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六年级下册第一次月考测试卷U1-2(A卷)1、 英汉互译。1.做得很好 2.洗脸 3.感到困倦的 4.吵醒,叫醒 5.走过,路过 6.have bad habits 7.from then on 8.put.in order 9.help ones parents 10.cheer for him loudly 二、按要求写词。1.late(反义词) 2.finish(第三人称单数) 3.be good at(同义词) 4.tooth(复数) 5.good(副词) 6.fast(反义词) 7.tidy(反义词) 8.become(过去式) 9.catch(过去式) 10.laugh(过去式) 三、单项选择。( )1. did he to Beijing last week? By plane.A.How; go B.How; went C.What; go D.What; went( )2.We presents for my parents tomorrow.A.buy B.are going to buy C.buys D.bought( )3. , Ben threw a banana skin on the ground.A.Tomorrow B.Next week 来源:Z_xx_k.ComC.This morningD.Tomorrow morning( )4.Liu Tao and Mike are good table tennis.A.to B.in C.for D.at( )5.My father likes people.A.helping B.help C.helped D.helps( )6.My sister Su Yang usually her in the morning.A.wash; tooth B.washes; tooth C.washes; teeth D.washed; teeth( )7.I to the museum my friends last Sunday.A.go; with B.went; with C.go; and D.went; and( )8.Su Hai is an email her friend Helen.A.write; for B.writing; for C.writing; to D.write; to( )9.That boy is crying . Can you help ?A.sad; him B.sadly; him C.sad; he D.sadly; he( )10.Sam is so . He is hitting the ball .A.excited; hard B.exciting; hard 来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KC.exciting; hardly D.excited; hardly四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.What about (play) football this afternoon?2.My brother Jack must (finish) his homework first.3.Would you like (show) me around your new house?4.Look, Jim is running (quick).5.We are very about the (excite) film.6.Tim (become) quiet and didnt say a word.7.At last, the lion let the man (go).8. (be) there any toys in your living room? Yes.五、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句。I II( )1.Did the lion and the mouse become friends at last?A.No, he cant. ( )2.Was there a lion in the forest?B.Yes, she does.( )3.Can John play basketball?C.I am writing an email to my penfriend Sue.( )4.Does Liu Tao usually finish his homework before dinner?D.Yes, they did.( )5.Does Yang Ling go to bed late?E.Yes, she always brushes her teeth every morning and night.( )6.What are you doing, Mike?F.Yes, there was.来源:Zxxk.Com( )7.What should we do?G.You should get up early.( )8.Does your sister brush her teeth every night?H.No, he doesnt.6、 根据中文提示完成句子。1.你能将你的书和玩具放整齐吗?是的,我能。Can you your books and toys ? Yes, I can.2.山姆看见许多书和玩具在地板上。San a lot of books and toys .3.我的爷爷奶奶总是按时吃早饭。My grandparents always .4.汤姆经常在晚上做家庭作业。Tom often in the evening.5.狮子不能从网中出来。The lion couldnt the net.7、 按要求改写句子。1.A mouse wake the lion up.(改为一般疑问句) a mouse the lion up?2.Two men caught the lion with a large net.(对画线部分提问) two men catch the lion?3.Liu Tao puts his things in order.(改为否定句)Liu Tao his things in order.4.My mother is good at cooking.(同义句转换)My mother cooking.5.My brother can play the guitar.(改为否定句)My brother the guitar.8、 阅读理解。A. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There was a tiger in the forest. One day, the tiger was hungry. He caught a fox and wanted to eat him. “You cant eat me,” said the fox, “I am the king of the animal.” “Really? I dont think so,” said the tiger. “If you dont believe me, follow me and see,” said the fox. Then the tiger walked after the fox in the forest. All the animals saw them and ran away. “You are right. You are the king of the animals. All the animals are afraid of you,” said the tiger. Then, he went away.( )1.The fox was hungry and wanted to eat the tiger. ( )2.The tiger didnt believe the fox at first.来源:学科网( )3.All the animals were afraid of the fox.( )4.The tiger did not eat the fox.( )5.The fox was clever.来源:Zxxk.ComB. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。In my family, we often eat beef, chicken, fish and lamb. We never eat porkpigs meat. Do you why? Because we are Islams. My friend never say “pig” or “ pork” to me. I like my friends.I want to be strong, just like an ox. I like eating chicken and beef. They are yummy and tasty. I also like dumping and I can make dumplings. They are traditional Chinese food.I also like to drink Coke. But my mom doesnt want me to drink Coke. She says it is not good for me. She gives me milk. I want to be a tall boy in my class! I like milk now. I dri
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