compensation according to the following way The compensation payment shall be made based on the working time of the outsourced employee which shall be one month s borrowing fee for each full year worked Any period of not less than one year shall be counted as one year The standard of compensation fee shall be the borrowing fee of the same month when the outsourced employee is recalled 5 二 甲方有权对乙方违反本合同有关条款或损害派遣员工合法权益的行为提出 书面意见 进行交涉 乙方应在收到甲方书面意见后六个工作日内 以书面形式 回复甲方 2 Party A is entitled to bring forward its opinions in written when Party B violates this Contract or damages the legal rights of the outsourced employee And Party B shall reply in written within six 6 working days after it recei
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