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花牛镇白家河学校2014-2015学年度第一学期八年级上册英语导学案本学年课程标准大纲要求本册教学目标一、语言技能要求听 说 读 写(略见四,五级学习标准)二、语言知识语音 根据读音规则和音标拼读单词语法:掌握一般现在时,一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态。掌握动词不定式 ,动名词等非谓语动词等三、学习策略掌握英语一定的学习方法学会听说读写的英语基本学习策略四、情感意识知道学习英语的,用途与重要性有明确的学习目标,五、文化意识了解中西方文化的的不同,有文化意识与文化容忍度1语音方面:继续巩固学习音标,掌握英标,练习巩固用音标拼读单词,学习连读,强调重读,与升降调!2词汇方面:牢记不规则动词表,100-150个短语及固定搭配,认识各种词性与用法 背会500-700个常用单词,认识理解名词属格、冠词,反身代词,形容词的比较级,动词不定式,3时态方面:在(一般现在时和一般过去时,一般将来时和过去将来时,现在进行时的)基础上学习现在完成时、过去完成时和过去进行时4句法方面:学会五种基本句式,了解宾时间状语从句和原因状语从句,宾语补足语教材分析本册教科书共八个单元,48课。课文内容以八个话题展开,分别是我和我的同学,我最喜欢的科目,家庭聚会、我的邻居、我的未来、交通、兴趣爱好、庆祝自我。围绕这八个话题在本册书中展开句子为中心的学习。但归结起来可简化为四个话题,我学校家庭社会。符合学生的认知发展规律,贴近学生的日常生活实际,激发了学生的交际潜力和学习兴趣。学情分析本班共22人,男生 8 人,女生14 人,学习能力与学习水平参差不齐,个别女生学习态度端正,学习成绩较好女生如杨茜茜,李兰雪,杨婵云,白娜,杨艳峰。男生董源学习能力较强,但是基础一般。其余16人中学习态度比较踏实的有白冰燕,杨欢欢,白斌杰。学习不是很踏实学习效率较低的有王雨雨、董鹏源、李荣荣。杨子涵。学习态度不端正,学习成绩非常差的有董倩,董翠萍王博辉、白文博、董建科、师喜龙、李尹杰、董文伟,董云霞。教研课题语音输入对八年级学生词汇学习的影响(理论背景:Krasners input hypothesis)全册知识结构图句法-简单句五种基本类型/时间,原因状语从句,宾语补足语时态-现在完成时词法名词属格,情态动词,形容词的比较级,冠词,反身代词语法评价设想1形成性评价:一月一测验,及时向学生汇报学习成绩。2过程性评价:加强背诵检查和听写力度,学困生转化措施 1成立学习互助小组,组长带动学习,组长监督听写背诵,2抓英标教学,教授学习记忆单词的技巧。3与家长多联系,配合转化学习态度4多鼓励,多表扬课程内容进度安排:1-2周学习unit1 lesson1-lesson6 (完成时与五种基本句型)3-4周学习Unit2 Lesson 7-lesson125-7周学习unit3 lesson13-lesson18(六周国庆放假)8-9周学习unit4lesson19-lesson2411-12周学习unit5lesson25-lesson3013-14周学习unit6lesson31-lesson3615-16周学习unit7lesson37-lesson4217-18周学习unit8lesson43-lesson48第一单元导学案励志语言:Think twice before you do. 三思而后行。科目English 课题Lesson 1 Back to school!设计人 张文芳 班级八年级学 习目 标1 掌握新词汇:physics, recent2. 识别新词汇:Sandra, Cox教学重难点1. how do you like?2. Introduce to 3. Introduce to 学生自主学习课堂同步导案自主预习一. 掌握下列词汇及短语:1. physics _ 2. Silk Road _3. holiday _ 4. exciting _ 5. the first day of a new term _6. such a long holiday_ 7. one of _ 8. the same as_ 9. talk to_ 10. make new friends_ 11. look for_12. make a class picture_13. good luck _14. recent pictures of myself_合作探究一. 读课文回答问题。(完成课本第三页第一题)二. 难点讲解:1. How do you like the first day of a new term? _(翻译) how do you like 意为“你认为怎么样?”同义句型为: what do you think of eg: 你认为这件毛衣怎么样?._? _?2. one is Sandra and the other is Mary. 一个是桑德拉另一个是玛丽 one the other 意为“一个另一个”eg: I have two bags, one is blue, the other is red.(两个中的另一个)【辨析】other, others, the other, the others和 another1) other泛指“另外的,别的”没有范围的限制,修饰复数名词时相当于 others ;the other表单数时特指两者中的“另外一个”;其后跟复数名词时指两部分中的“另一部分”意为“剩下的,其余的”,有范围限制,复数为the others。注:other+复数名词=others the other+复数名词=the othersEx: 1.Is this your shoe? -Yes, it is. But where is _?2. Betty has come back, but _ students in the class arent here yet. 2) another指“又一个,另一个”, 没有范围的限制.I dont like this shirt, please show me _. 3. You can introduce yourself to her. 你可以把你自己介绍给她. Introduce to 把介绍给eg: I want _ (introduce) the girl to you, Lily. 课堂检测1. Sunday is the f_ day of the week.2. This term we have a new subject- p_.3. Danny was happy to see his c_ after the holiday.4. In r_ years, air pollution(污染) becomes terrible.5. C_ is a kind of animal in the desert.课后作业.1 Grandpa Li has two sons. One is in Shanghai, _ is in Guangzhou.2. There are many children in the park, some are running,_ are walking.3. Im so glad_( introduce) my new friend to you.4. This game is too _ (excited)5. He doesnt know what _(do) next.Teaching steps: Step1. Check the part 1 of students guiding cases,help them find their mistakes.Step2. New words. Step3. Listening.Step4. Reading.Step5. Discuss and show the structures in part2Step6. Exercises.板书设计 How do you like the first day of a new term? New term important Make new friends/classmates Have new teacher New subject课后反思教学目标明确,教学重难点突出学生易于理解,学生能够积极参与课堂活动,主动提出问题。白冰燕为大家带来新单词draft n. 草稿。学生积极开始学习背单词,扩充词汇量Practice makes perfect!科目English 课题Lesson 2 Many faces, one picture设计人 张文芳 班级八年级学 习目 标2 掌握新词汇:perform advice, agree glue 2. 识别新词汇:perform教学重难点1advise.to 2. up to 3.agreewith学生自主学习课堂同步导案自主预习一. 掌握下列词汇及短语:1. take a photo _ 2. Spring festival Show _ 3.tradtional clothes _ 4. dancer _ 5. Performed a dance _6. Its up to_ 7. Describe the pictures_ 8. make a class picture_9 prepare for_10. put it up_11 look like_
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