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必修四 Unit 5 课下语篇提能练.阅读理解(2019南宁高三毕业班联考)When we do the same movements with our bodies over and over again, we overuse some muscles. And the overuse can lead to strain (压力) and injury. Sometimes those problems can come from doing sports. But there is another cause of muscle problems: handheld technology devices.Staring down at your phone or tablet for long periods of time puts great tension on your neck. Experts say this posture puts strain on the entire upper body. Muscle strain linked to handheld technology has become such a common condition that it now has a name: tech_neck.Common symptoms of tech neck are neck pain, loss of feelings in your hands and fingers, headaches both mild and severe and poor posture. In the worst cases of tech neck, you can lose the strength of your hands and fingers.You can take simple steps to improve tech neck. Take breaks from using your technology. Stand up and stretch your legs often. Also, give your eyes a break by closing them now and then throughout the day. Do neck exercises. Experts at the website Spine Universe recommend these three neck stretches.1Chin (下巴) StretchMove your chin towards your chest. Hold for 5 seconds. The stretch should be comfortable from your neck to the base of your skull. Repeat 10 times.2Side LeanLean your head to the right. Bring your ear close to the shoulder. Hold for 20 seconds. Bring your head back to the center, and then lean it to the left, again holding for 20 seconds. Repeat 35 times on each side.3SidetoSide Head TurningTurn your chin towards your right shoulder. Hold for 20 seconds. Bring your head back to the center, and then turn it to the left, again holding for 20 seconds. Repeat 35 times on each side.And if your tech neck symptoms get worse, see a health care professional.1What does the underlined phrase “tech neck” in Paragraph 2 mean?ANeck pain caused by sports.BCure for diseases by technology.CProtection against problems with certain devices.DNeck problems caused by technology devices.解析:选D词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“Muscle strain linked to handheld technology has become such a common condition that it now has a name”可知,“tech neck”指的是与便携式科技设备有关的肌肉紧张,并且已经成为一种常见的疾病,同时结合该段首句中的“great tension on your neck”可知,选项D“科技设备造成的颈部问题”意思与之相近。所以选D。2Which of the following shows one of the correct gestures of “Side Lean”?解析:选B细节理解题。根据2.Side Lean部分的内容可知,该部分叙述的动作是把头靠向肩膀,让耳朵贴近肩膀,故选项B所示的姿势正确。所以选B。3What do the first and third neck exercises have in common?AShaking the head.BTouching the chest.CMoving the chin.DTurning in the same direction.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一个练习中的“Move your chin towards your chest.”和第三个练习中的“Turn your chin towards your right shoulder.”可知,这两套动作都涉及下巴的移动,所以选C。.完形填空(2019合肥市高三调研)Until a few years ago, I had what most people would call a good life.I had a _1_ job that paid the bills; I had a good family that I was close to, and I had a place to live and money in the bank for trips and _2_, and there was nothing much wrong in my life. _3_, I was bored.I wanted more.I wanted to live _4_ and loudly and make sharp memories instead of the _5_ones of everyday life.But I was _6_.I had never had any _7_ in myself.As a child, even buying something in a shop caused me a great deal of _8_, and even though I did get better as I got older, I never quite _9_ that childhood shyness.And I tried everything, like reading books about confidence.I also took tiny steps leading to my goals.But none of them really _10_.So I_11_ that the small steps werent enough.I signed up for an internship (实习期的工作) of teaching English in Vietnam, an _12_ huge step, one that _13_ me as much as it excited me.And then the day came and I left my home and my loved ones.I was alone in a country where the food was _14_ and the streets were unfamiliar.I had no idea whether I would be able to _15_ everything that this very strange environment would _16_ at me.I spent five months in Vietnam, teaching, exploring and laughing. Id learned to _17_ myself, my skills, my abilities and my decisions.I returned home_18_, even to myself, let alone to others.The _19_ that had controlled my life and the selfdoubt were_20_.That one big chance changed everything for me,and in me.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者通过去异国他乡支教从而改变人生的励志故事。1A.stableBtemporaryCdifficult Ddemanding解析:选A根据上文中的“Until a few years ago, I had what most people would call a good life.”可推知,之前作者的生活过得不错,有收入稳定的工作,故选A。stable“稳定的”;temporary“暂时的”;demanding“要求高的”。2A.tips BrewardsCtreats Dfines解析:选C根据空前的“money in the bank for trips”可推知,作者生活舒适,有出去旅游和款待他人的资金。treat 在此作名词,意为“款待”。tip“小费,窍门”;reward“奖赏,回报”;fine“罚款”。3A.Thus BInsteadCOtherwise DHowever解析:选D根据语境可知,空处的前后内容之间存在逻辑上的转折关系,故选D。4A.easily BbrightlyCpeacefully Dmodestly解析:选B根据空后的“loudly”可推知,作者对之前的美好生活并不满足,想生活得更加充满活力(brightly)。5A.bitter BclearCgrey Dsweet解析:选C根据上文中的“I was bored”可推知,作者厌倦了之前单调乏味的(grey
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