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Oil production plant party secretary, deeds materials (outstanding party workers, deeds materials)(采油厂党委书记事迹材料(优秀党 Oil productionplant party secretary,deeds materials(outstanding party workers,deeds materials)(采油厂党委书记事迹材料(优秀党务工作者事迹材料))Oil productionplant party secretary,deeds materials(outstanding partyworkers,deeds materials)(采油厂党委书记事迹材料(优秀党务工作者事迹材料))Oil productionplant party secretary,deeds materials(outstanding partyworkers,deeds materials)Oil productionplant partysecretary,deeds materials(excellent partyworkers,deeds materials)xx-12-20,15:13:06The innovationof thediligent andHonest PartySecretary061base*Innovation isthe soulof Tahe spirit,innovation isthe pithof Northwest Petroleum people,and innovation is alsoa reflectionof thework practiceof oilproduction*Party mitteesecretary*.As the partysecretaryof the party heled a group ofpeople,to maximizethe mobilizationof allcadres and workersenthusiasm andcreativity,for oil*overfulfiled milliontons ofproduction taskprovides areliable andpowerful ideologicalguarantee motivation.In aninnovative and realistic style of thinkingandworkstyle,we havecarried out the importantthought ofThree Represents,and havecarried outthe sacredduty ofan excellentpartyworker.It has been supportedby the masses of Party membersand workers.Change yourrole bylearning and adapt yourselfto a new positionLast September,*party apaper transferorder,are Tahe oilfield keyprojects asa project manager for the*production transferredto Tahe,more lethim thinkthat when the partysecretary,this jobis newand strangeto him.In theface of new positionsand newchallenges,he does not shrinkback,but useslearning tochange rolesand adapthimself tonew positions.He knewto bea goodChristmas*Party monitor,you mustfirst havea solidtheoretical foundation,therefore,he putthe learningpolicies of thepartyand theDeng Xiaopingtheory and the importantthought ofThree Representsas the first need.In additionto therelevant documentsof the Party mitteelike hungerand thirstto learn,every dayhe wouldspare twohours,seriously studythe importantarticles inpeoples dailyand seekingtruth magazine,enrich themind armedwith scientifictheory and innovative ideas.In orderto quicklylearn thetheoretical knowledge,learning helike hungerand thirstto Party building,ideological and political work and enterprise culture theoryguide books,learn to use,in avery shortperiod oftime,he pletedthe conversionfrom anoutsider tothe professionalrole,like adecent modelwhenthe Secretary of thepartyCommittee,spoke a set ofasetthe deploymentof everythingin goodorder andwell arranged.Gold glitterswherever itis Wherethe goldcan shine,theSecretary of theCentral Committeehas realizedhis valueagain in the newpost.He led the Party mittee to focus oncrude oilproduction,and insistedon both hands,bothhandsshould behard,and promoteoil extractionof materialcivilization,political civilizationand spiritualcivilization toanewlevel.The mainachievements of the newjob formore thana yearcan besummed upin fouraspects.That is,one is tofocuson the central taskto carry outthe production enterpriseideological andpolitical work,realize thesynchronization of three civilizationconstruction;the twois tograsp theThree Basicseffect,with theskills petitionfor thecharacteristics of the trainingactivities promotedthe construction ofthreekinds ofpersonnel;the threeistograsp theenterprise culture construction has achieved remarkableresults,has beenbasically theformation of oil*oil characteristiulture system;four isthe leadingand efficientpletion of the task of educationon Party membersadvancement,creating anew situationof Ideologicalandpolitical work.In this year tocarryoutthe educationon Partymembersadvancement ofCommunist activities,*careful studyof documents,elaborate arrangements,to improvethe quality ofPartymembers,strengthen grassrootsorganizations,serve themasses of workers,promote theworkas thegoal,is earnestand pragmatic,plete therequired action,and bined with thefactory situationthe truthand innovation,good choiceaction willmake activityof advancedsex educationis freshand vivid.By theautonomous regionof thesteering group,Sinopec Groupand theinspection bureauParty mittees praise,the groupalso putthe experienceof theParty mitteeof the*typical promotionin enterprisesdirectly underthe secondbatch ofCommunist educationon Partymembersadvancement trainingclass activities.Through the development ofadvanced activities,Partybuilding,discipline inspection,trade unionsand thework of the CommunistYouth Leaguehave beenfurther institutionalizedand standardized,and a long-term mechanismfor Partybuilding has been established.The firsteducation activitieshe alsocreatively putforward thethree threematch,Four goinpractice advancedactivities,and takethe lead in theimplementation of,often underthe grassrootsresearch,guidance grassrootswork,and achievedgood results.Through advancededucation activities,grass-roots Party branch with thecentraltaskof the production
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