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金融软件测试与管理1.从风险性质角度开展金融市场业务系统测试与管理,有效控制金融市场业务操作风险(汇率控制、账户控制),协助控制金融市场业务市场风险(即期平仓)与信用风险(外汇双向保证金)2.运用风险管理基本流程:业务风险识别(高风险、低风险)、度量(笔数、金额等)与控制(优先性、测试频率)3.以风险控制目标为导向:生产事件数4.加强风险控制过程管理:前移、适应性测试、例行化测试、回归测试、投产演练测试;测试进度管理;测试问题管理(时效、质量、数量等)1.As the leader of system-testing project, I apply mature procedure and method of project management to control the project risk, like study forward, multiple-testing and system drilling. 2.Test and design the functions of banking system to support business personnel in doing business exactly and efficiently3.Through realizing the system control functions, like customers account correct control, we control the operational risk from teller or customer.4.We use risk management functions of our own system or peripheral system, like forex position squaring, to control the market risk from financial transactions.5.We realize the credit management functions of system, like margins calculation and control, to control the credit risks from customers.6.We apply the risk management procedure and method to control the running risk of the system: First, distinguish the high-level risk functions of the system, like accounting. Second, measure the risk by importance, like frequency or amount. Last, control the risk by enhancing design and deepening test.
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