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冀教版五年级英语下册第二单元测试题姓名 得分 一、补全单词。(10分)1.h lp帮助2.t ed疲劳的 3.pe le人们4.s y说5.p ture照片 6.w t等候 7. sy容易的8.m y许多 9.afr d畏惧 10.w rry担忧二、写出下列单词的正确形式。(15分)1、arrive(现在分词) 2、child(复数) 3、know(同音词) 4、men(单数) 5、difficult(反义词) 6、luck(形容词) 7、photo(同义词) 8、shop(现在分词) 9、old(最高级) 10、km(完全形式) 三、选出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1、A、sing B、doing C、 taking D、flying( )2、A、likes B、shops C、 pants D、women( )3、A、what B、how C、where D、with( )4、A、beautiful B、good C、luck D、windy( )5、A、can B、write C、 look D、fall 四、选择填空。(30分)( )1.May I your picture? A、cake B、take C、desk D、 do( )2.Boys and girls are . A、men B、women C、 children D、people( )3.Danny and jenny know the great wall. A、about B、with C、 of D、 for( )4.This is .Jenny can fly a kite.A、 loud B、quiet C、 hard D、easy( )5. arm is hurt.A、Dannys B、Dannys C、 Dannys D、 Danny( )6.I want to buy gifts my family.A、To B、for C、give D、at( )7.Can you find the children cards? A、play B、plays C、 playing D、 to play( )8.Dont draw write on the Potala Palace. A、but B、and C、or D、/( )9.He does not go to the great wall is not a true man A、that B、what C、 whose D、 who( )10.Can you with us? A、run B、runing C、running D、 runs( )11、They are their way the hotel.A、in,to B、 on,to C、to,to D、on,for( )12、My friend arrive Beijing 14:00.A、in,in B、at,in C、in,at D、at,at( )13、There are people on the square.A、much B、more C、a D、many( )14、dont afraid.A、am B、be C、is D、are( )15、you are busy.A、too B、for C、so D、much( )16、Let us TV ,ok?A、watch B、watches C、watching D、watched( )17、How many are there?A、bus B、buss C、buses D、a bus( )18、Danny looks 15 shops.A、on B、for C、of D、 in( )19、They need a train.A、take B、takes C、to take D、taking( )20、He hurt arm.A、he B、him C、hes D、his五、给左栏句子选择适当的答案。(5分)( )1. Can Jenny fly a kite? A. Its 3:00.( )2.Whats this ? B. Its Jenny.( )3. What can you see? C. Yes, she can.( )4.What time is it now? D. This is a camera.( )5.Who is flying a kite ? E. Some old tables and chairs.六、选词填空。(15分)1.on with under near of at in behind to about(1)、You can walk the cinema me.(2)、Is there a hospital your house?(3)、There arrive the train station now.(4)、Zhaxi is afraid the snakes.(5)、I go to school foot every morning.(6)、Jenny sees a man the tree.(7)、Lets look the window.(8)、She is talking to the girl you.(9)、Do you know more the animal?2.how long how far how many how much how old(1)、 is your brother? Hes 20.(2)、 is it from the school to the park? Its about 100 metres.(3)、 books on the desk? I dont know.(4) 、 is the river? More than 5000 kilometers.(5)、 for the tea? 26yuan .七、用单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1、Some boys (fly) kits now.2、“I love shopping.” (say)Danny.3、Today is hot and (sun).4、The palace museum is about 600 (year) old.5、Please (stand) beside her.6、He (run) to the restaurant.7、 (not go) to the park!8、 What (do )he have? A big panda.9、 Lets (keep) it clean and beautiful.10、We are (luck) to see it.八、句型转换。(10分)1、Its 15:00.(对划线部分提问) the time?2、There is a baby and a people.(变成复数句)There and .3、I am a true man.(改成一般疑问句) a true man? 4、A child flies a kite.(改为现在进行时)A child a kite. 5、The palace is red and yellow.(对划线部分提问) the palace?
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